Voters overwhelmingly oppose the Gang of Eight amnesty bill according to new polling conducted in seven key states including Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Montana, North Carolina, Ohio and West Virginia by Pulse Opinion Research for FAIR. Read below to see an overview of the results.
Arkansas: 60% of likely voters oppose S.744 and 30% support it.
Highlights from Arkansas include:
- 67% oppose granting legal status to illegal aliens before a border security plan is fully implemented, and 29% of voters oppose granting amnesty under any circumstance.
- 75% oppose the discretionary authority given to DHS to legalize aliens with criminal records or gang affiliations, including 60% who “strongly oppose” those provisions.
- 64% oppose provisions in the bill that would significantly increase overall immigration to the U.S., including 53% who are “strongly opposed.”
- 70% oppose the increases in guest workers authorized under the bill, including 47% who said the increases are “much too high.”
Kentucky: 60% of likely voters oppose S.744.
Kentucky highlights include:
- 76% oppose granting legal status to illegal aliens before a border security plan is fully implemented, and 35% of voters oppose granting amnesty under any circumstance.
- 79% oppose the discretionary authority given to DHS to legalize aliens with criminal records or gang affiliations, including 62% who “strongly oppose” those provisions.
- 72% oppose provisions in the bill that would significantly increase overall immigration to the U.S., including 54% who are “strongly opposed.”
- 84% oppose the increases in guest workers authorized under the bill, including 53% who said the increases are “much too high.”
Louisiana: 61% of likely voters oppose S.744. 28% indicates support for it.
- 57% oppose granting legal status to illegal aliens before a border security plan is fully implemented, and 29% of voters oppose granting amnesty under any circumstance.
- 73% oppose the discretionary authority given to DHS to legalize aliens with criminal records or gang affiliations, including 55% who “strongly oppose” those provisions.
- 61% oppose provisions in the bill that would significantly increase overall immigration to the U.S., including 42% who are “strongly opposed.”
- 81% oppose the increases in guest workers authorized under the bill, including 56% who said the increases are “much too high.”
Montana: 57% of likely voters oppose S.744, including 43% who “strongly” oppose it.
- 70% oppose granting legal status to illegal aliens before a border security plan is fully implemented, and 32% of voters oppose granting amnesty under any circumstance.
- 75% oppose the discretionary authority given to DHS to legalize aliens with criminal records or gang affiliations, including 59% who “strongly oppose” those provisions.
- 66% oppose provisions in the bill that would significantly increase overall immigration to the U.S., including 53% who are “strongly opposed.”
- 74% oppose the increases in guest workers authorized under the bill, including 49% who said the increases are “much too high.”
North Carolina: 52% of likely voters oppose the Gang of Eight bill. 35% support it.
Highlights from North Carolina include:
- 63% oppose granting legal status to illegal aliens before a border security plan is fully implemented, and 25% of voters oppose granting amnesty under any circumstance.
- 73% oppose the discretionary authority given to DHS to legalize aliens with criminal records or gang affiliations, including 56% who “strongly oppose” those provisions.
- 59% oppose provisions in the bill that would significantly increase overall immigration to the U.S., including 42% who are “strongly opposed.”
- 61% oppose the increases in guest workers authorized under the bill, including 42% who said the increases are “much too high.”
Ohio: 56% of likely voters oppose the amnesty bill.
- 68% oppose granting legal status to illegal aliens before a border security plan is fully implemented, and 32% of voters oppose granting amnesty under any circumstance.
- 74% oppose the discretionary authority given to DHS to legalize aliens with criminal records or gang affiliations, including 52% who “strongly oppose” those provisions.
- 67% oppose provisions in the bill that would significantly increase overall immigration to the U.S., including 46% who are “strongly opposed.”
- 74% oppose the increases in guest workers authorized under the bill, including 42% who said the increases are “much too high.”
West Virginia: 72% oppose S.744 while only 20% support it.
West Virginia highlights include:
- 77% oppose granting legal status to illegal aliens before a border security plan is fully implemented, and 42% of voters oppose granting amnesty under any circumstance.
- 80% oppose the discretionary authority given to DHS to legalize aliens with criminal records or gang affiliations, including 67% who “strongly oppose” those provisions.
