Survey Says Illegal Aliens Not Concerned About Risk of Arrest

Survey Says Illegal Aliens Not Concerned About Risk of Arrest

“A new study from the American Sociological Review shows illegal immigrants from Mexico don’t consider the possibility of being arrested a deterrent from breaking U.S. immigration laws,” notes Katie Pavlich at

“Considering law enforcement authorities, including Immigration and Customs Enforcement, really don’t have much ability to punish people who come to the United States illegally, this attitude makes total sense. Lack of enforcement is a problem ICE Council President Chris Crane has explained in detail multiple times to Congress.”

GOP Rep. Criticized for “Undocumented Citizens” Remark

“Rep. Aaron Schock (R-Ill.) is being criticized by a prominent Washington, D.C.-based immigration group for calling illegal immigrants “undocumented citizens.” Schock was recorded in a video this week indicating his support for legislation along the lines of the Senate’s immigration bill. But the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) said Schock’s comments show he is too willing to trust the Obama administration to enforce border security after legal status is given to illegal residents,” The Hill reports.

Thousands of Syrian Refugees Approved for Arrival in U.S.

“With conditions continuing to deteriorate in Syria, the Obama administration is making a major policy shift by agreeing for the first time to allow thousands of new Syrian refugees into the United States, The Cable has learned,” reported.

“The numbers are relatively small: just 2,000 refugees, compared to an estimated two million people who have fled Syria during the civil war. But it’s a significant increase from the 90 or so Syrian refugees who have been permanently admitted to the U.S. in the last two years. And it’s not entirely uncontroversial. The refugees, mostly women and children, will be screened for terrorist ties — a process that could take a year or more to complete.”

About Author


Dan is the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)'s President after joining the organization in 1982. He has testified more than 50 times before Congress, and been cited in the media as "America's best-known immigration reformer." Dan has appeared on virtually every significant TV and radio news/talk program in America and, in addition to being a contributing editor to, has contributed commentaries to a vast number of print media outlets.


  1. avatar

    Whether we have a “labor shortage” now, why is Paul Ryan talking about it when baby boomers retire. He knows nothing because every poll taken in the last dozen years says baby boomers will work past retirement, either by choice or necessity. THOSE people are planning on having jobs available to THEM.

    Why don’t we actually WAIT for any supposed “shortages” to develop, instead of lying about something that is NOT happening, and is UNLIKELY to do so. It’s like saying we only have one kid now, but we may possibly have six eventually so we better get a huge van now. You don’t plan that way, for things that may never happen. Does Ryan suppose we better snap up all the available workers now? Or is he doing more shilling for cheap imported labor for his corporate pals? Never mind, you know the answer. .

  2. avatar
    John Winthropp on

    I do not think the Survey is correct………..I AM SURE the illegals are afraid to be arrested……….it is only human to be that way……with the exception of the criminals that crossed the borders no different form our criminals……otherwise they would be criminals…..i.e….not afradi

    • avatar

      You’re not afraid if the law is not being enforced and there is almost no chance you will be deported unless you committed a major crime.

  3. avatar
    John Winthropp on

    what a waste or time/resources……..this does not matter or changes anything…..

  4. avatar

    Once we start admitting Syrian refugees, no matter how “small” the number, more and more will come, and the American taxpayer will be providing for them. It’s automatic aid for them when they come as refugees. Once more, we have to pick up the pieces for the rest of the world.

    • avatar
      John Winthropp on

      what is interesting like in Irak or Egypt…..they have a mess with their different tribes…..however how different is Congress really?…..the same…..they work against each other with the best Health financial benefits no hard working American has access to…………………………..efinitley the best career to pursue………t