What’s Behind Some Evangelical Groups’ Position on Amnesty?

What’s Behind Some Evangelical Groups’ Position on Amnesty?

“Recently, I was privileged to be a keynote speaker at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Hall of Flags. The topic that rallied evangelicals, business leaders, and law enforcement officials was immigration reform. Speakers like Grover Norquist and Alberto Cardenas made the case that immigration reform makes economic and business sense,” says Gabriel Salguero in the Washington Post.

“I am encouraged that as the number of Hispanics evangelicals continue to grow many more evangelicals have joined the call for common-sense immigration reform. If the PRRI’s 2013 Hispanic Values Survey is correct, 13 percent of the close to 52 million Hispanics claim an evangelical identity.”

Conservative Groups Organize Opposition to Conference Committee on Amnesty

“Two conservative groups joined with 15 conservative leaders on Tuesday in pushing House Republicans to take action on immigration reform. American Principles in Action and the American Conservative Union — both of which have pressed for reforms before — said House Republicans are in a unique position to pitch their own measures,” The Hill reports.

“‘We, therefore, encourage the House to continue its work to address the different aspects of the immigration issue in a piecemeal basis through regular order,’ the statement says. ‘House Republicans should only agree to go to conference if Senate Democrats can ensure that there will be a level playing field for open debate and discussion and that they will not try to impose their own bill.'”

DC Council Approves Licenses for Illegal Aliens

“The District of Columbia Council approved a bill on Tuesday to create a special type of driver’s license for undocumented immigrants, set to go into effect next May,” the Huffington Post writes.

“It’s a victory for immigrant rights advocates, who have long argued that driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants would allow them to lead more safe and productive lives. But it also came with a setback: The council agreed to make the licenses different from those of legal residents and citizens by adding a prominently-displayed note that they are ‘not valid for official federal purposes.'”

Dan Stein: Dan is the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)'s President after joining the organization in 1982. He has testified more than 50 times before Congress, and been cited in the media as "America's best-known immigration reformer." Dan has appeared on virtually every significant TV and radio news/talk program in America and, in addition to being a contributing editor to ImmigrationReform.com, has contributed commentaries to a vast number of print media outlets.