It’s starting to feel a lot like 1984. Not the year, but the novel. Big Brother is watching just about everyone and everything, and the language of politics is being twisted and distorted beyond anything even Orwell could have imagined.
Orwell’s glimpse of the dystopian future, in which the leaders of society engage in doublespeak, turning truth on its head every time they open their mouths, is upon us. In fact, at this very moment it is on the floor of the United States Senate, where a bill to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens is being sold as the antidote to amnesty for illegal aliens.
Neither party has a monopoly on political doublespeak. But, as the debate over the Gang of Eight immigration bill, S.744, heats up, pro-amnesty Republicans seem to be raising it to an art form.
Click here to read my full op-ed in the Daily Caller.
And Meanwhile the Dem/Reps Put Up Their Orwellian Snoop Systems
And tell us its good for us as they overpopulate the country, the root cause reason for an Orwellian World.
Another reason why the parties are bad on this. Hispanic illegals and some Asian illegals have had children in the US, so landlords and business and school districts will lose out if a real e-verify system force them to leave, maybe up to 30 million if you include the children. Granted, some of the kids could stay with legalized relatives if the parent is illegal Just think of the LA Unified school district might loose up tot 300.000 to 500,000 students and lots of funding.
There is truth to that but Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer are Democratic leaders in the Senate and they have been pushing for many years for big increases in the H1B tech visas, when there is no evidence that there is any big need for those visas. So the idea that it’s all one side is not true.
Plus you have the AFL-CIO supporting this “reform” bill in it’s present form, and that present form includes work visas at all levels. The position of the AFL-CIO, considering that we have 25 million unemployed or underemployed, should be that business should be training and paying American workers a decent wage. They are, after all, the AMERICAN Federation of Labor. They should not be doing the dirty work of corporations to, as you say, hold down wages.
I agreed that Democratic are not innocent but Democratics have an added motivation they want to flipped Texas by changing the demographics unlike the rest of the south where blacks are increasing slowly Dems have a worst shot at Mississippi than Texas by 2030. Hispanics are growing by leap and bounds in Texas and whites are even growing less than blacks. US Census whites grew 78,000 in Texas while blacks grew 87,000. The Census doesn’t give a figure for total Hispanic numbers in Texas but a wild guess is probably between 190,000 to 210,000. Asians also growing in Texas since it has a better economy than many southern states.
Too many Republican office holders view immigration as a way to hold down wages. What they do on immigration is not for the Hispanic vote–that’s just their cover story. The leadership of the Republican party is infested with anti-laborites.
There is truth to that but Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer are Democratic leaders in the Senate and they have been pushing for many years for big increases in the H1B tech visas, when there is no evidence that there is any big need for those visas. So the idea that it’s all one side is not true.
Plus you have the AFL-CIO supporting this “reform” bill in it’s present form, and that present form includes work visas at all levels. The position of the AFL-CIO, considering that we have 25 million unemployed or underemployed, should be that business should be training and paying American workers a decent wage. They are, after all, the AMERICAN Federation of Labor. They should not be doing the dirty work of corporations to, as you say, hold down wages.
Not enforcing laws becomes “our broken system”.
Fixing that broken system becomes let’s just repeat all the same mistakes and hope for a different outcome.
Being here illegally becomes “undocumented” as if it was just some big mix up you don’t have papers.
A justified fear of consequences for your illegality becomes the victim status of “living in the shadows”.