Debra Saunders: Cynical Washington Games Behind Amnesty
“The Senate is so out of touch that some leaders think the way to pass a path-to-citizenship bill for illegal immigrants is to budget $40 billion for extra immigration enforcement over the next 10 years. This is the type of cynical ploy that makes everyone hate Washington,” says columnist Debra J. Saunders.
“The Senate wants to reward people who have broken immigration law — and then tell voters it’s OK because it wants to spend billions more to enforce the laws it will have overridden. The Heritage Foundation panned the Gang of Eight’s measure — with amendments, it runs more than 1,100 pages — as ‘a massive, sweeping, complicated bill that works at cross-purposes to its stated goals.'”
Dairy Farmers Lobby for Guest Worker System
“Brian Gerrits, who oversees two dairies that own more than 5,000 cows, is one of Wisconsin’s many dairy farmers backing the immigration overhaul heading to the U.S. House. Giving illegal immigrants the chance to become citizens would eliminate anxiety for farmers and workers and ‘take that monkey off our backs, and theirs,’ Mr. Gerrits said, while taking a break from mixing pancake batter at a Waushara County dairy breakfast attended by U.S. Rep. Tom Petri (R., Wis.),” the Wall Street Journal reports.
“A comprehensive rewrite of U.S. immigration laws passed the Senate last week. In Wisconsin, dairy farmers, one of the state’s biggest business groups, are embracing a stance not shared by some Republican lawmakers and their skeptical constituents, providing a preview of the debate to come.”
“The farmers represent a powerful force pushing for an immigration overhaul. The industry’s reliance on immigrant labor has deepened as milk producers have turned to nearly 24-hour milking cycles to boost productivity. Immigrant workers make up about 40% of hired labor on Wisconsin’s dairy farms, according to a 2009 estimate from the University of Wisconsin at Madison.”
Rep. Filemon Vela Leaves Congressional Hispanic Caucus Over Border Surge
“Rep. Filemon Vela (D-Texas), who represents a South Texas border districting including Brownsville, resigned resigned from the Congressional Hispanic Caucus over its members’ support of the comprehensive immigration reform bill’s multi-billion dollar security measures, known as the ‘border surge.’ The news was first reported Tuesday by the Houston Chronicle,” says the Huffington Post.
“Vela’s decision came days after he joined fellow Texas Democratic Reps. Pete Gallego and Beto O’Rourke on the floor of the House in criticizing the immigration bill’s emphasis on border security.”
Senate Bill Won’t Stop Illegal Immigration
“Despite billions of dollars in new Border Patrol agents and fencing, the Senate’s immigration bill will still only stop between a third and half of all illegal immigrants, according to the latest analysis the Congressional Budget Office released Tuesday morning. Backers have said they guaranteed that the bill, which passed the Senate on a 68-32 vote last week, would stop a new wave of illegal immigration, which they said was the necessary precondition for legalizing the current illegal population,” the Washington Times reports. “Even though it doesn’t stop illegal immigration, the bill’s additional border security is an improvement over a previous version, which CBO analysts said would only stop about a quarter of illegal immigrants. The difference works out to about 800,000 fewer illegal immigrants by 2023 than would have entered the country under the original bill.”
Immigrants Account For All Job Growth Since 2000
“Immigrants — both legal and illegal — have accounted for all of the job gains in the U.S. labor market since 2000, according to a report that highlights the stiff competition for jobs in a tight economy as Congress debates adding more workers to the mix.
The Center for Immigration Studies report, which is being released Wednesday, says 22.4 million immigrants of working age held jobs at the beginning of this year, up 5.3 million over the total in 2000. But native-born workers with jobs dropped 1.3 million over that same period, from 114.8 million to 113.5 million,” the Washingon Times reports.
Let me tell you how important enforcement is to the current administration. We bid to put a new roof on an ICE agent’s house. He used illegal immigrants. They are mowing Romney’s lawn, snd by admission, doing all the work around the home of Colin Powell. Lots of government officials have used illegal immigrants and even offered them help for favors. That is a felony.
Long term unemployed numbers are still dismal, especially among minorities and young people, but this bill will bring in millions of guest workers, so corporations can drive wages and benefits to nothing.
The really ironic part is that the strongest support for this comes from those two groups. Blacks let this be cast as a “civil rights” issue, when it is nothing of the sort. It should be an insult to compare people who entered this country illegally to the century long struggle of blacks for equal rights. AND equal opportunity for blacks, but this bill only puts them further behind.
And the young people, who have rates of unemployment close to rates of the depression, are so brainwashed that they can’t realize that these millions of guest worker worker visas can only make things worse for them. They are repeating the propaganda of those same corporations they claim to be so wary of. Talk about working against your own best interests.
Only a fool would trust Speaker John Boehner. Ending illegal immigration and stopping amnesty for illegal immigrants is not what Boehner is about.
Calfornia Hispanic politicans are the worst. In fact a lot of the illegals started going to Houston Tx which is also easy on them instead of San Diego but passing a law that means that can lie about SSI and Drivers License means that the illegals that were going to places like Houston to construcation to California. The California Hispanics double up on the problem as usual.
Immigrants accounting for 100% of the job growth. There’s a topic!
I’ve seen this in sophisticated finance and tech fields, so contrary to elite opinion, it’s not only happening to people in low wage jobs. Even a graduate degree offers little defense against the carnage. The population of America is being systematically and deliberately replaced, and the native born souls who are losing their livelihoods are falling through the cracks every day. They’re essentially left to die, and for those who are single, they will typically have no chance to create new Americans. That’s because Americans are taught to be responsible when it comes to having children; it’s part of having an advanced culture. This whole, immoral enterprise is a vicious cycle with evil parallels — theft of national property and ethnic cleansing — in history. It’s not done with the same tactics, but the results are the same. It’s emotionally gut wrenching and motivated by the worst of human nature.
The country is currently proving that high civilizations are always overrun by those who are more aggressive. At the same time, many people are fighting back and are determined to take back their country. The federal government needs to answer to the people who are being systematically replaced or the people will have to seek a new government.
guess what……it has been the case for 300+ years……………….Americans have been taught to be responsible to having children………? are definitely out of touch………….
Illegal alien parents are not “responsible” for their children when they collect government benefits to support them. That was not the case years ago. You can repeat this propaganda all you want, it’s still false.
Yes Concerned Citizen
150,000 of the world’s brightest engineers [mostlyAmerican engineers in Space and Automotive] were butcher axed from 2006-2010….the heart of America. They’ve mostly been replaced through outsourcing.
And yes, they’ve slipped through the crack alright; along with our nation’s hope. Without these bright domestic engineers [and not subpar foreign replacements either] this country is doomed.
Budget $40 Billion to Legalize IAs
Then furlough MASS real Americans in government jobs this summer…..our politicians are organised crime planners for the foreign corporates.