California Court to Hear Case of Illegal Alien Seeking to Be Lawyer
California’s Supreme Court is set Wednesday to consider whether an illegal immigrant is eligible for a license to practice law in the state, in the latest case to pit the federal government against a state over immigration policy. The Justice Department said Mr. Garcia is forbidden from obtaining a license by a law Congress passed in 1996, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act,” the Wall Street Journal reports.
“The federal government is also opposing an attempt by an undocumented immigrant to gain admission to the Florida bar. Unlike Mr. Garcia, Jose Manuel Godinez-Samperio qualified for the Department of Homeland Security’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program and is now authorized to work in the U.S., according to his lawyer. The Justice Department said in court documents filed with the state Supreme Court that the authorization doesn’t entitle him to a professional license.”
Longshore Union Walks From AFL-CIO Over Too-Tough Amnesty Bill, Obamacare
“The International Longshore and Warehouse Union has cut ties with the AFL-CIO, citing in part the private-sector union’s support for ObamaCare and immigration reform. In an August 29 letter to AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, leaders of the 40,000-member union said they have become “increasingly frustrated” with the federation’s policy positions on such matters as immigration and health care reform. “We feel the federation has done a great disservice to the labor movement and all working people,” wrote Robert McEllrath, president of the San Francisco-based ILWU,” Fox News reported.
Illegal Immigration Impacts Schools Everywhere
Brian Davis, superintendent of schools in Holland, Michigan, is quoted in James Fallows latest Atlantic column on the effects of illegal immigration.
“We have children who come from homes with a million-plus annual income, and ones who come from homes with incomes under $20,000,” he said. “Just under 10 percent of them are considered homeless. When you factor all those variables in, it’s the future of what public education looks like.” Like every school representative we’ve talked with in the Midwest, he began reeling off some of the 20 native languages of his students. “Of course Spanish, but then Japanese, Russian, Tagalog, Korean — we’ve got more Garcias than Vans.”
“The other big factor is the proportion of students and families who are undocumented.” He said that — by definition — he didn’t have a precise number, but “From talking with adults or asking students about their friends, the number is higher than anyone might expect. It could easily be 30 percent or greater.”
Rep. Ryan Faces Pressure on Immigration Stance
“Paul Ryan is under pressure to drop his support for revising U.S. immigration laws: His adversaries are running television attack ads against him and warning of a primary challenge to the Wisconsin Republican congressman. Ryan is risking a “showdown with the Tea Party,” said Bob Dane, an opposition leader, in reference to the anti-tax movement that backs primary challenges to some incumbents,” Bloomberg News writes.
“His stance runs against heavy opposition to a citizenship path among fellow members of the House Republican majority. Ryan, his party’s 2012 vice-presidential nominee, has gained some unlikely allies. Among them are President Barack Obama’s political campaign arm, Organizing for Action; some Wisconsin Democrats, and a pro-immigration group funded by Facebook Inc. (FB) Chairman Mark Zuckerberg’s political advocacy organization.”
I am a Hispanic that had lived in this wonderful nation for about 43 years. I am an immigrant that became a Naturalized U.S. Citizen long time ago. The humble education that I have, and the progress that I have made in life, I OWE IT TO THIS COUNTRY. What can I give in return? LOYALTY, FOR SURE, and FIGHT FOR ITS INTERESTS.
Believe me, the U.S. LET IT GO TOO FAR!!! The illegal and even legal immigration is a very complex issue that needs to be taken care of, NOW. I read hundreds of comments of American people in regards to illegal immigration, and the so-called amnesty, and I perceive that most are giving up or surrendering to the decisions of the politicians in Washington, who at the same time are succumbing to the demands of advocates for illegal immigration and lobbyists. What did it take Egypt to overthrown Mohamed Morsi and its minions?
Perhaps, if it passes, I hope not, then we really need to do something else to take America back. Not just make comments in the internet.
all we have to do is look at history to tell the story of what happens to great countries when it allows the amount of outsiders ,as in third world people flowing into it becomes larger then the patriot population, example, the roman empire. it fell from within and that is what will happen to us unless we stop the raging river of the type of people swarming us now.
Notice that those in power have no problem whatsoever with illegals in jobs that are beneath them (or at least lower paid jobs than their own) – yet, when an illegal threatens their own livelihood – wow, they are quickly against it. Such is the case with illegals trying to be lawyers. I guess politicos like being seen to be sympathetic for the ‘poor illegals’ and are fine with them picking fruit or working in the back of restaurants. But do they want them to be professionals? Do they want illegals in their own world?
