Rubio Tries Image Repair in Florida
“As he moves across Florida this week, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio is keeping two schedules. The public one, where he tells friendly, pro-business crowds what he sees as the dangers of Obamacare. And the invite-only one, where he seeks to reconnect with grass roots conservative activists who have questions — and some outrage — over his involvement in immigration reform,” reports.
“It’s a two-step plan designed to repair Rubio’s image, which has taken a beating in recent months, darkening the glow of his 2016 presidential prospects.”
A Rare Enforcement of the Public Charge Rule
“When Steve Summers wanted to help his bride, Mexico-born Evangelina Zapata, obtain U.S. residency, he did what millions of other U.S. citizens to do to make it happen – he signed an affidavit vowing to support her so that she would not become a ‘public charge,'” Fox News Latino writes.
“Now, after their divorce four years ago, the affidavit is being held up by Zapata in her push to get Summers to pay her alimony. She has sued Summers in federal court for breaking the contract to support her at 125 percent of the poverty level.”
Illegal Aliens Learn the Hard Way that DACA Was About the Election
“In January, Jose Patino learned through the mail that the federal government had approved him for a program that protects young undocumented immigrants from deportation and issues them work permits. That night, Patino, 24, and his family celebrated,” USA Today reports.
“But some of that excitement has worn off for Patino and many of the hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants nationally who have been approved for the program, which will be a year old Thursday. Often, the initial excitement has been replaced by frustration and disappointment as undocumented immigrants approved for deferred action from deportation are forced to face the program’s limitations and uncertain political future.”
The Dog That Didn’t Bark – Secular Media Embraces Religious Arguments for Amnesty
“Imagine a major Christian leader citing Scripture while writing about marriage, abortion, divorce or sexual abstinence in a commentary published by a mainstream newspaper,” says Derrick Morgan in the LA Times.
“Imagine him encouraging reforms that ‘reflect biblical principles,’ noting that ‘nations will be judged,’ that Christian lawmakers should ‘let personal faith replace political fear.’ Imagine him arguing that a specific reform ‘will honor our American values, our biblical values and our God.'”
Hard to imagine a mainstream, secular publication featuring such a piece, isn’t it? A chorus of voices would greet it with calls to keep religion out of politics and not impose personal religious beliefs on others.
Interestingly, though, both The Times and Politico each published an opinion piece by different Christian leaders recently arguing for comprehensive immigration reform using the words quoted above.
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