Illegal Aliens to Attend State of the Union
“Looks like crime does pay after all. Three illegal immigrants have scored plum seats at tomorrow’s State of the Union address, courtesy of some friendly Democrats. Reps. Marc Veasey and Luis Gutierrez are each bringing an ‘undocumented’ guest,” notes
True Immigration Reformers Ready for New Legislative Fight
“The forces that helped to bring down a proposed sweeping overhaul of the U.S. immigration system in 2007 are quietly mobilizing to do the same again. As President Obama prepares to use his State of the Union address tonight to appeal for expanded legal U.S. immigration and a path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants already here, activists are lining up their legions of supporters to fight it,” ABC News says.
“It’s hard to get people rallying when there isn’t even a legislative vehicle yet,” said Ira Mehlman of the 250,000-member Federation for American Immigration Reform. “But what happened in 2006 and 2007 is that the information got out — this is what’s in the bill, this is why it’s bad for you, here are all the gaping holes – and the bill went down.”
A Shift in Hispanic Votes Could Cost Democrats, But Study Doesn’t Answer Key Question
The Georgetown Public Policy Review has a report analyzing the impact of shifts in the Hispanic vote for different Congressional races. “Based on this data, a dramatic shift in Hispanic support toward Democrats would have yielded startlingly small gains in the House. Under the 42 percent Hispanic voting scenario, a 10 percentage point shift toward Democrats would net only one additional seat, and a 20 percentage point shift would turn only six seats.”
“Conversely, shifts away from Democrats by Hispanics could be devastating. Under the 42 percent scenario, a 5 percentage point shift toward the GOP would have turned five races into Republican victories. A 10 percentage point shift to the right would have handed Republicans 12 seats, and a 16 percentage point shift would have flipped 21 districts.”
The study does not look at income or other demographic factors, which influence Hispanic voting as well.
FoxNews Poll: Border Security As Important as Interior Enforcement
“American voters are still divided over the top priority in dealing with the issue of illegal immigration. While 43 percent say it’s securing the border, almost as many — 41 percent — think it’s more important to deal with illegal immigrants already in the country, according to a Fox News poll released Monday. Views today are virtually unchanged from two years ago. At that time, 43 percent of voters said secure the border first, while 42 percent said focus on undocumented immigrants currently in the U.S. (March 2011),” Fox News says.
In 1995 my wife was killed by an illegal alien. My daughter, who was 12 years old at the time, was seriously injured. To this day she walks with a limp. The man who hit them had five previous convictions for drunk driving. He had been ordered deported twice. But the government didn’t bother with the deportations. For his efforts, he was sentenced to 13 years in prison. He got out in five. Ordered deported once again he was instead allowed to stay thanks to Los Angeles sanctuary policy. He has since killed two more people. He gets out in less than a year. This is the real world. This is what we get when our laws are ignored by everyone from the person breaking them to the highest level of government. There is no excuse for what happened to my family. So, if you want to call me or my daughter racists, xenophobes, mean spirited or any other BS, go right ahead. If it makes you feel morally superior then by all means go right ahead. Just remember to watch your mirrors next time you’re driving in LA. maybe then you’ll begin to understand that people are dying and no one cares. If a member of your family is killed by an illegal, no one will lift a finger to help you. If you mention anything about it then you’re a racist or xenophobic. The people who should be helping you will instead do their best to demonize you.
The next time someone tells you that illegals are a benefit think about the thousands of dead people who would still be alive if our laws had been enforced. How many more have to die before people open their eyes?
I totally agree, our government has let the people down. They should go back to enforcing the
immigration laws. If AMERICAN citizens break laws that are punished/often placed on death row.
It is unacceptable the way the US is catering to the Hispanic population. They should deport
any illegal alien, especially those that continue to commit crimes. Many deaths could be
avoided IF the laws were just enforced. The illegal aliens are also a High Volume Expense
to our government, they refuse to pay State/Federal taxes(they claim 5 or more dependents
to AVOID paying taxes). If AMERICAN citizens don’t pay their taxes, they are tracked down,
charged penalties and interest, or placed in jail for not paying their taxes).
The illegals are drawing from our government welfare systems(some from 2 or more counties,
by using multiple ID’s). However, they refuse to pay State/Federal taxes???, this is so UNFAIR!!!
I had had many friends that have been in hit and run accident, finding that many Illegal aliens
were involved with NO insurance, and no Drivers License. Then the insured motorist rule was
used, causing the INNOCENT persons’ car insurance to have an increased RATE!!! This is so WRONG!!
Our prayers are with you PJ and your family. May GOD continue to take care of you and your family.
