Now that Congress has recessed until September 7, and state legislative sessions are over, FAIR has posted a handy summary of where the immigration policy issue presently stands, both at the federal and state level.
Visit FAIR’s Website for a quick reference of important state actions, hot issues and pending Congressional legislation for 2011 so far. As always, we will closely monitor events and promise to keep you updated throughout the summer recess and beyond. Check back with us frequently for the very latest.
What about jobs in Wisconsin that are demanding people be bilingual because illegals don’t want to learn English? I have contacted a couple of companies, one for profit, and one non-profit. They both responded saying there were do many Spanish-speaking people, they needed people that are bilingual. When Wisconsin is reeling from unemployment this spanish-speaking requirement is an impediment to getting a job. And contrary to popular opinion these are good jobs, not under the table jobs. Many of the people that are out of work are older and do not have the time to learn another language. And why should they? This is America. People who come here from other countries should learn English.
The government and business are turning there backs on Americans! We need jobs, we have contributed to the American way of life. We should not have to learn another language that is being forced on us. I for one will not be voting for anyone you does not take a stand against illegals and putting Americans back to work.
Everyone are saying that our immigration system is broken and its needs to be fix, I agree . But when is it going to be fixed? when the very same people who are saying it needs to be fix, are the same very people that are opposing and blocking any type of immigration reform. I think is about time for our congress men and women, senators to stop playing politics with national affairs for their own political gains and do the right things the nation send them to do. Immigration reform has long been talked about, but nothing is being done. What’s the problem?
At lease it put more money into the country. Now that the country is going broke as most people are saying, which of course I know America will never be broke, Immigration reform will bring about billions of dollars in fines that will be impose on illegal immigrants.
So please law makers just think about this.