- 78% oppose provisions in the bill that would significantly increase overall immigration to the U.S., including 65% who are “strongly opposed.”
- 78% oppose the increases in guest workers authorized under the bill, including 60% who said the increases are “much too high.”
Conducted by Pulse Opinion Research on behalf of FAIR, polling was conducted on June 3 with samples of 500 likely voters in each of the seven states.
I wonder where the polls that say 70:percent of Americans want to make illegals legal. Come from. States like California where la rasa and the Mexican American legal defense fund ask illegals if they are for amnesty. We as Americans have to march on Washington to let the the morons who run our government know that enough is enough.we the taxpayer have had. Illegal means illegal
wht does my post have to moderated befor it can go up here?Oh its just our freedoms being takeing away from us slowly but surely and the media is at full blame here.What are they going to do{media}when everybody in America can no longer afford to watch tv,buy anything they permute,we will all be homeless if this continues,so the media will also loose in the long run.
Your post is moderated in order to keep idiots with nothing but vulgarity from overtaking the website. You don’t HAVE a freedom to come to someone else’s website that you didn’t develop, you don’t pay for, you don’t work for and have unfettered access without their having any say about it.
What I am going to do is to vote out any incumbent,i don’t care if its repub or dem,if they hold there office I will vote for the run running against them.I mean we are all screwed anyways,because if they want him or her in office they will have them.Just like the voteing fraud with bush,and the lasts election with Obama.neither of them one there last election ,but both who really matters here?
States should prepare to NULLIFY the ridiculous crap coming from our traitorous congress!
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This article would be more effective if the polls were for blue states, not perennial red states like Arkansas and Kentucky. The Ohio polls are the only ones effective here. Bring some polls from Oregon, Washington, New Jersey, Maine etc. That’s how you will convince the left-wing that amnesty is wrong.
I disagree because the only way this bill will become law is if the house GOP votes for it. As long as the Red states GOP stands their ground and don’t sell us out this monster can be killed!
I agree with you. This a partial and incomplete view of this issue. This article should be named more properly, New polls in Red States overwhelmingly oppose to work on immigration using amnesty as an excuse. Thanks.
Just watch, they’ll ram amnesty down out throats which we don’t want just like they did obummercare
which we certainly don’t want.
Someone had better tell the businessmen of Tennessee that the cheap labor they are pushing for is going to costthe rest of us our livelihood.
I have tried by personal visits, emails, faxes, polls, petitions, letters to the editor to get our two Democratic Senators to vote against this bill, but so far they have supported S. 744 with ever vote!
National newspapers such as POLITICO print the opposite in articles such as: “Polls: Huge support for immigration reform” “Immigration reform continues to attract broad public support as the Gang of Eight compromise legislation moves through the Senate, according to a huge raft of polling conducted for three pro-reform groups: the Partnership for a New American Economy, the Alliance for Citizenship and Republicans for Immigration Reform.”
Read more:
Then FOX news who frequently has Rubio on rarely challenges his statements which we all knew to be misleading. Is this because Rupert Murdoch is a part of the above 3 reform groups? Please help with this to be FAIR & BALANCED.
It’s my opinion that you could add South Carolina to the list even if one of the main traitors is part of the gang of eight. When we call Graham ‘s office, we get a recording. At least I do. I know the recording is falling on deaf ears, if any ears. He doesn’t care what we think. He has his own agenda. I don’t know why so many stupid voters keep voting for him. Probably because he will be running with about 5 better choices and whoever gets the most votes will win the seat. This is,a Republican state, so no Democrat could unseat him.
without a doubt, S-744 by the “Gang of 8” is full of holes and impossible to enforce. Our current immigration laws need to be enforced as they were intended. Our double border fence needs to completed and additional border agents posted. It’s time that we re-gain our sovereignty and if necessary, replace every politician in Washington that thinks we’re supposed to be responsible for every poor person on earth. Of course, Obama and his sell out administration is the biggest impediment in securing our borders. Lastly, sancturary cities are in violation of federal law.
I concur.
