Politicians talk incessantly about job creation, yet who among them is proposing curtailing immigration as a way to put Americans back to work? Growing the U.S. population at a faster rate than the economy is not a “jobs plan,” it’s an ongoing disaster for American workers.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released its numbers for October showing the unemployment rate dropping to 9.0% with 80,000 jobs added to the economy. This hasn’t generated much enthusiasm from commentators. As one market analyst put it, “things are so bad that this looks good.” While it is good news that the unemployment rate did not go up, this does not necessarily mean that there are fewer people in the United States who are out of work; only that according to government metrics there were fewer people in the United States “unemployed” in October than there were in September.
Why is the economy not gaining traction, even with net job gains? A key reason is that the U.S. economy cannot keep up with population growth, and economists recognize that the rate of job creation is far too low for there to be much improvement in unemployment over the long-term. The Economic Policy Institute found in February 2010 that in order to keep up with population growth the U.S. economy would need to add 400,000 jobs every month for three years just to get back to the pre-recession employment level. Suffice it to say, we are well off that pace.
The better gauge of the employment situation in the United States is the U-6 measure, which is the number of workers involuntarily working part-time and so-called “marginally attached” workers — those who want to work and are seeking employment intermittingly, and those who have given up hope of finding work due to the condition of the job market. For October, the U-6 was 16.2 percent representing just over 25 million people. The U-6 measure has been over 16 percent since June. Sustained unemployment and underemployment are the reasons economists are so pessimistic about our ongoing “recovery.”
The U.S. working-age population grew by 198,000 between September and October. Included in that number are those who choose not to work for a variety of reasons, but the BLS does count those who are “not in the labor force…who currently want a job.” This number grew by 162,000 in October 2011 and has increased by 536,000 since October 2010. These persons are not considered “officially” unemployed.
Immigration accounted for more than half of the U.S. population growth since 2000, and the foreign-born population is growing four times faster than the native-born. Immigration (including guest worker programs) adds about 1.5 million new workers to the United States every year. Those who defend these policies argue that immigration grows the economy and creates jobs. If that were true, our unemployment rate would be going down, which clearly it is not. In the face of sustained high levels of immigration, this problem is not going to go away any time soon.
Good column.
I have been following the reporting on the unemployment rate closely, and I constantly see that the rate of any new jobs created is not keeping up with “population growth.” Of course, I never (yes, never) see reporting on the huge impact that immigration has on our population growth.
I guess we just have to accept the fact that the national media will never report on immigration honestly, objectively and thoroughly.
WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW—HURTS? Illegal Immigration, Voter fraud and E-Verify.
Every American can do their part, to insure that ‘THE LEGAL WORKFORCE ACT’ (H.R.2885) and get to the floor of the House of Representatives. It’s the only way to get future satisfaction of saving the billions of dollars we give reluctantly, to illegal aliens. E-Verify–the bill would require 100% of businesses to begin using E-Verify for all new hires within 2 years and require all federal and state governments to check new hires and existing employees within 6 months. Although the official figures estimates there are only 11.5 million illegal aliens in the US, other reputable organizations exceeds this number by at least another 10 million. Of these 8.5 foreign nations have claimed a job unlawfully, while 22 to 24 million citizens and legally here residents are unemployed. These are non-agricultural numbers and this could be reduced by the immediate vote of ‘The legal Workforce Act.’
Unknown numbers of illegal families began departing Arizona, Alabama, South Carolina, with the introduction of harsh policing laws and headed for other states with more flexible immigration laws—California and Nevada included. Sanctuary States will be overwhelmed, with economic illegal aliens, looking for free money and other easy accessed welfare benefits. Thousands of American workers are already replacing the illegal absconders, as business have no option but to look elsewhere for labor. The days of cheap illegal labor is over and so are the big profits they have for years.
There is no time to wait, as E-Verify must become mandatory, instead as it is now—voluntary. Hundreds of thousands of businesses are now hooked up to the electronic program and can now vet their workers. Businesses that are not using E-Verify needs to learn an expensive lesson of harsh fines, company profit confiscation and prison for hiring unauthorized labor. Rick Perry unlike most of the others, is true GOP establishment and not a member of the TEA PARTY leadership.
Citizens and legal residents must challenge the Republicans dominated House and insist on E-Verify. The ‘Ways and Means Committee led by Majority Speak John Boehner (R-OH) must adopt the Mandatory E-Verify Bill (H.R. 2885.) and should be bombarded with insistent voters. Reps. Chip Cravaack (R-Minn.), Tim Johnson (R-Ill.), Reps. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.V.) and Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) , Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) have cosponsored House Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith’s Legal Workforce Act (H.R.2885), with new members to sponsor in the forthcoming wings. Not sure what to do? Go to NumbersUSA web site, where you can freely fax politicians or you can also can locate them through this phone number at 202-224-312; the Congressional Switchboard.
Monday, November 7, 2011 currently has 100 sponsors and 57 co-sponsors.
Our freedoms and liberty are under constant attack by the Liberals, Democrats and even hard core Republicans, so that’s why everybody is fed up with the usual trash from Washington; ‘The Quid Pro Quo’ should join the massive population of the growing TEA PARTY. We must anticipate that in the 2011 Presidential race, the impending gubernatorial and state legislative elections in Louisiana, Mississippi and West Virginia will be electing governors. . In addition, 578 state legislative seats are available, with the majority of these in Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey and Virginia where the fate of politicians are in the hands of voters. ILLEGAL ALIENS HAVE BEEN VOTING AND WILL IN THE FUTURE. Democrats are looking the other way, as this has been happening nationwide. We must be watchful of Congressman as Keith Ellison, who could cripple our voting system. Ellison would weaken our nation’s policies even more so, than the voting regulations are already so poorly enforced.