We all must continue to pray for our country and government officials. Then again more and
more of the BIBLE is being fulfilled
Our great grandparents immigrated into America through a legal system. In other words, they were invited.
Modern times we have set immigration laws…..40% immigrants over stay visas and MILLIONS cross over without proper papers.
How would you like it if a person just waltzes into your home and started living with you….eating your food and not paying for any thing.
This is the same thing…..illegals come into U.S. without proper documents and start using everything the American people have worked hard all their life through our tax money.
Present day American people have a lot to lose from great grandparents times….we now have mortgage, car and education payments, etc…..we can’t afford to dish out BILLIONS of tax money to provide for poor uneducated law breakers….they need to stay in their own country and demand a better living there….but instead they come into U.S. and demand a better way of life… crazy is that
Congress, (both parties), are weak and corrupt and allow this to happen….we need to stop voting for them to represent us….if you call that representing.
Can’t believe they allowed illegals to sit in on The State of the Union….that is aiding and abetting and a BIG SLAP to the American people.
send them back or take enough of the freebies away, that they come here for .three presidents rid the usa of the illegals so our returning veterans who had been away fighting would have jobs when they returned. unemploymernt figures would decline immediately if the illegals were sent back to where they came from.. eliminate the birth right b.s. it is only an enticement to get on the govt tit forever. the chain migration idea should only be an idea. it is absolutely criminal for the political elite to foist this nightmare on the taxpaying public. . want to know why our educational values have fallen so far in spite of spending more than anywhere else in the world–classrooms full of anchors or future dreamers whose first language is not english?.. everyone else is held hostage in their education to benefit the illegals and their progeny. send them back–reimport mexicos poverty back to mexico–mexico is a very wealthy country but doesa not give their citizens freebies as does the usa by a corrupt political elite only in the business of buying voters and votes
Food for deliberate thought:
“If we can’t do anything else – do the simple math – 11 million illegals putting 11 million citizens out of work @ gov’s avg. salary of $43,500/yr is $435 billion in salaries, wealth, etc., lost to citizens. Unemployed citizens on unemployment, welfare stuff, etc @ $20,000/yr is another direct $220 billion lost. 20% income tax lost on $435 billion is $87 billion revenue lost to government – total is $742 billion down the drain If the head count is 22 million – the number is double – $1.5 trillion! Pick a number from $3/4 trillion to $1-1/2 trillion flushed down the amnesty toilet!!!
As long as we have high unemployment, stop all immigraqtion & employment of legal and illegal “visitors”. Peaceful visitors are always welcome. Law breakers (criminals) are never welcome! Politicians who welcome criminals are aiding & adetting – why aren’t both prosecuted? Problem is Holder – impeach him!
Agree, another reason to enforce the Immigration laws, we are way OFF the Charts of the past
number of immigrants allowed into the US for the jobs, food chain, etc.
AMERICAN’s are out of WORK, however–few HISPANIC ILLEGAL aliens are OUT OF WORK.
What is wrong with some Americans today? When you break the laws you’re supposed to be punished for it in some way. However ILLEGAL people – people who break our laws are being rewarded for breaking our laws and are encouraged to break our laws by being accepted into our country without going through the proper channels and given free access to many privileges that legal citizens have. If we allow these thousands of ILLEGALS to stay here don’t you think that thousands more will want to come into our country ILLEGALLY and hurt the LEGAL citizens who live here? What about all of the people who are doing the right thing and are waiting the right way in line to gain citizenship? It’s like waiting in line at the grocery store to check out and the checkout girl takes the people at the end of the line first to checkout – wouldn’t you get upset over that? I say strengthen our boarders first so that no more ILLEGALS can get in and then send the ones here back to where they came from until they gain citizenship the right way as our laws say. If not we are going to change our country and hurt the American citizens who live and work here and also the next generations of our children and their children! WAKE UP AMERICA!
The Georgetown Public Policy Review has a report analyzing the impact of shifts in the Hispanic vote for different Congressional races. “Based on this data, a dramatic shift in Hispanic support toward Democrats would have yielded startlingly small gains in the House. Under the 42 percent Hispanic voting scenario, a 10 percentage point shift toward Democrats would net only one additional seat, and a 20 percentage point shift would turn only six seats.”
“Conversely, shifts away from Democrats by Hispanics could be devastating. Under the 42 percent scenario, a 5 percentage point shift toward the GOP would have turned five races into Republican victories. A 10 percentage point shift to the right would have handed Republicans 12 seats, and a 16 percentage point shift would have flipped 21 districts.”
The study does not look at income or other demographic factors, which influence Hispanic voting as well.