I agree with giley we have to respect the immigration laws which are already on the books .Although you might not know it if you listen to John mccain,chuck schumer and the gang of eight.There is no border protection 18-20 million Americans are out of work and now they will have to compete for jobs @ benefits with the illegal lawbreakers.We would have to pay for all the expenses that this Ammensty would cost.They would get tuition breaks ,social security,and i hear they are trying to include the illegals in Obama-care…where is all the money coming from….I guess they will have to print more money to increas the debt!.
Americans need to take America back! Call your representatives today! We cannot support the number of foreigners congress wants to give amnesty to. We need enforcement of our laws nd our borders.
A lot of good that does. It seems that they ALL CONTINUE. To do as they please. I think that don’t care about the opinions of their constirutants
if the GOP joins in lockstep with the Democrats the USA as we know is is over and our native citizens that is we who were legally born of two US parents on US soil….the illegals and immigrants will all cancel out our votes. White skinned people better get busy having 8.7 babies per couple.
The lateset census shows Hispanics to be the fastest growing minority in the United States at 53 million or roughly 17% of the U. S. population. This number apparently does NOT include the (again roughly) 11 million but more likely to be closer to 18-20 million ILLEGALS. The Hispanics are also having babies at a rate greater than any other ethnic group including whites who had more deaths than births last year.
This is all part of the plan, specifically of Mexico, pursuant to the reconquista plan as a result of territories lost during the Mexican-American War. I urge you all to review not only the Mexican-American War but also Google M.E.C.H.a. Google La Raza. Google The Mexican Consulate aiding Illegal Immigrants. Google Aztlan (Mexicans for annexation of the U.S. southwest) which includes California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Wyoming. And then extrapolate for yourselves the fate that will eventually befall the United States. within these topics can be extrapolated not only the reason for this invasion but the undeniable truth that most of these illegal immigrants invaders are the vicarious tools of the Mexican government for the sole purpose of regaining control of those territories so named above.
And one of the most powerful tools they have been well taught to use is the 14th Amendment loophole which allows them to illegally enter the United States in a late stage of pregnancy and give birth to A UNITED STATES CITIZEN. They are well aware that the U.S. ultra-liberals just hate to separate families and will make exceptions for them and allow them to stay while at the same time they increase their ever growing ranks. As stated above, the United States now has in excess of 53 million Hispanics. In another twenty years or so, their demographics will increase to 100 million. Once they all finally have the right to vote, you can be sure they won’t be voting for anyone that looks like you, or I, for governor, or senator, or representative, or even president for that matter and once that happens the flood gates will be thrown wide open. And you can be sure the states named above are the states where most of them have relocated in preparation for Atzlan (here-look it up) Is there some crying need for more Hispanics than other minorities? Ignorant ultra-liberal do-gooder advocates such as activist judges, politicians like Durbin, Nancy Pelosi , Bloomberg, clergy, the ACLU and others, who could care less about the sanctity of the United States and it’s inevitable degradation into a third world-like condition, will ensure the complete third-world metamorphosis of the United States. and thus, it’s eventual downfall. Count on it.
Whether folks want to believe it or not, this country is being occupied vicariously by a foreign country (Mexico) without a shot being fired. This country is our house and these home-invaders are demanding access to all that we’ve worked hard to earn and obtain. Our bedrooms. Our kitchens. Our refrigerator. Our television sets. Our closets. Our car keys. Maybe even our pajamas and liquor cabinets. It’s the same scenario. I strongly urge you to educate yourself and extrapolate the horrible reality of the situation we will one day be forced to face should this invasion continue unabated. The United States is well on it’s way to becoming Mexico North
I also oppose the immigration reform bill. Whatever anyone claims is good about the proposed bill is a total deception. I am also amazed that most commentators, whether from the right, the left, or the middle, say the immigration system is broken and we need an overhaul. They never say what is broken about it. The only comments are that the illegals need a path to citizenship. I am opposed to amnesty.