No way.
Also, an illegal lawyer might charge only 40 dollars per hour – and not 300 plus.
You know lawyers don’t want that.
Yes we have become a nation of illegals….. and someone forgot to mention….illegitimates…. as that sort of birthrate soars in response to welfare coverage……..for male/female whore behavior….. while childfree, law abiding, adults, most who have paid their dues in life, …. totally denied of any benefits to destitute childfree singles…and all is takes is unemployment and no income to become destitute.,…while illegals and others of their kind breed like flies.
California.. now a 3rd world country….. w/ 60% minority population; much of which are illegals… has totally economically swamped EVERY public accommodation to include welfare, schools, Medicaid, housing, hospitals etc. They demand free everything and the honkies can pay for it. Their gangs terrorize cities, they flaunt all the laws and stage car accidents to rob and rape. This country better wake up…close our borders at whatever cost… and fast….. because the invasion of illegals in this country is terrorism as bad as those monsters who bomb innocents in public places. They are destroying our economy and lifestyle that took the blood, sweat, and guts of many generations to EARN…to say nothing of the millions of veterans who died in the efforts to preserve it and our freedoms. The right wing rich wink at illegals, because their existence is just a 21st century of the “plantation situation” labor with low wages, no tax withholding, and no OSHA oversight. The rest of the jobs are long gone to overseas sweatshops @ $.50 an hour. The left encourages illegals, as in Obama, because they want votes from those who have no right to vote, no right to American education, no right to welfare, no right to anything but deportation. You all who have had enough of being the real discriminated against and disenfranchised in favor of these parasite groups, i.e almost extinct middle class….had better unite and do whatever it takes to get our country back for those who REALLY do the work, pay the taxes, and live right….because it is nearly too late now!!!
If people want to come to the USA, great. Just take the legal steps to do so.
Then when you are a citizen of the USA, you can get any job you want, run for any office you want.
There is not another country anywhere else that you can run for an office without becoming a citizen of that country.
Why should you think you can do this in the USA?
America can no longer even let in legal aliens. Our water is scarce. For lack of enough food, it is being cloned. Our economy is in the toilet because there aren’t enough jobs. We are speedily becoming bi-lingual and not the Judeo-Christian country we used to be. How many more people can we hold? America is full. No more immigrants, legal or illegal!
I strongly believe that you should be born in America to run America! And if you want to run in any legal office you definitly have to be a citizen. And that is not a recent one. We are already giving all of them social security numbers and that I do not understand. Also in order to get a job you have to speak spanish. My kids had to hunt for jobs, meanwhile all thier mexican and hyspanic friends had jobs. I love America but I am getting worried where were headed. We no longer are holding them back!
I wonder how many people realize that the government won’t even pursue deportation of a VIOLENT child abuser Illegal, to get deported the Illegal, will have needed to have a Prior criminal Conviction!! Otherwise he walks!
Guess what, most don’t show Prior legal trouble in the computer system because the typically use Stolen Identities and change “who they are” on a regular schedule.
US law and government is a joke amongst them. They know and practice how to get away with crime and fraud every day.
I make no apologies, I’m sick of American policy being overrun by bleeding hearts who could care less about upholding LAW and Enforcing Proper due process when it comes to Illegals…yet they Allow, and even seek out ways to make life MORE difficult for American Citizens! Asking us to put ourselves and our children out of Job, Home, Education and Health, to pay more in taxes to pave the way for Illegals to have an easier life!
I’m ready to leave this country if the “government” continues to distress its own citizens.
There is an article today on Yahoo news stating that there has been an uptick in Americans giving up their citizenship to move to other countries. Mostly to avoid the high taxes. Check it out-it’s a good read.
I would also say that Texas has not benefited as well, Rick Perry has allow a lot of illegal immigrants in to take construction jobs and so forth, Texas lower tier jobs have dropped in income while the state grows in income and jobs it still has a poverty rate between 16 to 18, it might have a lower poverty rate if cost of living is adjusted but still much higher than Nebraska and even Utah. Utah also allows illegal immigrants to take jobs but its Hispanic population is only 13 percent versus 38 percent for Texas and Texas poverty is more of a Hispanic issue since its 24 percent versus only 8 percent for whites there and Texas is not improving the situation by allowing illegal immirgants to knock down construction wages by 5 dollars per hr..
