FAIR is hearing that the back room deal negotiated by Senators Bob Corker (R-TN) and John Hoeven (R-ND) with the Senate Gang of Eight may be voted on any day now. Passage of this amendment would very likely secure passage of the massive amnesty bill, S.744 in the U.S. Senate .
There is no time to lose! Today could be your last day to call before a weekend vote!
Call your Senators NOW and tell them:
- You oppose amnesty and
- They should not fall for more false promises of border security.
Senators Corker, Hoeven and the Gang of Eight have not released official text of the deal, but media outlets report that the deal still does not change the core structure of the bill that grants illegal aliens amnesty FIRST and then offers promises of border enforcement sometime in the future.
Indeed, sources say that the Corker-Hoeven deal does little more than add Border Patrol agents and fencing to the amnesty bill. But don’t forget, any resources for border security that are promised in the future still need Congress to appropriate the money. And Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Chairman of the powerful Senate Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, said on the floor just days ago that she would NOT appropriate any money for the “dumb fence.”
Thus, the deal Senators Corker and Hoeven have agreed to – and are right now using to persuade other Senators to join them – has no teeth. It gives illegal aliens amnesty right away and gives Congress ample opportunity to defund or water-down any border security resources promised in the bill. Americans already know how this works: Congress already promised us a border fence back in 2006. That requirement for 700 miles of double-layered fencing has now been watered down to a few miles of double-layered fencing and “vehicle barriers” that don’t stop the flow of aliens illegally crossing into the U.S.
With this deal passed, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is already suggesting he wants to rush the bill through the Senate, and may hold weekend votes!!!!
There is no time to waste!!! Call your Senators now and tell them not to support the Corker-Hoeven deal. Tell them that you want border security BEFORE amnesty and won’t be fooled any more by false promises.
You can find the phone number of your Senators here.
Also, make sure to call Senators Corker and Hoeven and tell them to stop selling out the American people!!
Sen. Corker: 202-224-3344
Sen. Hoeven: 202-224-2551
I read the report on the Huffington Post and includes Santa Clara, Orange and San Diego which are expensive, so a far left group did it by including cost of living. In fact, a Republican that should have know better stated that its easier to get food stamps in California, in fact both Orange and San Diego are harder to get food stamps since white Republicans in those counties have harder requriements than Houston Tx or Dallas Tx that have much higher black populations and Houston and Dallas cities are more control by Dmeocratics.
The group Feeding America has released it’s 2013 list of the most “food insecure” counties in the US, those with the highest percentage of hungry children. In another triumph for the state of California, home of the largest number of legal and illegal immigrants, Los Angeles County is number one, with 640,000 hungry children. And six of the top 17 counties in the country are, you guessed it, California. A state on the verge of becoming a third world like disaster, and yet the whole political establishment will support a “reform” bill with no enforcement in it. Which means more poor on the way from other countries. And the people like FAIR who have warned of this for decades are still the object of scorn from those same people who helped produce this debacle
To be fair a lot of these counties are also in the Rio Grande area of Texas and both metro areas of Houston and Austin and Dallas. The first are mainly citizens since they gradparents were the branceros in South Texas and the three big metro area of Texas have lots of illegal immirgants that do construcation work.
The group Feeding America has released it’s 2013 list of the most “food insecure” counties in the US, those with the highest percentage of hungry children. In another triumph for the state of California, home of the largest number of legal and illegal immigrants, Los Angeles County is number one, with 640,000 hungry children. And six of the top 17 counties in the country are, you guessed it, California. A state on the verge of becoming a third world like disaster, and yet the whole political establishment will support a “reform” bill with no enforcement in it. Which means more poor on the way from other countries. And the people like FAIR who have warned of this for decades are still the object of scorn from those same people who helped produce this debacle.
True, the National Chairman of the Republican Party visited Santa Ana in Orange County Ca to get HIspanic Votes. Most Republcians have dismissed California since its hard to win anything but the National Chariman toured Orange County to get the Hispanic Vote. In Orange County the white population still votes over 50 percent while the Hispanic population is probably under 20 percent since Orange County has a lower than average Hispanic population that is American Citizens. Orange County is one of the few places in California whre the Republicans win but Mitt Romeny won in the mainly white beach area or South Orange County and lost heavily in the more Hispanic areas of Santa Ana and Anahiem and lost somewhat in the cities of Wesminster, Garden Grove and Irvine which has Asians but the Republican Party in Orange County which I have told them several times that Hispanics will not go for them or they will loose the white vote in Orange County that votes for them but they have not listened. In fact HIspanics in Orange County count much less than Los Angeles and slighlty less in San Diego but the National Chariman is not visiting those places since OC as mention is one of the few counties they still won but its because of white vote not Hispanic vote.
Heres another tidbit that will boil your blood. This is an article posted by Senator Jeff Sessions:
Significant National Security Loopholes In Gang Of Eight’s Legalization Plan
Wednesday, June 19, 2013.
This is a must read
As pointed out, it has been one broken promise after another on a border fence over the years. When gang of 8 member John McCain was running for reelection in 2010, he had a primary opponent who was tough on border security. So McCain was running campaign commercials about “just finish the dang fence”. But what did mr. tough guy do when he got reelected? He went right back to being the same person who has been pushing amnesty for a decade, and he forgot all about finishing the “dang fence”.
He long ago said that this bill would not repeat the mistakes of the 1986 amnesty, and of course, it DOES. Any enforcement is vague promises and goals. The reason we are here, again, is that the promised enforcement in that bill NEVER happened and has given us four times the number of illegals. And what is the supposed cure for our “broken system”? That’s right, more of the same. Legalization first and then possibly enforcement. Enforcement unlikely to happen.
Face it. La Raza determines our immigration laws and our representatives ask how high when they say jump.