This are great news ,,,long live ,,fair,,fair,,, this was a conspiracy against USA wellbeing and security . Tax payers money was going to,be lost for their privilege,,,instead of being used for the needy ,unemployed ,uninsured benefits. What a strange attitude they don’t have to pay taxes or speak English language,,,very funny !!! They will be a colony in USA resembling their homeland and very soon will be a nucleus to civilian war. First border 100% security through biometric exit -enter recording,,,after the solving of the fiscal deficit economic problems,,,after solving our health insurance problems to the needy groups,,,we don’t want more lines in the welfare needy groups,,,,,whywe don’t make use of “””back to school programs “”” to prepare the unemployed to meet the needs of jobs done by this illegal programs ,,at least they will pay taxes to the wellbeing of USA economy,,,,love you fair ,,,love you fair
You”re right about them saying the immigration system is broke but only because they refuse to enforce our current laws. They give me NO reason to trust them with a new set of laws. And I have been so disillusioned with anyone as much as I am with Rubio. Just glad we found out soon rather than after we put him in the white house.
The only immigration reform needed is change the operational control of it from politicians and civilians to military authority. In 48 Eisenhower appointed a military commander to run the operation and millions were deported in months on boats not at the border and shipped inland. That was done with 5000 agents imagine 200,000 soldiers doing sweeps we’d clean up the mess once and for all have the construction battalion of the Navy to install 3 separate fences with a lot of space in between electrified from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific. The military has the focus congress is like a harlot going from man to man with attention span of a gnat buzzing a light bulb. Thats the method to the madness that Eisenhower used in deporting illegals and Theodore Roosevelt to get the canal built using the military. Both understood the importance of having the equivalent of Donald Trump to kick *** and take names and get the damn job waffling politicians haven’t done in 40 years.
Great idea . I’l vote for that solution but, unfortunately, polititions don’t have guts and only want to pander to Hispanics and special interests, not what is best for America.
you’ve hit the nail.
Good info! Now, why not run this poll nationwide?
I am definitely AGAINST the Amnesty Bill. I live in St. Cloud Florida, this is another Govt boondogle which will cost the TAXPAYERS a fortune. It will also result in millions more to come from countries all over the planet, since nothing is being done to secure the BORDERS. CS.
Since when have the politicians in Washington ever listened to what their constituents want. Politicians do exactly what they want, namely that which is the best for their pocket. They know the American public is so gullible, they will be able to spin a line which will get them elected next time. The only time they do what their constituents want is if the elections are coming within the next five or six weeks.
You know, I always wonder with these polls, just WHO are the idiot 20-30% of people who think it is OK to give DHS the authority to legalize aliens with criminal records or gang affiliations? This question should be a no-brainer, yet 20-30% in all these states have nearly the same percentage of approval. Are these people blindly religious, or brainwashed by the media’s constant cheer-leading of this reform, or are they in a criminal gang themselves?
Just wondering….
Come Election time lets remember those that vote to give our America away to law breaking Illegal alliens,who every they are…
This isnt about doing something humanitarian, Its about overturning the political and economic power of the white middle class. Adding 30 million new voters that will surely vote democratic will upset the political balance in America for decades to come. Over 20 million Americans cant find work. Adding 30 million new workers will completely saturate the job pool for decades to come. White middle class workers will be hurt the worst. You must understand that our country and culture will be changed forever. A special category of citizenship is being crafted. No longer are mexican immigrants being told to learn english. Large Corporations, Utilities, banks, city and state governments bend over backwards to help illegal aliens cope with life in America. Do you like pressing one for English? Our culture is being changed every day. Please wake up and realize that this will not go away until you get involved.
What can we do? There are time when I feel we should all take up arms against the political class, bring anarchy to America and hope we can replace the political crooks. We would, but the replacements would usually be worse, since the hardest working people when it comes to politics are the crooked ones who are not restricted by conscience!
This isn’t just hurting the white middle class, you are just only worried about the white middle class. This is hurt all classes of our citizens, they have already taken all of the jobs, not in the fields either. the money they make isnt put back into our economy, it’s sent to Mexico.They don’t want to learn english but want us to learn spanish. When I go into my local walmart it’s like being in another country, very few people are speaking english most are using spanish and paying for their food with an EBT(food stamp) card, when most are working getting paid cash ,paying no taxes. They have broken our laws and should not be rewarded for it, if you or I break laws we would be punished with fines, probation or prison, the American people should stand up and stop this
Do you patronize walmart? I don’t and they’ll never see the whites of my eyes there!!
