Amnesty Would Cost Trillions

Amnesty Would Cost Trillions

“Robert Rector, a senior research fellow with the Heritage Foundation, expects the bipartisan immigration reform proposal, which includes a path to citizenship, will end up costing taxpayers more over time than the trillion-dollar calculations he testified to during debate over the 2007 immigration reform bill,” the Daily Caller says.

“According to Rector, the majority of the undocumented immigrants who would eventually be legalized by the legislation are largely uneducated, and therefore more likely to be dependent on government assistance. Fifty to 60 percent of the new immigrants are high school dropouts, and 75-80 percent have no more than a high school degree.”

House Members Craft Secret Amnesty Bill

“[S]everal sources familiar with the work of the House [amnesty]group said that it has come to a general consensus on a number of issues despite coming from different ideological places,” Politico reports. “The biggest sticking point is most likely their differing views on offering illegal immigrants a pathway to citizenship. In an interview with POLITICO on Monday, Rep. Labrador said he supports the principles that the Senate laid out but insisted that “creating a new pathway” to citizenship for undocumented workers “is not a good idea.” It would encourage more illegal immigration, he said.”

Sen. Paul – GOP Must Evolve on Immigration

“Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Wednesday that Republicans must ‘evolve’ on immigration while preventing America from becoming a magnet for immigrants to come and get benefits. ‘We cannot just be a beacon for everyone to come here on benefits,’ Paul said on conservative commentator Bryan Fischer’s radio program Wednesday,” Politico reports.

“‘You can’t have open borders in a welfare state. We’ve got a pretty significant welfare state, so it’s not just about normalizing the 11 or 12 million here, it’s whether or not while you’re doing that another 11 or 12 million come in, and I think that will bankrupt the country,’ Paul said.”

Ann Coulter – Rubio Plan a Path to GOP Oblivion

“Apart from finding out that Barack Obama did far worse in his re-election than nearly any other incumbent who won re-election, the only thing that perked me up after Nov. 6 was coming across a Time magazine published after the 2004 election, when George W. Bush won a second term.In the mirror image of all the 2012 post-election analyses, the Democrats were said to be finished, out of ideas, hopelessly unpopular. It’s like watching MSNBC, with the word ‘Democrats’ replaced with ‘Republicans,'” says Ann Coulter.

“The Democrats never change their ideas; they change the voters . . . Strangely, some Republicans seem determined to create more Democratic voters, too. That will be the primary result of Sen. Marco Rubio’s amnesty plan.”

Michelle Malkin: Amnesty Plan Throws Law-Abiding Immigrants Under the Bus

“President Obama and the bipartisan Gang of Eight in Washington who want to create a ‘pathway to citizenship’ for millions of illegal aliens have sent a message loud and clear to those who follow the rules: You’re chumps!” says Michelle Malkin.

“You want ‘comprehensive immigration reform’? Start with reliable adjudications, fully cleared backlogs, consistent interior enforcement, working background checks for the existing caseload, and efficient and effective deportation policies that punish law-breakers and do right by law-abiders.”

About Author


Dan is the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)'s President after joining the organization in 1982. He has testified more than 50 times before Congress, and been cited in the media as "America's best-known immigration reformer." Dan has appeared on virtually every significant TV and radio news/talk program in America and, in addition to being a contributing editor to, has contributed commentaries to a vast number of print media outlets.


  1. avatar

    Giving amnesty to criminal illegal immigrants (mostly Mexicans) is rewarding this people to extend their criminal career in US and through path to citizenship empowering Mexicans to elect Mexicans politicians and gain a big representation in US Congress which corollary is the ejection US Citizens and Black Americans from Congress and government, passing laws to favor only Mexicans while undermining the “Gringo” (US Citizens), Europeans, Asians, Latinos-non Mexicans, and obviously, Black Americans, accomplishing the Mexican PLAN of AZTLAN to reconquest the US Southwestern and take it back to Mexico (see web side, which is already know by the US Democrat Party (almost the Mexican PRI party) which through its Mexican politicians in US Congress is pushing for amnesty “for the Raza (Mexicans)” to complement the Mexican invasion to US. What US Citizens from Democrat Party are ignoring is that his family (son, daughters, etc.) never will be members of Senate and House of Representatives once Mexicans are in power, because they want everything for them according its slogan “everything for the Raza, nothing outside the Raza”
    We US Citizens must demand US Congress to kill any and all amnesty bills, because amnesty encourage more criminal illegal immigration waves (mostly Mexicans) who are coming to US after perpetrating crimes in their countries, perpetrating more crimes in US and escape to Mexico and returning later with another identity provided by the Mexican government and Mexican consulates by the so-called “Mexican consular ID card”.
    No amnesty, no the the Mexican invasion and welfare fraud!