In agriculture, the dairy industry for decades they have been substantial subsidies, but that has not filtered through to the illegal workers. Poor wages and even poorer conditions will not bring US citizens and lawful residents to the farmers or others need. The American people are finally aware that the farmers do not pay for the hospital care in case of injury, sickness and that all their children go to public schools and these benefits; fall in to the US taxpayers lap to pay. Eventually a uniform system of tracking agricultural worker, with employment visa over-stays deported.
Georgia’s Secretary of State’s office is obligated to administer elections and investigate allegations of voter fraud. Brian P. Kemp, who is Georgia Secretary of State, said that Georgia’s elections are among the most secure in the nation, and we take every measure possible to guarantee the integrity, security, and fairness of our elections process. Election voter fraud undermines the very foundations of our great state and country, and will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Then in the Liberal Progressive window or a leftist Democrat Congressman called Keith Ellison from Minnesota’s wants to impose on his state a slack election system and also on the rest of this sovereign nation. This moron has introduced two bills to impose the worst two aspects of Minnesota’s system on the entire country. This arrangement undermines election integrity and trust we used to share as citizens.
This Democrat “Same Day Registration Act” H.R. 3316 and its attendant H.R. 3317 would involve all states to allow unconfirmed voters to register and vote on Election Day. This would be outrageous enough and is mild compared to being infuriated by the second bill, namely “Voter Access Protection Act,” which would forbid states from requiring voters to show photo ID. Perhaps 25 years ago—but not anymore, when we have notorious groups like Acorn, caught using low-life’s collecting hundreds of thousands of registrations, which should have been flushed down the toilet. Democrats are out to win the presidential race, in any way they can—and have, as ACORN was prosecuted by numerous state attorneys for fraudulent voter registrations. Its federal funding dropped a supposedly dismantled, but however it has resurfaced in New York under a new name. To me and I’m sure to tens of millions of TEA PARTY members this is beyond incredulous, that any politician would try to destroy what little is left of our freedoms. Under no restraint H.R. 3316, in expelling all photo identification necessities, and H.R. 3317, that would allow people to walk into a polling station, register and vote straight away in all 50 states. GOD HELP US!
America can no longer support the poverty entering this country. If we don’t look after our own veterans, our own homeless, how we supposed to be the PPO health care for the world. This is an invitation to financial disaster, when large parts of the 16 percent living in poverty are illegal migrants and immigrants
Rep. Ellison states his proposals are needed to “curb voter suppression” and shield the rights of young, elderly and minority voters, except photo ID laws in 14 other states have been challenged in America and state Supreme Courts and plaintiffs have no evidence that a single voter would be disenfranchised by those laws. Perhaps Mr. Ellison should investigate the growing trend of illegal aliens or even permanent residence, either by being misled by registration canvassers or using ‘The Motor Voter’ bill to vote. This is extremely dangerous in very close races and has been prevalent in many states throughout the nation. Hopefully the citizens of Vermont see through this reckless law, and drive this unpatriotic fool from Montpelier.
The state of Georgia maintains a website for US citizens or any individual to inform the Secretary of State of violations in their voting law. In fact every American state should provide a website to report this serious wrongdoing, as it is undermining the basic foundation of citizen’s right to vote. This is not just a threat within a the polling stations, but where anybody could walk in and profess to be a citizen, Under bills introduced by Rep. Ellison brought to Congress or in his own state of Vermont would have irredeemable consequence to our electoral system. , One of the easiest documents to forge—is the absentee ballot. Outside of the influence of a Secretary of State’s Elections Division is easily compromised.
We already have almost indescribable problems with the illegal aliens side-stepping our borders, or slipping through air terminals. Every American state should power their politicians to supply a law, that every American has a government photo ID to vote. In addition today when our country is carrying a near 15 Trillion deficit, we need to start repatriating all illegal foreign nationals. When our elderly cannot find a seat in a clogged emergency room, as the hospital has become overpopulated with illegal parents and their children. That these impoverished people have no conception of the cost for a minor infection, an Aspirin or major treatment. That these are unfunded mandates, which include the education of their many children, is carried by the US taxpayers.
Overcrowded public school classroom, congested hospital emergency waiting rooms, is what’s seen above the surface—the massive financial costs are hidden below. Over a $113 Billion dollars is attributed to subsidizing foreign aliens, so surveyed by a Heritage foundation report.
No matter where these undocumented are from, they must go home. This is where Lamar Smiths E-VERIFY is so urgently important. The ‘LEGAL WORKFORCE ACT’ will shift the legal responsibility, over to the employer. They will be charged with insuring every worker fills in a I-9 form and identifies the recipient, who has been hired. That the business owner checks their ’Right to Work’ verification through the federal E-Verify process. Those who are ineligible can verify their lawful status, through appearing at the nearest Social Security office, to rectify any problem. Of course No Liberal associated newspaper pass this information, staying silent about any irregularities as they are determined to cripple any chance of this commonsense bill from becoming law.