Loan Program Targets Illegal Aliens Who Can’t Afford $465

Illegal Aliens Released by DHS Overwhelm Homeless Shelter

“The Ozanam Center in Brownsville is filled to capacity, and the shelter’s management said Washington politics are to blame. Ozanam Center Director Victor Maldonado said the number of people at the shelter went from 40 to 85 in less than a week. All of the people at the center are from Mexico and Central America. One Honduran citizen arrived at the center last week. Federal officials told him he was being released because of budget cutbacks in Washington,” reports.

Loan Program Targets Illegal Aliens Who Can’t Afford $465

When is payday lending ok? Apparently when it’s done by ‘non-profits’ loaning money to illegal aliens to apply for an amnesty never authorized by Congress. That’s the message sent by the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, along with other groups around the country. ICIRR has a new flyer describing their loan program here.

Other loan programs for DACA applicants are popping up around the U.S. In Washington, “Immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as children and are looking to stay in Skagit County through the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program will now be able to get some financial help. North Coast Credit Union will provide about $250,000 in micro enterprise loans to offset the $465 DACA application cost, which can be a significant hurdle to applying for deferred action, supporters say.”

Tech Visas Remain Hurdle for Gang of Eight

“The tech industry’s support for an immigration overhaul may hinge on one factor: temporary worker visas. Known as H-1B, employers use this short-term visa to draw foreign workers into the United States. Depending who you ask, it’s either a necessary tool for enticing high-tech talent to the likes of Facebook and Google or a system abused by foreign IT service firms to cycle in cheap labor and undermine American businesses. As Washington pressures Silicon Valley to stand behind sweeping changes, these two faces of tech could turn into the sticking point,” Politico reports.

About Author


Dan is the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)'s President after joining the organization in 1982. He has testified more than 50 times before Congress, and been cited in the media as "America's best-known immigration reformer." Dan has appeared on virtually every significant TV and radio news/talk program in America and, in addition to being a contributing editor to, has contributed commentaries to a vast number of print media outlets.


  1. avatar
    John Winthrop on

    Tech Visas Remain Hurdle for Gang of Eight????? really …may be because perhaps they belong to the Wax Museum …………… come Canada, the EU and Australia in addition to New Zealand can do it and we cannot……….again THE WAX MUSEUM OF FAME……………………………

  2. avatar
    John Winthrop on

    High Tech talents like Facebook????? You must be kidding……!! I can see that high Tech in Google. IF that is
    the case define High Tech perhaps in the High Tech environment……….but there is no High Tech in building a website for socializing…………………………….really.

    What I am trying to say is that for High Tech People who contribute with Technology u need no such talent for such Facebook application………..just being lazy at science but creative and resourceful in marketing to steal ideas and make them profitable BUT how many can really do that ……not too many BUT high skilled immigrants will give a competitive population besides their contributions like the last Nobel prizes fro the US being 75% + immigrants

  3. avatar

    So these people eligible under the Dream Act, who are supposed to be such an asset to the country, can’t afford the $465 application fee? Great. It’s not hard to see that this is just the first step of many over a lifetime where they will need “assistance”.

  4. avatar
    Concerned Citizen on

    Illegal immigrants living in homeless shelters. Welcome to the American Dream?

    The level of illegal behavior, corruption, and violence in our society is really amazing. We are no shining city on the hill anymore. We nearly have a gangster culture in this country now. If illegal immigration is rewarded and encouraged, the message is clear: find a good law to bend, because that’s the new way to put bread on the table in this country.

    This conclusion has already been reached in some sectors of society. So maybe Washington will drop a sick experiment on the entire country and erase any pretense of enforcing the law? Where does that take us?

    As I’ve said many times before, we first ought to see how we can help Mexico develop a stronger economy and middle class. In fact, that has been happening to some degree. Then we need to assess, honestly, the impact of mass and illegal immigration on our county. Only after we’ve come up with a model that’s best for American citizens and the citizens of Mexico and Central America can we have an adult conversation about new types of worker visas.

  5. avatar

    So “non dependent” companies must be looking to hire workers with needed skills? As I recall, to be considered “dependent”, you need to have H1-Bs make up 15% or more of your GLOBAL workforce. That also cuts across specialties. So, your entire IT department can be H1-Bs, but if that’s not 15% or more of your global workforce, you’re not “H1-B dependent”. Sounds fishy to me.

  6. avatar

    Here’s My Challenge to the Open Border Households in America

    We’re bringing in new legal/illegal immigrants in each month looking for jobs, approx 200k/mo, if you’re open border bent and see the horrifying IAs plight in a homeless shelter has unacceptable…..and you have double or triple incomes per household…..give up a job or two and donate it to your immigrant friends [you’re HOGGING all the scarce jobs].

    I’m sure the companies hiring your replacement IA workers will thank you too, as they slash your old pay rate in half…..