This past June, President Obama bypassed Congress and stunned the nation by unilaterally enacting a deferred action amnesty for young illegal aliens. At that time, many groups – including FAIR – estimated that upwards of 1.7 million people might apply but were dismissed as alarmists by amnesty advocates claiming that only a small number of select individuals would qualify. Yet, based on the current flood of applicants, and future projections by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano, that initial estimate appears astonishingly accurate.
From August 15 to the third week of October, about 200,000 illegal aliens submitted applications seeking relief from deportation and asking for work authorization. As confirmed by Napolitano, about 3000 illegal aliens are flooding the United States Customs and Immigration Service (USCIS) every day with applications. Based on the current rate, 416,000 applications can be expected by the end of this year.
The large volume of applications for deferred action, however, is likely to intensify in 2013, as Napolitano told a panel of educators this week, “I suspect that we may see a bulge of applications after the New Year when there’s either this administration or a new administration and when the policies are going to become clearer.” This is one time we believe her. Illegal aliens may need a bit more time, clarity and more assurances that submitting applications will not subject them to deportation. Despite the fact that the deferred action guidelines prohibit a denied applicant from being “referred to ICE for purposes of removal,” some illegal aliens apparently remain cautious about coming forward to apply. As more applications are submitted and approved, that hesitation will dissipate, the ‘bandwagon” effect will kick in, and a mad dash for amnesty will increase the volume.
Napolitano didn’t suggest just exactly how big a bulge of applications could be expected next year but even if it were a 25% increase, USCIS could be on the receiving end of 3750 applications a day in 2013. At that pace – combined with this year’s total of 416,000 – by the end of next year, 1,784,750 applications will have been received. This total would be just slightly over the original estimates.
Given that almost 15% of the entire illegal alien population in the U.S. will be seeking amnesty, it begs the question of how the massive glut of applications can be carefully reviewed for background checks, how national security concerns are being addressed and how many applications will be ultimately approved.
Currently, the government is approving about 162 applications per day. Even at that rate, USCIS would be hard-pressed to properly review each application. But with 3000 new applications arriving each and every day, at what point does the backlog become so overwhelming – and the political pressure so intense – that USCIS simply implements a rubber-stamping assembly line?
They are finding out during these proceedings what I knew all along. Illegal aliens are using their own childrens and siblings social security numbers to stay in the U.S, the ones that already have jobs, homes, cars ect…and the DHS is not punishing them for this crime but with this work permit they are doling out SS#’s as well. Is this not breaking the LAW is this not AIDING AND ABETTING ILLEGAL ALIENS?
I am upset with Romney for saying he would not take away this work permit if the ILLEGAL ALIENS paid for one.
What about the criminal aspect of being here in the first place. The children are not stupid , they had to have graduated from schools to get this work visa, they know english they know we have immigration laws but they stayed anyway. That is still breaking the law.
I’m terrified to think what may happen in this country if this continues, American Citizens are fed up with the illegal alien invasion and the government not doing anything about it. Giving out work Visas now with the unemployment the way it is, is unfathomable.
Did you know that La Raza are the ones that are outlining our IMMIGRATION LAWS, right now by passing congress They are the ones responsible for this “deferred action.” The american citizens were ambushed by the Mexican Consulate as well. Remember when they came to the U.S to hand out Mexican Martricular ID? Well they dated them 5 years forward because they have been planning this all along.
Mexico is not our ALLY and we need to start making them accountable for their own citizens coming to this country illegally and their crimes. I watch BORDER WARS and I see mexicans in the river waving at helicopters laughing at us because the Mexican government does nothing to prevent these border crossings. I do not think Mitt Romney will do anything either to prevent illegals from coming here or do anything about our border with mexico but I do think U.S citizens will start to do something about it on their own and it is not going to be pretty.
I am sick of reading these kinds of coments. I have traveled all over and have seen such hadred towards other as I see here in the united states and it is nothing but white people whom think and say these things. What are you people afraid of? I mean really. These people were and still do jobs that you think you are to good to do but yet hate to see someone try to fend for there families. I know understand why other foriegn countries view the united states the way they do. BY THE WAY I AM A UNITED STATES CITIZEN.
CORRECTIONS I am just so angry at reading this crap. I have not seen the amount of hatred as I SEE HERE HERE IIN THE UNITED STATES NO where else that i have traveled. I do understand why the states are hated , I at times. I am a United States Citizen and you people say even worse about my being here. Just sick sorry but it is what it is.
Well Its Wonderful the IAs are On an Linearly Increasing Line to Overpopulate the Total Labor Force
Meanwhile, my local area’s Seattle/Bellevue/Everett Total Labor Force has been basically STAGNANT at 1.9M the last 3 years under Obama. That’\’s all my neighborhood needs is more overpopulation in this quagmire.
Not topical, but is FAIR ever going to enable a useable comment forum as they had before??? This current system/format is ridicoulous, no one will visit here anymore as most news postings are old and Patriots have read already from other sources??, Making posters go thru hoops in an anemic environment is a loser unless FAIR does want input?? I guess FAIR didn’t like what we had to say!!!???…From personal experience, The open-borders crowd sure did???