True Grit Wins Judge’s Approval of Hardship Amnesty

If you are an illegal alien resident and you are in deportation proceedings, how do you convince an immigration judge that you should be spared deportation and given amnesty under the hardship provision of the law? A North Carolina resident appears to have done so by leaving the hospital after delivering her sixth child and four hours later appearing before the immigration judge to plead her case. The woman’s attorney said that her appearance in court despite recently giving birth swayed the judge opinion in her favor. The federal government now has 30 days to appeal the decision.

House GOP Has Secret Immigration Working Group

“With an immigration overhaul on next year’s agenda, House Republicans must decide which members of their conference will play a visible role in the negotiations — an important consideration for a party that is struggling to attract Latino voters,” RollCall reports.

“Meanwhile, a bipartisan working group in the House has quietly started discussions on an immigration overhaul that both parties can support. A similar bipartisan group is holding discussions in the Senate; it includes Republicans Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Mike Lee of Utah and incoming Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona.”

“The membership roster of the House group, however, is being guarded closely by lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, underscoring the political sensitivity — particularly among Republicans — surrounding an immigration overhaul in that chamber.”

Democrats Oppose STEM Legislation

“On Friday the Republican-controlled House passed a bill to increase immigration for high-skilled “STEM” (science, technology, engineering, and math) workers and to also cancel the immigration lottery, in which about 55,000 visas are awarded at random to among the millions who apply,” says Washington Post blogger Jennifer Rubin.

“Democrats opposed the bill even though Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Tex.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, added a provision intended to allow family members of immigrants to wait in the United States while they await green cards.”

We Need Better Assimilation of New Immigrants

“The fundamental immigration problem America needs to solve is not how to keep people out, but how to more successfully and rapidly integrate them when they arrive,” says Lawrence E. McCullough, media director for the Hall Institute of Public Policy.

“We can begin by bolstering two current strategies that have proved to accelerate immigrant integration: newcomer schools for youth and expanded citizenship classes for adults. Since the 1980s, many public school districts have offered voluntary special programs called “newcomer schools” that provide intensive education designed to help newly arrived students transition into the mainstream education system and general American life.”

As Expected, Romney Insiders Blame Immigration Not Economic Policy for Hispanic Vote showing

“Mitt Romney and his team are not eager to dwell on regrets. But his campaign manager now says that the forceful posture taken against immigration in the Republican primary inflicted lingering damage with Latino voters in the general election,” the New York Times reports.

“One month after Election Day, advisers in both parties are still studying President Obama’s victory by an Electoral College margin of 332 to 206. One of the examinations took place last week at Harvard University, where strategists gathered for a conference that has been held after every presidential election since 1972.”

Ponzi Logic is Very Appealing When Discussing Entitlements

It’s no secret that Ponzi logic is very appealing when discussing entitlement programs. In particular, Social Security is seen as the perfect example of why we need more immigration by people convinced of this logic.

Jordan Weissmann at the Atlantic is the latest to embrace the Ponzi logic of mass immigration. “The recession brought migration from Mexico to a net halt and forced families to hold off on children. As a result, our fertility fell below replacement level. It may recover somewhat as the economy heals,” he says.

“In the meantime, we still have a population problem to fix. It’s not simply a matter of needing a bigger tax base for Medicare. It’s that the U.S. economy needs a certain level of growth to survive. Without it, we won’t be to pay down our national debt, at least not without eviscerating the rest of the federal budget, and risking our economy. We need it to fuel stock prices and make ourselves an attractive places for foreign businesses to invest.”

FAIR’s report on Social Security from the Greenspan era is still relevant today.

About Author


Dan is the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)'s President after joining the organization in 1982. He has testified more than 50 times before Congress, and been cited in the media as "America's best-known immigration reformer." Dan has appeared on virtually every significant TV and radio news/talk program in America and, in addition to being a contributing editor to, has contributed commentaries to a vast number of print media outlets.


  1. avatar

    I’d think that Latinos would be ashamed that immigration is “their” issue because this is a way of saying that most illegal aliens are Latino and citizens of that heritage justify their lawbreaking because they are part of their genetic tribe.

  2. avatar

    There are so many illegals here now taking money from taxpayers all of Washington should be ashamed. It is so unfair to needy Americans who get turned down for any of this great help. There are lots of truly needy in this country who get turned down all because so many illegals are being put ahead of Americans. As long as I live I will vote out any politician who gives any vote to allow amnesty in any form. They come because of the free stuff and because Obama will eventually grant them their citizenship. It will not matter about those who have been waiting legally for a long time to enter here. He will wave them on in too. Our country will no longer be ours. We will no longer have a immigration system that lets immigrants blend in with us a few at a time so as to not overwhelm us. Get ready to have our borders stormed the day they open the border.

  3. avatar

    Will the judge be paying for all the welfare she will be collecting? And on what basis is that a decision for a verdict? If you arrive early to court can you get five years off a sentence?