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  3. avatar

    For those of us old enough to remember, when they did amnesty in 1986 or so, it was supposed to be the last amnesty ever and the border problem would be solved. What a joke that was. Also, there were approximately 2 million people granted amnesty in 1986 and in less that 30 years, that number has grown to 12 million. After the first amnesty, California became Mexifornia. There has been no attempt on a lot of the people who were granted amnesty to assimillate into the American culture. Plus, the majority of the people who were granted amnesty had little education and discovered that they could do better on the public dole versus working. California has become a pit.

    The biggest problem with this amnesty is the lack of enforcement actions to be taken. If that does not occur, then we have just opened up the floodgates to every leech in the world. But, that is always the course of failed civilizations. History does repeat itseld. Unfortunately, I think my children and maybe me too, are headed to a life where anything above absolute squalor is going to be “the new normal”.

    Sad that this country has been screwed up so bad in such a short period.

  4. avatar

    EI agree with Michelle Malkin. Chumps to the law abiding. Reward to lawlessness. Its like living in a backwards world; a world which will benefit the illegal more than us real Americans. Dark times are ahead if this ever becomes reality. Zero tolerance for illegal immigration, under any circumstances. The U.S. never made any promises to illegals in the first place, so it perplexes me why they deem it necessary to make a pathway..odd

  5. avatar

    By the way, I’m going to greatly enjoy – along with most Americans – hearing Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, and Rush spit into the wind with their bloviating all year while we pass comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship. Really, FAIR? That’s who you hold up as “experts” on this issue? Sad.

  6. avatar

    That Heritage report is a highly inaccurate advocacy piece, not research. 1. It completely ignores immigrant economic contribution – as FAIR likes to do as well. 2. Well over half of the unauthorized immigrant population in America has at least a high school diploma. Bad research produces bad policy. Try a little harder to be credible please.

    • avatar


      you chastise FAIR and Heritage for providing ‘inaccurate advocacy pieces, not research’, your words, yet you provide your own so-called facts without any credible links to research to prove your point. At the very least, if you are going to criticize an opposing view, provide your own facts and figures as back up.

      • avatar

        Ditto. As much as I live with this nightmare every single day in south Florida there is some validity in his supposed research. Read the book Aliens written in the 80s – will give you a good assessment as to what we are looking at. No longer does the incoming immigrant want to assimilate, nor be proud of becoming an American. They only come to take advantage of the benefits that should only be available to Americans; of whom do not get the benefits issued to them. The parents of immigrants who have not contributed to the pot can get Social Security benefits, medical and foodstamps, as well as money. We need to take care of our own citizens first. If these people were not on SSI benefits, maybe we could give our elderly more than they currently get so that they will be able to live a decent retirement.

        Stan and Pam, if this so-called bill will “spur our economy”, why did this not happen when Reagan’s immigration bill passed in the eighties. Why did this not happen when Castro released the undesirables from his country into south Florida, i.e. “Mario Boatlift”? This country is currently over populated. Get a grip. Why do I have to speak Spanish to get a job in my native country? There is something wrong with this plan. Stop pandering to these people. Softwarengineer, you hit it dead on.

        • avatar


          I do not understand why everyone says that undocumented aliens are using the system and getting benefits when in actuality they are not allowed to get “welfare” if they do not have the proper documentation; they don’t even qualify for food stamps, disability, or social security, or at least they don’t in my state. I think it falls upon each state to enforce their laws. Someone needs to make sure that the employees in the welfare offices are doing their jobs correctly and checking everyone’s paperwork for validity. As for the undocumented, they have social security, medicare, and state and federal taxes deducted from their paychecks just like everyone else does, and they do not qualify for any federal deductions or credits on their tax returns even if they do have children that are US citizens. So they actually end up paying more in taxes than we do!

          And they don’t really “save” their money in the sense that you and I would, they save up for the next big event in their life and then they spend, spend, spend. In regards to the comment that someone made about all of the money that the immigrants (undocumented and legal) sends to their home countries, think about this: if they did not send their money to their country of origin we’d have their immediate and their extended families here in the US adding to the immigration problem. For many of their home countries, the “remesas”, or money that is sent, is the country’s primary source of income, after their main exports. Look at it like this they are here working to support their home country, or the whole country’s population could be here making our immigration problem worse!