The illegal immigrants themselves are not the big beneficiaries of illegal immigration-instead is is the employers and investors that have raked in the big bucks. I personally think that many illegal immigrants have been mistreated and are owed compensation by their employers and investors once they return home. If you just deport they illegal immigrants and let the illegal investors/employers keep their ill gotten gains you still have a big problem.
Yes but Randall, we never invited them here to be abused. We never held a gun to their head and told them to sneak in here and live in the shadows. They CHOSE to do this to themselves. Same as the phony “family reunification” tableaux. It’s not OUR fault they CHOSE to abandon their family. If they want to be reuinited, then they can go back where they came from. We, our government, our businesses etc owe these people exactly NOTHING!
The polls that would count would be the ones where American citizens actually cast a ballot for or against government policies. Unfortunately, even though this is a democracy, citizens are not often given the chance to vote for something. Instead they are told what the government policy will be, and they have to accept it, like it or not. In addition to marching on Washington,we should be circulating petitions. Maybe it would make a difference if politicians were presented with hundreds of thousands of names opposed to amnesty. I also would like to see an end to Spanish being spoken by representatives conducting official business. While “English only” legislation has been attempted before, it has been voted down, with proponents being called racists by liberal leaders like Harry Reid. If the American citizens were given a chance to vote on this issue, I’m pretty sure they would want this country to remain English only. The liberal minded oligarchs and media that apparently run this country have decided the United States should merge with the Spanish speaking countries to the south. It’s all about money to them. It’s going to be sad to see the United States turn in to the next Latin country, but I’m afraid that’s where things are headed.
Well said Bob
The group that has most solidly supported cheap labor immigration policies have been the most wealthy Americans. Many of them are far from liberal. Look at think tanks like Cato that have solidly supported loose immigration.
Liberals like Barbara Jordan, Caeser Chavez, Gene McCarthy were always traditionally skeptical of immigration. However in recent decades big money has ceased to be nationalistic and groups like labor unions have given up pushing for better wages for Americans.
There should Be No Amnesty of any Kind & The 14th Amendment Should be Changed so That Illegal Children born here are Not Legal Citizens .Then We wouldn’t Have Obama Giving Dreamers Amnesty
There are legal scholars that claim that birthright citizenship is a misinterpretation of the 14th amendment.
High net immigration rates combined with low job creation rates are devastating for American workers. We that support immigration restriction need to go beyond opposing amnesty. We need constructive solutions that would help get those that have worked in the US back home under reasonable conditions. Existing law allows for a $25000 per violation fine for employers. That law should be enforced and the proceeds can be used to help american workers negatively impacted by illegal immigration and help illegal immigrants go back home. The amnesty bill is actually a cruel hoax for illegal immigrants. Few would get citizenship eve if it passed-particularly those that have recently spent bill bucks to come to the US. The illegal employers have taken on responsibilities to these people-and they should be held accountable-and the American citizenry should no long be made to subsidize illegal employers.
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Yeah, how were the polls conducted?
With a Paper and Pencil. Boy what a dumb question…
Interesting….OK the polls say that………… tell me how did you come up with those numbers and how legit those polls are?………………..everybody believes them like monkeys and sheep jumping over the cliff…………….
John, Seriously, you want to approve a bill that will reqward 11 Million people who broke the law, and allow 22 Million foreign nationals into this country in the next 10 years, while we have 20 million AMERICANS out of work ? Really? The correct thing to do is: Secure the borders first, Institute a National eVerify program within the next year, find and deport ALL Illegal Aliens and their children to their countries of origin, Once there… they can stand in line with everyone else and apply for legal entry. That entry should be based on MERIT only. What Value can they bring to America (and not crop picking), we have millions of people on welfare that should be required to take those jobs or lose their benefits!
This is so true. There are immigrants in our country right now that are mad as hell because people who came here illegally are being offered the same benefits that they worked and strived for – and obtained the correct and LEGAL way.
