Evangelical Amnesty Boosters Begin Ad Campaign
“A coalition of evangelical Christians will spend more than $400,000 on radio ads urging members of Congress to support immigration changes that includes a path to citizenship for most of the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States,” USA Today writes.
“They assume that America has a moral obligation to help illegal aliens who have come to this country,” said federation spokesman Bob Dane. “But if we accept that we have the moral obligation to give amnesty to the 12 million who are here right now, aren’t we going to have the same obligation to the next 12 million and the next after that? That’s not justice and morality, that’s chaos.”
Catholic Bishops, Priests Push Amnesty from Pulpit
“Catholic bishops and priests from major dioceses across the country will preach a coordinated message next month backing changes in immigration policy, with some using Sunday Masses on Sept. 8 to urge Congressional passage of a legislative overhaul that includes a path to citizenship for unauthorized immigrants,” the New York Times says.
“The decision to embrace political action from the pulpit is part of a broader effort by the Roman Catholic Church and other faith groups that support President Obama’s call for new immigration laws. It includes advertising and phone calls directed at 60 Catholic Republican lawmakers and ‘prayerful marches’ in Congressional districts where the issue has become a divisive topic.”
Immigration Harms American Workers
“The catch with immigration is ‘some people are winners and some people are losers,’ says Pia Orrenius, an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Immigrants, American companies that benefit from the labor and workers who move up the food chain tend to be the winners. There is no doubt legalization is good for those who are legalized. It could, economists estimate, boost their wages by 5% to 20%, because they would be able to switch jobs more easily and pursue more education,” the Wall Street Journal writes.
“The losers find themselves in direct competition with new immigrants. Oscar Saenz, an executive assistant in the packing division of the UFCW labor union, and who has worked in meatpacking for four decades, says the union contract at the Greeley plant is one of the best they have negotiated at any beef plant. He supports an immigration overhaul to give millions of undocumented immigrants legal status, but he worries that new work-visa programs will allow so many new workers in that it will make the union’s job harder. ‘Maybe by having so many of them, we’re not going to get the wages we want for the American workers,’ he worries. It is one of the trade-offs, he says, to get a comprehensive plan passed.
Lawmakers Fault Napolitano’s Move to Appoint New ICE Director
“Two key lawmakers have written President Obama to express “extreme concern” over his choice for acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, citing John Sandweg’s “critically thin” experience in law enforcement. The letter, signed by House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul, R- Texas, and Rep. Jeff Duncan, R-S.C., who chairs the committee’s Oversight and Management Efficiency Subcommittee, went out just days after FoxNews.com published an exclusive story exploring Sandweg’s close ties to outgoing Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and his experience as a criminal defense attorney,” Fox News says.
As far as the evangelicals are concerned, has anyone had the opportunity to study and/or look over their “40 Days of Scripture and Prayer”? As I read the not so legitimate passages they recommend that everyone should read, I’ll openly admit that most, if not all of them are snakes. These callous clowns have no respect for the word of God; moreover, it’s a price they’ll have to pay. Sure I’ll pray for them and unfortunately everyone who subscribes to their lame material.
he catch with immigration is ‘some people are winners and some people are losers,’ says Pia Orrenius, an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Immigrants, American companies that benefit from the labor and workers who move up the food chain tend to be the winners. There is no doubt legalization is good for those who are legalized. It could, economists estimate, boost their wages by 5% to 20%, because they would be able to switch jobs more easily and pursue more education,” the Wall Street Journal writes
Actually, the dreamers would more likely to moved up since in cities like Santa Ana many illegal immigrants about 30 to 40 percent have 9th grade education and lower and it will be harder for the other 8 million to move up that much. Dreamers which are only 1 to 3 million are more likely to moved up since they are much more likely to finished college.
The evangelicals are pushing an immoral agenda because they’re not considering the harm done to American citizens AND the harm that comes to illegal immigrants through encouraging more human trafficking.
Morality has a limit with most of these church groups and advocates of amnesty. When you ask them if there is a limit to those who can come here because they “want a better life”, they say of course. So apparently they are more moral than others because they are willing to let in higher, but not unlimited, numbers? So how does that make them any better than those who want to restrict immigration? The only apparent disagreement is the numbers.