Throughout the current immigration policy debate, National Public Radio has uncritically reported claims that we need amnesty and massive immigration increases to avert a calamitous labor shortage in the United States.
Apparently, Yuki Noguchi, NPR’s business correspondent, didn’t get the memo. Reporting on the release of July’s dismal employment data, Noguchi relies on Daniel Alpert, founder of Westwood Capital and a senior fellow at The Century Foundation, to explain why the slight decline in the unemployment rate to 7.4 percent is actually not good news.
Citing Alpert, Noguchi reports that the key reason for protracted high unemployment and depressed wages is that “there are essentially too many people looking for work.” Rather than a short-term problem, NPR accepts Alpert’s assessment that this phenomenon is likely to continue. “The U.S.’s biggest long-term issue: an oversupply of labor,” reports Noguchi.
NPR’s coverage of the July employment numbers notes that the 162,000 new hires in July is much slower than it has been during the last year. Even more importantly, Noguchi reports that “Close to 60 percent of the jobs created since the beginning of this year are in the lowest third of the pay scale,” and that many of these marginal jobs are part-time, while workers are seeking full-time employment.
My suggestion: File this report on your computer and next time NPR, or one of its local affiliates reports that we need amnesty and increased immigration to head-off a labor shortage, send them a letter and include a link to their own story. Either we have a labor shortage, or we have an oversupply of labor – but we can’t have both.
Pingback: Explain to Me Again Why We Need More Unskilled Labor
Just ask the Apache’s of the southwest how unlimted illegal immigration works out from South of the Rio Grande river. Took them 400 years, a $2.00 per set of Apache, (men, women or children) ears to get it done but the Apache lost their land, their gold, their lives, their liberty.
We Americans are the new Apache. The same thing goes on now. Bad chiefs for a few trinkets of gold and other bribes sell U.S. out for their on greed and power lust.
Find the book “Apache” by Will Levinton Comfort, read the life of Apache Chief Mangus Colorados and you will know your fate if you do not now fight as did Mangus and the Apache of his time.
The ones on Washington D.C. work now together as a two party evil money cult, they do not repersent U.S. any longer.
NO taxpayer dollars should be spent to fund the ultra liberal, amnesty-pushing, biased NPR — especially in light of their very poor reporting and unbalanced reporting of the amnesty debate and with what their CEO said not too long ago.
My suggestion: File this report on your computer and next time NPR, or one of its local affiliates reports that we need amnesty and increased immigration to head-off a labor shortage, send them a letter and include a link to their own story. Either we have a labor shortage, or we have an oversupply of labor – but we can’t have both.
True on the other automation, get rid of illegal immigrants and waiter jobs would be more full time. Get rid of illegal immigrants and maid jobs wages would increase abut 2 per hr and be full time. Get rid of illegal immigrants and average construction pay would increase 5 per hr, the difference in Texas between illegal immigrant construction workers and legal ones Unlike Brookings inst remark about low paying construction jobs, construcation, can pay as good as manufacturing, just get rid of the illegal immigrants that have driven the wages down.
But of course all the immigration kool ade drinkers will never admit that we don’t have a labor shortage, but instead we have a labor oversupply. We have become so politically correct in this country that we, well, a lot of us, cannot accept that our present wide open immigration policies are a huge NEGATIVE, for the environment and our financial health. It’s insanity to be bringing in masses of workers while we pay Americans unemployment and other benefits because they are unemployed. But like I said, have another sip of the kool ade and pretend everything is wonderful.
Great catch, Ira Mehlman. The increase immigration fanatics walk in a labyrinth of untruths, which inevitably leads to intellectual dead ends.
The Open Border NWO Brainlessness
Has no bounds.