Evangelical Group Ads Paid for by National Immigration Forum
“The Evangelical Immigration Table, a coalition supporting immigration reform, has launched a six-figure ad campaign pushing Congress to enact immigration legislation. The ads, urging evangelicals to “pray” for a path to citizenship, include the disclaimer that they were “paid for” by the Table. This is odd, because the group doesn’t legally exist. It is a highly misleading claim,” Breitbart News reports.
“Breitbart News confirmed on Monday that the actual purchase of the ads was made by the National Immigration Forum (NIF). The Table told Breitbart News on Friday that it wasn’t an incorporated entity or non-profit organization and had selected NIF to “facilitate” its work. A source at a media buying firm in DC told Breitbart News that NIF did not take the traditional commission on the ad purchase, which was described as “very odd.” It suggests NIF was making its own purchase of the ads, rather than simply acting as a “facilitator” of the buy.”
Laura Ingraham Confronts Rubio Over Amnesty
“During a segment on Fox & Friends on Tuesday, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined conservative radio host Laura Ingraham to discuss the scandals surrounding the IRS and the Department of Justice. The conversation quickly turned to Rubio’s efforts to reform the immigration system where Ingraham and Rubio found themselves on opposing sides of that issue. Ingraham implored the junior senator from Florida to drop immigration reform, stop “dividing the Republican Party,” and focus on Americans’ true priorities,” Mediaite.com reports.
Rep. Barletta – Amnesty Isn’t The Solution
“Clearly what we are facing is an immigration system that is badly in need of an overhaul. What proponents of amnesty suggest is that illegal aliens will not be eligible for social benefits. That promise would require increased diligence from a system that has proven to be ineffective with its current tasks. To heap more responsibilities on top of an already over-taxed system defies logic,” says Rep. Lou Barletta (R-PA).
“As tragic as the Boston situation was, it also served as instruction into what is wrong with our system. Asylum rules are obviously lax, as are those involving tracking visas. One must wonder why immigrants would seek political asylum from their native countries, only to return to the same region for months at a time. This obvious warning signal was entirely missed — or ignored — in the case of the Boston suspects.”
Black Leaders Plan March to Protest Amnesty
“Scheduled for June 15, the DC March for Jobs is both an attempt to highlight the unemployment plight of the black community and a protest against the disastrous illegal alien amnesty for 12 million illegal aliens that will crater black unemployment. The Black American Leadership Alliance’s (BALA) letter highlights the fact that amnesty will have a high cost for the black community,” Front Page Magazine says.
“The letter was signed by a number of black political figures from across the spectrum of the right and the left, including Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, president and founder of the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND), T. Willard Fair President and CEO, Urban League of Greater Miami, Frank Morris, Ph. D. Former Executive Director, Congressional Black Caucus Foundation and Kevin Jackson, radio host and executive director of The Black Sphere.”
@leland Exactly i agree with you about the “asylum” programs
I agree.
To the evangelical groups, YOU BETTER PRAY for your children and grandchildren and not for the traitors of Illegal Aliens who are capable of biting the hand of the Country that had giving them a hand.
I am SO PLEASED to hear that finally you are going to do something about your Country that some of you until now are taking for granted. You are either going to be forced to learn Spanish and listen to Mexican music all the time until the “wee” hours of the morning.
Let it not be the only time, COME ON, DOIT MORE, AND MORE AND AGAIN until the SUICIDAL, so called amnesty bill is defeated.
Breibart didn’t say where they come I seen the signatures and they come from LA, Orange County, Chicago and Texas and some souterhn cities that have high illegal immirgation.
During a segment on Fox & Friends on Tuesday, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined conservative radio host Laura Ingraham to discuss the scandals surrounding the IRS and the Department of Justice. The conversation quickly turned to Rubio’s efforts to reform the immigration system where Ingraham and Rubio found themselves on opposing sides of that issue. Ingraham implored the junior senator from Florida to drop immigration reform, stop “dividing the Republican Party,” and focus on Americans’ true priorities,” Mediaite.com reports.
Laura and a lot of conservatives problem is the overemphasis on the free market which means that the Republcians have to put with free market extremists like the libertarians. Republcians need to changed their emphazied more toward culture rather than econmics all the time. A culture approach against legalization of millions of people might bring more people into the Republcian ticket.
Yes Cynthia
The Democrats for open borders today are Fascists against the American voters, ditto for the Republicans.
I’ve come to the conclusion the fight of liberal vs. conservative is a COMPLETE diversion to allow the NWO Fascists from both parties to take over our country with cheap labor overpopulation.
My opinion is in line with yours. Given all I have seen over the years I do have reason to believe this is the case, not only is it a diversion but it has created a division between Americans , United we stand , Divided we fall. I am of the opinion that this division has been a deliberate manipulation.
You are right.
The Evangelical Immigration Table, a coalition supporting immigration reform, has launched a six-figure ad campaign pushing Congress to enact immigration legislation. The ads, urging evangelicals to “pray” for a path to citizenship, include the disclaimer that they were “paid for” by the Table. This is odd, because the group doesn’t legally exist. It is a highly misleading claim,” Breitbart News reports A lot of the Evangelicals for legalization come from places like Orange County Ca about 10 percent of the population there is illegal, its no longer the white middle class county these days. Many also are churches in La, Chicago, Texas and some places of the south or non-south that have higher illegal immirgant popullations. The white population is usually dropping in these areas and the pastros feel that hispanics will become evangelical more than asians or other groups.
Good point about the “asylum” programs. These people claim persecution in their homeland, only to return there for months at a time. And there have been several cases where people who gained asylum and then became involved in major news stories turned out not to be the persons they claimed to be, and were not even from the country they claimed to be citizens of.
These programs, like “temporary protected status” programs, become an end unto themselves, with a set number of visas to be issued every year and little or no investigation beyond taking the word of the “persecuted”. Asylum being granted years after fighting has stopped.
And how typically fraudulent that a group like the National Immigration Forum invents some fictional group called the Evangelical Immigration Table to push it’s views. Trying to fool people into supporting what is essentially a plan by big business to flood this country with cheap labor. AND using religion to do it. Whether you are religious or not, everyone should recognize how hypocritical, dishonest, and low down this is.
This Isn’t Church Work
Its Masked NWO Devil Work for More American Overpopulation.