  7. avatar

    [E]very empirical study of illegals’ economic impact demonstrates… undocumenteds actually contribute more to public coffers in taxes than they cost in social services. Moreover, undocumented immigrants contribute to the U.S. economy through their investments and consumption of goods and services; filling of millions of essential worker positions resulting in subsidiary job creation, increased productivity and lower costs of goods and services; and unrequited contributions to Social Security, Medicare and unemployment insurance programs. “

    • avatar

      Their “investments”? You mean the money they send to their home countries so it’s not recirculated in our local economies? If everything you are saying is true, then California should be the shining example since they have the biggest percentage of immigrants legal and illegal. Except their unemployment rate has been at least two percent above the national average for many years and their welfare rates are far higher than the national average. They have among the very highest tax rates, people over 50,000 pay 10% state income tax, and yet their budgets are in shortfall every year by billions and businesses are fleeing the state in droves to other sunbelt states.

      You’re another person who just wants to spout off about your “empirical studies” when the facts don’t support you. California insisted it was a good deal to import the poverty of another country and make them eligible for all sorts of government assistance. The joke’s on them.

      • avatar

        I do not understand why everyone keeps saying that undocumented aliens are using the system and getting benefits when in actuality they are not allowed to get “welfare” if they do not have the proper documentation; they don’t even qualify for food stamps, disability, or social security, or at least they don’t in my state. I think it falls upon each state to enforce their laws. Someone needs to make sure that the employees in the welfare offices are doing their jobs correctly and checking everyone’s paperwork for validity. As for the undocumented, they have social security, medicare, and state and federal taxes deducted from their paychecks just like everyone else does, and they do not qualify for any federal deductions or credits on their tax returns even if they do have children that are US citizens. So they actually end up paying more in taxes than we do!

        And they don’t really “save” their money in the sense that you and I would, they save up for the next big event in their life and then they spend, spend, spend. In regards to the comment that someone made about all of the money that the immigrants (undocumented and legal) sends to their home countries, think about this: if they did not send their money to their country of origin we’d have their immediate and their extended families here in the US adding to the immigration problem. For many of their home countries, the “remesas”, or money that is sent, is the country’s primary source of income, after their main exports. Look at it like this they are here working to support their home country, or the whole country’s population could be here making our immigration problem worse!

        • avatar

          First, they can and do qualify for taxpayer funded social service programs through their U.S. born child. Technically the child receives the aid however it goes to the alien parents household. In 2010 it was estimated that 57% of immigrant headed households use at least one form of government welfare.

          As for taxes, if they have deductions removed from their paychecks as you say, they are either using a stolen SS# or a government issued ITIN number in which case they most certainly can receive credits. Your argument that they cannot qualify for credits even if they have children that are U.S. citizens is inaccurate. In many cases their incomes are at a level where there tax liabilities are at zero but will still receive REFUNDS from the government do to these very credits that you claim do not exist.

          May 6, 2012 – Uploaded by GeauxNOSaints
          Illegal Alien Tax Fraud Is Common And Is Costing Billions ( Undocumented Immigrants …

          In addition, legal residents can claim poor relatives living in Mexico and Canada as dependents on their tax returns even further decreasing their tax burden.

          Lastly, your argument that we, as citizens of a sovereign nation, should feel fortunate that ONLY 12 million foreign nationals have illegally availed themselves of our jobs,resources,infrastructure, and public services in exchange for the rest of their entire countries population staying put is comical at best. To arrive at such backwards logic would necessitate the pretense that we somehow owe them something which we do not.

    • avatar

      What is your job description and where do you work for now?

      I’m sure you’d have no issue giving up your job and be IMMEDIATELY replaced by an insourced foreign visitor….you wild allege they walk on water with no proof, it sounds like you need to go first.

      Or perhaps you are an IA?

      An employer of IAs?

      • avatar

        Do you always ask for personal information from those who disagree with you online? In another post you wanted to know the details of my employment also. Well, let’s just say that, unlike you, I have had the foresight and skill to have professionally positioned myself to take advantage of the unstoppable forces of Globalization. You call yourself an engineer? Well, I’m confident that the young engineers from India, China, and Pakistan can do circles around you. Enjoy your life on that couch.

    • avatar

      You are correct, Pamela, thanks for posting. Immigrants have always helped generate economic activity and create jobs. A legalization program will only spur our economy further.

  8. avatar
    Robert Hamilton on

    Why not have these illegal immigrants pay for their own change of status like all other immigrants do already to help absorb the cost of this mass immigration? What is the ecological impact of these new mass immigrants as their children have children, etc?

    • avatar


      Everyone that immigrates here to the US has to pay their own way, be it from afar or from within our borders. The “amnesty” as many here are calling it comes with hefty fines for those that benefit from it.

