Amendment to National Defense Authorization Act Allows Illegal Aliens to Enlist
The House is currently debating an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that would make illegal aliens eligible to enlist in the military. Votes on this amendment could be made as soon as Thursday, June 13 or Friday, June 14!
Sponsored by California Republican Rep. Jeff Denham, the only conditions are that the illegal alien: 1) entered the U.S. before 2012; and 2) were younger than 15 when they entered the country. That’s it!
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Then, once the alien enlists, the Secretary of Homeland Security is required to make them a lawful permanent resident (or green card holder).Moreover, DHS doesn’t even need to wait to hand out green cards. Under the Denham amendment, illegal aliens could conceivably enlist in the military and get a green card the same day. Then, due to their military service, these aliens will be on a fast-track to citizenship!
The policy implications of this amendment are severe in addition to the national security risks!
- The Denham Amendment encourages a massive flow of illegal aliens into the military in order to get a green card
- The amendment contains no specifics in the amendment regarding how an alien proves he/she came here as a child. As they do already, illegal aliens could easily forge documentation to meet the flimsy requirements of this amendment.
- Once the alien enlists, the Secretary of Homeland Security is required to make them a lawful permanent resident (or green card holder).
- Under the Denham Amendment, illegal aliens could conceivably enlist in the military and get a green card the same day. Then, due to their military service, these aliens will be on a fast-track to citizenship!
CALL NOW! Amdmt to defense auth in House allows illegal aliens to enlist, get same day green card
— FAIR (@FAIRImmigration) June 13, 2013
It’s not fair to our military to send them into battle alongside people who are not there for love of country, but for freebies. It makes a dangerous situation more dangerous.
The thing is that the services have become very selective now in who they admit. A lot of Americans cannot even get in. And now they want to let people who broke the law to get entry into our military.
In case amnesty passes the Senate, the House Republicans can control the agenda, since they control the House. What they should do is offer separate bills, up or down vote, that certain conditions must be met before any amnesty occurs. Border control and mandatory e verify for all jobs within a year. Then another bill that bans any of those amnestied from any public benefits or government assisted medical care for ten years. It will b
If these are called “poison pills”, so be it. Let the Democrats put themselves on record, voting against the very things that we were promised. Which was enforcement first, and then an amnesty. And no government benefits. It will be put up or shut up.
No another way to get amnesty
WHY, so they can kill of our soldiers from within???
Just called Rep. Carter’s office. Wonder how many Major Nidal Hasan’s we’ll have in the military if the Dedham Amendment passes?
Thanks FAIR
The call’s in the bag.
send your own kids….and then tell me if it “FAIR” …it is so Unamerican……………….so if we have a chance to get good people to create jobs with these kids you prefer to send them to WAR to be killed? The American way is both for the military and a civilian life for those who graduate………… that would be FAIR……..else we are looking worse and worse on the World’s eyes………………
Enlisting is Voluntary and the Military is DRASTICALLY DOWN-SIZING Anyway
What’s your point?