Asylum Claims at Mexican Border Double Over Last 3 Years

Asylum Claims at Mexican Border Double Over Last 3 Years

“Requests for asylum in the United States along the Southwest border have more than doubled over the last three years as immigrants seek legal entry into the country by claiming fear of persecution back home. That’s according to figures released Friday by the federal government,” the AP reports.

Border Patrol Ordered Away From Non-Profit Housing Illegal Aliens

“The El Paso Rescue Mission shelter stands approximately 100 yards from the U.S./Mexico border. Border Patrol agents have been ordered by their higher-ups not to go there and enforce U.S. laws on the property, according to the Vice President of the Local 1929 Border Patrol Council, Stu Harris,” Breitbart News reports.

“Such ‘law-free’ zones on U.S. soil are not restricted to the border area. They exist across the U.S. One example is Austin, Texas’ Casa Marianella. The group provides aid to ‘undocumented worker communities,’ and does so in plain sight. It not only openly discusses its shelter for illegal immigrants and ‘asylum seekers,’ but during my own experiences helping the FBI combat human trafficking, it was common knowledge that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) routinely visits the center — but does not enforce U.S. laws on the center’s grounds.”

California GOP Heeding the Wrong Message on Immigration

“Politico reports today that California Republicans are urging House Republicans to pass “comprehensive” immigration reform, for fear that the party “can’t win elections” in the state unless the legislation succeeds. That false message parrots the talking points being pushed by pro-amnesty unions and activists, who have taunted the GOP with slogans such as “Road to Exctinction or Road to Citizenship” at rallies this month,” says Breitbart News.

“Politico’s story, by Jake Sherman gets many other details wrong, such as the number of participants at an immigration reform rally in Bakersfield last week. He puts the number of attendees at 1,000–wrong, yet below other media estimates, and perhaps a concession to the fact that there were never more than a few hundred present, as Breitbart News and several other news agencies actually on the ground confirmed.”

About Author


Dan is the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)'s President after joining the organization in 1982. He has testified more than 50 times before Congress, and been cited in the media as "America's best-known immigration reformer." Dan has appeared on virtually every significant TV and radio news/talk program in America and, in addition to being a contributing editor to, has contributed commentaries to a vast number of print media outlets.


  1. avatar

    As word spreads about claiming asylum, how many more will flood over the border from Mexico, Latin America even South America? We were surprised to see this covered on one of the nightly news programs, I think it was NBC Nightly News. There were so many claiming asylum that Border Patrol couldn’t house them all and had to take over a hotel. The illegals can stay – and work if they wish – in this country until their hearing. It could take months, even years, before the hearing. They have once again found a way to use our system, enter the country and screw us out of everything they can.

  2. avatar

    So now we go from trying to combat amnesty to now asylum? one replaces the other. this is never-ending and getting to epic levels of absurdity. How the heck are we going to get any semblance of law and order in our country if we give these illegals asylum?

  3. avatar

    I think Tom Coburn is on the right path in his attempts to save the United States of America. He thinks Obama is a hair away from being impeached and I agree with Mr. Coburn. ENOUGH is ENOUGH.

  4. avatar
    Mary Anna B Leverett on

    I wish this country had it’s common sense back and would send these illegal immigrates back to Mexico or whatever South American country they came from so they can clean up their own country’s mess. They do not want politicial asylum but only to get into America to make it just like Mexico and their other troubled countries are now. Total ruination. And they are well on their way to achieving that goal in America with the blind-eye that is being turned by our so-called Washington D.C. officials that we sent there to represent us, NOT the law-breaking illegals that have no problem whatsoever in entering the USA. America is suppose to be so “kind” in accepting people from other nations but those “people” from other nations, mostly Mexico, in no way, shape or form, want to be American citizens, speak English and become productive, law abiding folks who enhance our country, not hender it. That is proven everyday by the “press one for English, two for Spanish” with every phone call that is made to a business or govenment agency and the Spanish that is now covering packaging of products so much so that it’s hard to see where the English starts and ends. What other country does such a thing? Does Mexico and the South American countries have “press one for Spanish, two for English”……I THINK NOT!!! We have turned into such bleeding-heart fools that all the other countries see and have no problem taking advantage of. AND ALL THIS FOR A FEW VOTES SO THE LIBERAL, SOCIALIST AND, NOW, COMMUNIST DEMOCRATS CAN STAY IN POWER FOR ANOTHER 60 YEARS! But in 60 years there will be no more AMERICA that our Found Fathers so carefully put together, as it will have become the UNITED STATE OF MEXICO!!!

  5. avatar

    We are a nation under Who?GOD!Your own Evil will destroy our country. Use your brains if Mexico had 95,000 automatic guns in their country.How many do u think they have inside ours.One cartel named one of fifth richest in the world.They will do anything$$$.Let US enemies know how much these cartel hate us.My prayer is that God will have Mercy for allowing our country for being morally Wrong.Thou shall KILL.

  6. avatar

    A relaxed policy of “persecution” in Mexico brings double the asylum claims. Predictable as heat in July and snow and January.

    And when are Republicans going to learn math. 2 plus 2 is still 4, folks. Under the BEST scenario, the GOP might possibly add another 10% to their share of the Latino vote by completely capitulating to the La Raza mentality, but that would not have been nearly enough for Romney to win.

    FAIR has highlighted polls showing that “citizenship” is not all that important to Latinos. What do they care about? Social programs, welfare, government paid goodies. THOSE are what the Democrats promise them in states like California and why that party gets their vote. The GOP will never be a viable party in that state again.

    What the Republicans need to accept is they cannot win with a lot of the candidates women and working class will not vote for. They probably lost at least five Senate seats in the last couple elections by alienating women.

    Stop trying to chase a handful of votes from Latinos and realize that becoming just a little less right wing on women’s and economic issues will have a much bigger payoff. It’s not some elusive Latino vote they will never get that is moving them to “extinction”.

  7. avatar
    cynthia curran on

    The El Paso Rescue Mission shelter stands approximately 100 yards from the U.S./Mexico border. Border Patrol agents have been ordered by their higher-ups not to go there and enforce U.S. laws on the property, according to the Vice President of the Local 1929 Border Patrol Council, Stu Harris,” Breitbart News reports.
    “Such ‘law-free’ zones on U.S. soil are not restricted to the border area. They exist across the U.S. One example is Austin, Texas’ Casa Marianella. The group provides aid to ‘undocumented worker communities,’ and does so in plain sight. It not only openly discusses its shelter for illegal immigrants and ‘asylum seekers,’ but during my own experiences helping the FBI combat human trafficking, it was common knowledge that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) routinely visits the center — but does not enforce U.S. laws on the center’s grounds.”
    I’m not an Obama fan but didn’t Bush do things to make it easier for illegal immirgants as well. A lot of Latino Republcians were screaming about deported done by Obama but now the right which is right on this issue ignores the Latins that opposed deportation a year ago.

    • avatar


      US government is paying for illegal aliens to stay in hotel rooms

      The Obama administration has ordered the border patrol not to deport illegal aliens if they claim they are fleeing cartel violence. Word has gone out in Mexico, and guess what? Thousands of Mexicans are just walking up to the border patrol and claiming they are fleeing cartel violence.

      In the past week, San Diego has been overwhelmed with nearly 600 Mexicans claiming they are fleeing cartel violence. They are being given plush hotel rooms at taxpayer expense and will be allowed to stay in the US while their “asylum case” makes its way through the courts. Even if an immigration judge eventually orders them to be deported, the Obama administration will probably never deport them