This only causes the Republcians to be more scewy, in fact most states it sill has little impact
What 42% Hispanic voting scenario for Democrats? They already vote overwhelmingly Democratic.
Harpin ~
Excuse me…my great grandparents came here legally through Ellis Island, through the proper channels and with permits from Sweden. I don’t understand why everyone has an issue with the word “Legally”
Why your Greatgrand parents came to USA? So your real land is Sweden? Then go back and give this country to Native American.
We’re for reform too, Brittney. We sure need to reform the way the border is not secured, the way illegals are given carte blanche to just walk in and take jobs. We need to reform the foolish birthright law…no more anchor babies. We need to reform the way American taxpayers are forced to ante up over one hundred billion dollars for the upkeep of illegals. We need to reform the benefits they get, the chain migration that will happen when they are declared “instant citizens.” We need to reform their driving habits as they get behind the wheel after downing a few and go on to injure or kill innocent people. I could go on, but I think you get the idea of what needs reforming. And the old saw of “everyone is an immigrant” doesn’t hold water. We are a nation of millions of legal residents and about twenty million illegal aliens.
Arrest them as soon as they arrive.
Giving these people free access insults every one who LEGALLY enters the US.
Why pardon the criminals? Because the Dems need their votes. Plain and simple.
First they try to take your guns
Next hand over the country AND your Social Security to illegal aliens.
Write and call your reps. Stop this before they destroy the US!
Gutierrez doesn’t even want to be an American. His parents are Puerto Rican and he wants that to be an independent country. But with lots of US taxpayer aid no doubt. I guess we don’t pay enough now with half the island on food stamps. This is the future and it don’t look too bright.
Taxpayers, LEAGALLY here can’t even get close to the building, without being arrested. Yet ILLEGAL immigrants can get into the State of the Union? Why is that, and HOW is that possible? Does our reps. have a HARD time understanding the defenition of Illegal???
Obama Will Probably Give ‘Em All Kudos and Rewards
Will ICE sits on its hands watching blatant TV covereage of illegal IAs…
You great Grand Parents OR Great Grand Parents were illegal also. what do you think about your self.Do not think your American. Red Indians are Real American not you.
Speak for your self harpin . My great grandparents were imigrants and registered and earned there citizenship. We did not come across a unguarded border and raise a litter of children to get food stamps.
But still u r not real America.Only Native American are Real American.Do you know who was President’s Father? Can you send Presidend back to Keniya? I am trying to say immigrants are runing the country now.You just sit back and enjoy the show.We are bulding the country .
This is another of those foolish ideas put forth by illegals or their supporters – “Your grandparents are illegal.”
Years ago we needed people to populate and build this nation. They had some restriction and were often sent back in they had a communicable disease or were not sponsored. We now have laws and they do not include allowing people to just waltz in. I’ve often wondered where I fit in. My family was here before we became a country, and no I’m not Indian. My 4th great-grandfather fought with the South Carolina Militia in the Revolutionary War at the age of 14. I’ll bet he would be very unhappy to see what he fought for just handed over to anyone who wanted to come in.
I’m an AMERICAN you dummy who are you or who do you think you are. my family has been here for generations and they came here legally threw Ellis Island like it used to be, came here spoke English. Come here legally and it’s not a problem. I am an AMERICAN, not an african american, not a Chinese american, not an irish american, or anything else first. I am an AMERICAN with German ancestry nothing more nothing less. Quit sucking up to these illegals and get them the hell out.
If you don’t like it you can go with them.
Red Indians killed a lot of tribes to acquire the land that they sold to the Spanish and English settlers. I am afraid that your terminology is incorrect they called the land something other than America then. Usually it was known as the land of the tribe that held it through murder, intimidation and force. When the Americans expanded to the West lands where taken from some tribes. As far as illegal most were not illegal and were asked to come to the US. Many immigrants came with the promise of land and the opportunity to earn a living. There was no real organized charities then so if you did not work you starved. Land and other commodities had to be purchased. America became and is still a dream to most people for that same opportunity, the opportunity is shrinking due to high taxes over burdening regulations and inflation. If we do not get some control on spending I am afraid that the US will fall into economic depression that will take most of what the middle class have left that they did not lose in the housing crisis. Most Democrats are going around like everything is OK but with more taxes and regulation they are driving costs up and up.
To find real Americans, watch migration thru the Bering Straight thousands of years ago populating the Americas at large. Red Indians (aka Native Americans) are recent arrivals and most likely decendents of the Clovis. My ancestors were legal. What? Do you think everyone got here illegally? My kids are adopted immigrants. And I had to do paperwork, prove I could support them, prove they would not need government assistance, and they waited in line.