      The undocumented will have to pay the hefty fines, and pay for and file all of the proper paperwork to change their status from undocumented to legal.

      They will then receive their work permits so that they can work here in the US legally, and will be put on the waiting list behind everyone else that is already in line to become legal permanent residents.
      They will not be able to “jump” ahead of anyone that is doing it “the right way”.

      They will have to remain here in the US for a certain amount of time, work, pay taxes, and learn to speak English, if they don’t already speak it (that’s more much than we ask of those that are doing it the right way).

      Then, finally, after X-amount of years, they will finally be legal permanent residents.

      They will then have to continue to fulfill the requirements while they wait for many more years.
      Once they’ve done all of this, then they will finally be able to become citizens of the US if they wish.

      Keep in mind that just because they are legal permanent residents doesn’t mean that they can’t lose their status. If they get in trouble with the law, a judge can take their “papers” away at any time.

  9. avatar

    It’s not rocket science that those who become citizens are going to end up costing us a lot of money. Low education, which most of them are, equals low income, therefore eligible for all kinds of government benefits and tax deductions and credits. They will pay few if any taxes. As much as a lot of people want to wish it away, those are the facts.

    And how many times have you heard without illegals a head of lettuce would be five dollars. First of all, the actual harvesting, the hardest part, is only a fraction of the total price at the store. You could double what is paid to harvest and it would only be about a quarter more. But what do you really pay for that “cheap” lettuce. How about the five kids that guy has, who the taxpayers are educating at a cost of 8 thousand a year per child. Or the subsidized school meals, food stamps, and free medical care. That head of lettuce is costing you a lot.

    • avatar

      Leland, I’m a very liberal Democrat (never voted for a Republican!) and supported President Obama with my vote and donations. However, I agree with you 100% on the immigration issue. It’s just common sense! I would like to thank the pro-amnesty folks, however, for providing my Democratic Party with a whole lot of new voters. These people who are now illegal and their supporters will never vote Republican because, in my opinion, they are here mainly for all the free stuff they get (education for their kids including free breakfast and lunch, free food thanks to WIC and food stamps, fee medical care and on and on) not jobs. Most of them will never pay federal taxes because they will qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit. The Republicans will never support “free stuff”; don’t they call Obama the Food Stamp President. Don’t get me wrong; as a good Democrat I support social services, but only for US citizens.

    • avatar


      I don’t know about your facts, but I can assure you that without the immigrants, undocumented or otherwise, the lettuce would not even get picked. The few states that have become very anti-immigrant should serve as examples with their agricultural problems. Very few others will go out and work in the fields. My brother tried it and he could only put up with about 5 days, and he is a welder and has worked in the oil fields in Bakersfield. He is used to hard labor, but he says that field work is a whole other ball of yarn!

      What about all of the lazy US citizens that live on welfare and breed in order to stay on it instead of going out and finding work? The immigrants don’t do that. They work, and those that can’t find work go to other states in search of work. They don’t stand in line with their hands extended because they can’t; they are here illegally, so they try their hardest to support their families. They’ll work in what ever is available in order to survive.

  10. avatar
    Concerned Citizen on

    Ryan says the GOP must evolve on immigration.

    Whatever happened to the GOP’s stance on law and order? Case in point: the area I live in used to be safe. Now, there is a noticeable increase in burglary, sexual assault and murder cases, and if you ask the people in the know, they will tell you it’s Hispanic gangs that come into the area primarily to sell drugs.

    But we’re a nation of immigrants so who cares about public safety, GOP leaders say?

    • avatar

      Lets be clear here. We were promised by President Ronald Reagan that we Americans would never have to accept another Amnesty program after passing that one. Here we are and Amnesty is being forced onto the American people and this time its not 3 million, its 11 million. Look at the end result. Do you like pressing one for English? Thats just the tip of the iceberg. Never Again. Never Again. Deport ALL illegal aliens NOW~!

      • avatar


        Thank you for stating this. If this goes through it will be the biggest mistake our government has made to date. And those who want Amnesty should be held accountable for the destruction this amnesty will leave behind.

  11. avatar

    The Root Cause of America’s Current Economic Problems

    Can be directly linked to globalism stealing our product development engineering and manufacturing; then the subsequent overpopulation debt to add “temporary phony jobs” bulding masses of glue board shacks on credit for all the new foreign arrivals….with no jobs for them anyway.

    if we stay on this overpopulation debt course of “no need for engineering product development” service economy; the canary in our “Titanic sinking economy” mine is the engineer. When the engineer is a dead canary, all the rest of our American jobs and professions are about dead too. Its the first domino.