Congresswoman Hires Illegal Alien Amnestied by Obama to do Illegal Alien Outreach

Sentencing for Scammers Who Sold Fake Cuban Birth Documents

“U.S. District Judge Cecilia Altonaga is expected Friday to sentence members of a network who sold false Cuban birth certificates to undocumented immigrants so they could pretend to be Cubans and obtain green cards,” the Miami Herald reports.

“Thanks to the 1966 Cuban Adjustment Act, Cubans who arrive in the United States without a visa can remain in the country and apply for residence after a year and one day. This immigration benefit is available only to people who can prove they are Cuban citizens.”

New Utah A.G. Says Guest Work Plan Not a Priority

“New Attorney General John Swallow’s Office has wasted no time in pushing to the back burner one of his predecessor’s priority projects: coming up with an agreement that would streamline the process for legal workers to come to Utah from the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon,” the Salt Lake Tribune reports.

“Brian Tarbet, general counsel to Swallow, told the Commission on Immigration and Migration on Thursday that establishing the agreement signed into law by Gov. Gary Herbert in March 2011 wasn’t a priority in the new administration.”

Former Playmate Charged With Smuggling Boyfriend to U.S.

“The self-proclaimed ‘world’s sexiest DJ’ may also now take on the additional title of world’s sexiest immigrant smuggler.
A former Playboy magazine playmate is facing federal charges that she tried to smuggle her Canadian boyfriend across the border – in a Bentley,” Fox News Latino writes. “Authorities say Colleen Shannon, 34, was an accomplice in a plot to sneak her Canadian boyfriend Robert Skojo across the border last year into the United States by boat across the Akwesasne Indian Reservation.”

Congresswoman Hires Illegal Alien Amnestied by Obama to do Illegal Alien Outreach

“An immigration activist who’s one of the leaders of the Dream Act movement is joining the staff of U.S. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema as a district outreach director . . . [Erika] Andiola entered the U.S. illegally from Mexico but has work authorization for two years by way of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, the deportation-relief offered by President Barack Obama to immigrants eligible for the Dream Act,” the Huffington Post writes.

About Author


Dan is the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)'s President after joining the organization in 1982. He has testified more than 50 times before Congress, and been cited in the media as "America's best-known immigration reformer." Dan has appeared on virtually every significant TV and radio news/talk program in America and, in addition to being a contributing editor to, has contributed commentaries to a vast number of print media outlets.


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    The Castro brothers have declared that pretty much anyone who wants to leave Cuba for a visit or as a tourist can do so. The problem is these won’t be visits, they will be people coming directly to this country and staying. There will also be many others who will go to third countries like Mexico, proceed to the border, and then claim asylum in this country which is automatically granted in almost every case. We already have 38,000 people a year coming and those numbers are going to greatly increase. Another sellout for votes from Cubans in the swing state of Florida, and at the expense of citizens who will have to pay for the schools, roads and other costs. Not to mention that rents in south Florida are sky high to begin with. And a lot of these people will be low income and end up on programs like Medicaid and SSI, which is Social Security for people who never put a dime into the program.

    It is beyond comprehension that the Utah “guest worker” program is still being discussed. Where is a flat out statement from this administration that this is clearly unconstitutional on any level. There are constant complaints when states merely attempt to enforce national immigration laws already on the books. But no state, under any circumstances, is allowed to sign any agreements with a foreign government that undermines the authority of the national government. And it is the federal government that regulates entry into this country. Just another instance where this administration only enforces the laws on immigration they like.

    • avatar

      Yes Leland

      Its like self-deportation, enforcing existing immigration laws on the books isn’t a costly bill or lengthy process either.

      That’s why the Dem/Reps for open borders won’t do it.