FAIR Alert: Thank You!

Thank you for all of your hard work fighting against S. 744 in the Senate. Because of your help, we prevented Chuck Schumer and the amnesty lobby from gaining the 70 votes they predicted they would get!

Thank you for fighting amnesty!

But the fight is just beginning. Now is the time to start refocusing your attention to the U.S. House of Representatives, where Speaker Boehner has claimed he will follow the will of the Republican Majority in the House. Make sure the will of Republican Majority is to:

• Oppose amnesty and any “pathway to citizenship” for illegal immigrants;

• Stop increasing the number of foreign guest workers at times of record unemployment; and

• Finally enforce U.S. immigration law and stop the Obama Administration’s prosecutorial discretion policies that release illegal immigrants back onto the streets.

In fact, Republican Leadership in the House has called a closed-door meeting for Members of the GOP to discuss the critical immigration issue next Wednesday, July 10. It will be a time for Members to speak up and share their opinion as to how the chamber should proceed with the issue—make sure they tell Leadership to oppose amnesty!

While Members of Congress are back in their Districts for the July 4 holiday, take this time to call, write, or email your Member.  And if you really want to get involved, contact your Member and find out if he or she has any town hall meetings or events scheduled where you can voice your opinions.  


About Author


Content written by Federation for American Immigration Reform staff.


  1. avatar
    John Winthrop on

    You must be kidding me!!……68 is no different from 70 and the point is that so far they won because it passed….let’s get real!!!

  2. avatar

    There’s an old saying. Penny wise and pound foolish. It’s British and really translates into penny wise and dollar foolish. It means watching the pennies, but spending the dollars with abandon. And it’s a metaphor for what the Republicans would do by giving in on this issue. Whatever small amount of Latin votes they might get from supporting “reform”, it will be nothing compared to the many millions they will lose by the newly amnestied aliens and the millions of legal immigrants this bill will bring in. It’s our present high levels of immigration on steroids.

    There is literally little to be gained by the GOP by going along with this. And it will actually turn off a lot of the people, and there are many, who say that they disagree with the party on most everything except the issue of illegal immigration.

    Again, where is the gain?

    • avatar

      The Gain Goes to the Foreign Corporate Entities That Took Over Our Country Without a War

      Case in point, the lion share of our farms are now foreign corporate owned. No wonder prices went through the roof for food as they clamor for more slave workers.

      • avatar
        John Winthrop on

        SWE illegals in the fields or not expect prices to go up……………………so what does that tell you?