I’m from Michigan and western Michigan, where Holland is, is “Gerald Ford country”–Republican and conservative. It’s not surprising that residents are tolerant of illegal immigration–they’re “cheap labor”. It’s worth noting that recently a Texas company that imported illegal aliens to clean up an oil spill in Michigan, thus depriving Michigan workers of jobs they badly need, was recently found guilty of the offense.
I agree with you that the right is bad but the left is no better. Los Angeles County has had few of the right in politics for sometime but still is the capital of illegals but you are right about Texas which conservatives love with a passion, it has a huge illegal immigration problem as well. Also, Gerald Ford area that was All American in 1975 reminds me of Orange County Ca today, lots of children rich and the poor and lots of immigrants, how the OC made the rest of the US worst by tolerating illegal immigration because of the garment industry, hotel industry and people hiring day laborers
Yes Cynthia
The open border pundits are neither conservative or liberal….try fascist.
Just the fact that illegals think they can get away with almost anything once they’ve managed to get here, is a poor testament to our government. We have become not a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants, but a nation of unenforced laws and a nation of illegal aliens. We’ve had enough of weak people running this country. We need those who are proud of what this country stands for and will tell the rest of the world that we are no longer its dumping ground, and no longer will we be its ATM.
“Paul Ryan is under pressure to drop his support for revising U.S. immigration laws: His adversaries are running television attack ads against him and warning of a primary challenge to the Wisconsin Republican congressman. Ryan is risking a “showdown with the Tea Party,” said Bob Dane, an opposition leader, in reference to the anti-tax movement that backs primary challenges to some incumbents,” Bloomberg News writes.
Big Deal, the Tea Party doesn’t control the Republican Party its the elites, one reason I left the right since they are like the Tea Party opposed to illegal immigration but complaining about McDonalds being attack by the left even if McDonalds employs a lot of illegal immigrants.
The other big factor is the proportion of students and families who are undocumented.” He said that — by definition — he didn’t have a precise number, but “From talking with adults or asking students about their friends, the number is higher than anyone might expect. It could easily be 30 percent or great
Normally, one would think of Los Angeles-Anaheim and Santa Ana having the illegal population or Houston Texas but Holland Michigan that hits the heartland with children of illegal immigrant kids, stop the job magnet which Bush or Obama didn’t want to do.
I’m from Michigan and western Michigan, where Holland is, is “Gerald Ford country”–Republican and conservative. It’s not surprising that residents are tolerant of illegal immigration–they’re “cheap labor”. It’s worth noting that recently a Texas company that imported illegal aliens to clean up an oil spill in Michigan, thus depriving Michigan workers of jobs they badly need, was recently found guilty of the offense.
It’s too bad there are so many illegal alien children in that district, but there are CITIZENS all over the state, especially Detroit and Flint, who badly need money for education, without spending it on illegal aliens. Illegal alien children who want to go to college here should return to their home countries before age 18 1/2 and appy for foreign student visas—just as my students in the Middle East had to do.
According to statistics released by the U.S. Labor Dept., underemployment [meaning part time workers who want full time and “discouraged” workers who can’t find a job] was 14% of the work force in July 2013 as opposed to 8.4% in July 2007.
A Labor Day report released by Florida International University was described in the South Florida Sun Sentinel:
“FIU’s State of Working Florida 2013 report that fewer jobs, stagnant wages, and higher costs from 2000 to 2012 added up to a lower standard of living.”
“Since 2000, Florida’s median hourly wage has declined by 4.3 percent, and average number of hours work declined by 3.1%. Last year, 68.5 percent of Floridians earned a median wage of less than $20 per hour, or $41,600 a year.”
And Florida, according to the theory that immigration improves the economy for everyone, should be booming since it has one of the highest percentages of Immigrants of all states. But, like California, not so. And, naturally, the top 10% are doing just fine, while the bottom 90% are the ones getting hit. So where exactly is this labor “shortage” we need to import more labor for? And why does the middle and working class work against it’s own best interests by supporting the “reform” that will bring even more cheap workers on visas flooding into this country.
I live in South Florida and you are right, You can’t swing a stick without hitting an illegal. The economy is terrible and everyday things are way too expensive. Fifteen years ago I made $10K less than I made this year and live a whole heck of a lot better. As a single female, I’ve had to cut back on many things.
If the amnesty goes through, we are done as the great country we once were. America is in decline and everything our European ancestors built will be destroyed. We are becoming (if not already) a welfare nation.