Dave, I’m with you on deportation, but as far as having illegals stand in line and apply for legal entry, I do not want people here whose first act was to disregard our immigration laws, sneak in, present false or forged documents, fake name or stolen IDs.(felonies). If they do those things, do you think they will every become upstanding citizens? I don’t want our most precious birthright – citizenship – bestowed on them. They seem to have a criminal mindset. If you read of the many crimes they commit, you wonder why they don’t use that thought process for bettering the corrupt countries they from. Just think, if they’d march, en masse, in their own streets they might convince their leaders to improve the economy so they could stay home. Conversely, they’ve marched in OUR streets and our leaders want to hand them everything on a silver platter – no questions asked as the gang of eight assures them.
I absolutely AGREE about forcing those on welfare to take the jobs that deported illegal aliens have been doing for decades! I think it’s the perfect “solution” to both problems…and have suggested it myself on other message boards!
We need to get these illegals out of this country, and these lifelong “entitlement takers” off their behinds and working! I wouldn’t even object to them having a small subsidy given to them, if the pay is less than what they were receiving in welfare – as long as they are WORKING!
This out of control government spending spree has GOT TO STOP! And Americans need to be able to find jobs! With millions less people working in this country, there might be a glimmer of hope…
Look talk is cheap. That is all i hear. no one has a plan to stop this. We need to protest in a big way.. Then we need to show up the politicians who are trying to dump millions of people on us. Why are they getting away with it. They never give up. We need to put them out of office. Every one. The tea party elected Rubio. They need to withdraw their support and put him back where he came from. He is just another politician who says one thing when he speaks in Spanish before his fellow Hispanics and says another thing when he goes on tv commercials. This is talking out of both sides of his mouth. Why not put on a commercial with two Rubios side by side. One side speaking Spanish with English subtitles and The other side showing him speaking out of the other side of his mouth. Let’s stop complaining and start putting these freak Republicans out of office
Hear, hear.
Since all of these States have this much opposition , why are they so hell bent on letting these people in ? They haven’t enforced the existing laws for over 45 years that I know of , how do they know it’s broken since they haven’t even tried it . WE NEED TO HAVE A MARCH ON WASHINGTON DC , AND EVERY STATE CAPITOL OF THOUSANDS OPPOSING THIS . I’LL JOIN , THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT THESE POST , NO MARCHES , THEY DO AS THEY WISH!!
Pingback: Online Games | ‘No good reason to stand in the way’: Obama scolds opposition to immigration bill
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A bill that allows gang members to become citizens can hardly be called tough.
How can you tell when Rubio is lying? It’s when his lips are moving.
Gary that is a fine line…………………if a gan member applies and it is found to be a criminal in his/her country he/she will not get the permit…..if so……most likely will do ti again……next deportation….best situation NOW WE KNOW WHO THEY R AND WHERE…….use your gray matter…………………
Of Course Most Americans Oppose More Negative Overpopulation Economic Impacts
But you word the poll questions impacting the voters’ own neighborhoods….and those against amnesty /overpopulation poll numbers are way too low.
The poll does appear to be skewed. The numbers should be higher. Who conducted the polls? I do not know any one I have spoken with who is favorable concerning amnesty for illegal immigrants into this country. These people seem to be able to get healthcare, housing, foodstamps and monetary aid here in South Florida. Further they are the ones with the jobs when there are an abundance of Americans out of work. Further, there are so many spanish speaking people living in this city that do not speak any English and frankly believe that we should be speaking spanish. This influx of illegals has a negative impact on our social services and educational system. As Americans, we need to rise and stop this maddness.
Well, if this bill passes Congress there will be a whole lot of incumbents who are going to get scalped in November 2014.
That will be little consolation, however, for the fact that the time bomb they will have activated on our nation will continue to tick.
We never do anything!!!! All the Hispanics are out in front of the Senate offices protesting if they don’t let them in our country. They March and there are thousands of them. We complain and do nothing!!!! My billboards where I live are all in Spanish everything in stores, phones ect.. are both languages. It’s like were sharing our country with Mexico. There are power in numbers and everyone who doesnt like this should PROTEST!!!!
…and we will be working to support these hispanics and no doubt paying for their obamacare, which I don’t think many Americans can afford for ourselves…it disgusts me that we have a rogue president who will not show his birthcertificate and the congress is not insisting upon it…vote them all out
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