Imbued with a growing sense of entitlement to amnesty, illegal aliens and their supporters have become increasingly aggressive in pressing their demands. Among their new tactics is outright intimidation of public officials.
Earlier this year, a group of illegal aliens turned up at the home of Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, sending a not-so-subtle message, “We know where you and your kids live.” On Wednesday evening it was House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s turn. Some 60 illegal aliens and their supporters forced their way into the lobby of Cantor’s suburban D.C. condo to hold a loud protest clearly aimed at intimidating him.
Why weren’t these “ILLEGAL ALEINS” arrested, and DEPORTED!!! If a LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZEN did something like this they would get arrested, or at least escorted off the property!! I WANT MY TAX DOLLARS WASTED ON CREATING JOBS FOR LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS, AND I !! STOP WASTING MY TAX DOLLARS, AND YOUR ENERGY ON “ILLEGAL ALEINS”!!!!
Alfred, I agree with you 100%. There is only one problem our government does not care for US citizens, just want us to continue paying
Illegal immigrants go home. Hard working Americans, and immigrants who come here legally through the proper system have earned their right to be here. You have done nothing to earn citizenship in the United States. You don’t bother to learn our language or our customs. Most of you believe you are superior to us and a part of La Raza. Our government may be trying to give you free passes, but there are those of us who will not stand for this. We don’t want you crowding our malls, our schools, and placing a burden on our already scare food and water supplies. Go home and talk to your president Felipe Calderon and stop bringing your problems to us. Most of all, learn English if you want to be here!
You are correct when you speak about not wanting to learn our language or customs. You can’t even make or by a commercial call or by a product with out two languages being said or printed. Those that are serious about staying in this country go out of their way to learn and become a citizen. Just the freeloaders just want to bring their crime and live free her in America
Do these people have no shame? They come to this country illegally, get false papers to work, take jobs away from American citizens, are probably getting some type of government benefits they should not be able to get, but they still think they have the right to make demands and act in this manner. Imagine all the freebies and benefits they will demand if these spineless politicians do pass an amnesty? Or I mean comprehensive immigration reform. One of the big issues for these newly legalized “American citizens” would be being able to bring as many family members as they want to this country from their countries of origin. And if anyone tries to stand in their way, there will be more of these protests and the person opposing their view will be labeled as a racist or being full of hate.
This is our government’s doing. They have more freedom than we do. Racist is just an excuse for them, and everyone kisses feet to be “socially” correct. The word Racist if worn out. When someone has nothing better to say or wants to change the subject racist is on their lips. That word is distasteful just like people show how uneducated they are when the curse.
Amen. I’m tired of every major store duplicating signs in English and Latin American. Either learn the language before you APPLY FOR CITIZENSHIP or stay where you are. You can’t solve your South American drug cartel problems because your “armed forces” (LOL) can’t defend your own borders. So you did massive tunnels and just funnel the junk and the immigrants here? I say alert U.S. citizens within a certain number of miles within the U.S. border and then bomb the daylights out of the border line with enough power to penetrate the surface and collapse any structure or tunnel underneath.
Once or twice doing that will certainly discourage the drug runners from their current road map of distribution. Perhaps then Mexico can concentrate on building up its police and army enough to defend themselves.
You have to be aware of people in high place and with power make a lot of money on drugs, so the bombing or stopping drugs will never happen.
There’s a Very Bad Spin-off to This Panderring of IAs
When you exclude law enforcement for any reason you encourage lawlessness everywhere else.
I am in agreement with your reader’s, our government has not only refused to enforce our immigration laws, they are actively providing support for the 12 million illegal aliens in our country. We must find a way to voice our opposition louder than the foreign nationals illegally occupying our country. I’m sure we have all seen and heard them marching down our streets, and crowded into one of our senate conference rooms, during a Congressional hearing.
But, they were not protesting this time, they were invited guests testifying as to Their rights and the hardships they have to endure. Come on folks, this is just plan wrong! This was one of those bad daytime soap opera’s playing out in real life. What a show, unbelievable! They actually had a few congressmen in tears, while others offered up encouragement for their cause. One woman in particular almost had our lawmakers reaching for the checkbooks, because she might lose her scholarship that someone handed her. All while the cameras flashed and the event was being televised on C-SPAN, daytime television.
We need all the voices we can muster, and replace all elected officials who have dishonored their oath of office, and soiled our Constitution by providing safe haven to the foreign nationals illegally invading our country. We need to know our government, You can find just about everything you are for concerning our elected official by going to They maintain a vase data base that you may access, copy, and distributed, by just following a few simple rules. Please let others know about this site, so everyone can see what their congressman has been up to.
I am not an alarmist, chicken little, crying wolf, nor trying to be funny. I am a well educated 63 year old man semi-retired , (but I do provide consulting services for the military branch of our government, every now and then, how ironic) trying to inform the people who may be to busy with their own life to really know the sad truth, and the huge impact it is having on our country.
Hope we wake up…….Soon
Isn’t it odd our government as pushing to give citizenship to illegal aliens who they have no idea just who in the hell they are? And with so many American citizens unable to find work, they’re pushing to give a handout to illegal aliens.
Ain’t that a helluva government we have? I’m afraid we have too many idiots idiots who keep voting for the same congressional “employee” even though [their] congressmen keep giving their jobs away.
These are the people that Rush Limbaugh refers to as “low information voters”. They are greatly hurting our country.
Illegal aliens are just that; illegal aliens. Their ignorant protests proves their ignorance as they’re identifying themselves as illegal aliens more every day. It shouldn’t be too hard to throw them out of the country. Just cut off their handouts of illegal welfare and they’ll go home as fast as they can cross the border.
The crime in our country would grow, when caught they can not be detained or punished.
Its time to put this to rest . Illegals need to get in line or get out of this country. America is great country, but we can not allow people to demand citizenship that broke our laws. Time to stop with our tax dollars supporting this. Any polition or American supporting lawlessness needs to be stopped.
CAPS Study 2007 suggest up to 38 million illegal aliens occupy the USA
Why didn’t they have them arrested? Our current laws requires the deportation of Illegal Aliens. it is the LAW OF THE LAND.
You know darn good and well if it had been you or I show up uninvited and unwelcome we’d have been in jail damn fast. its all about money. BUSINESS leaders are pushing for amnesty because it means cheap wages for them to pay. ow the heck come people pay taxes but get no representation? Because I don’t feel like any of them care what I want. Wasn’t there something about taxation w/o representation
I don’t blame the illegal immigrant for coming to America, land of the free——free food, free schools for their kids, free medical care, tax free income! I blame our government for permitting illegals to openly live here and receive these benefits. All for the purpose of gaining Hispanic votes! The Democrats have become experts at this, forcing Republicans to offer equal or even better benefits! Only hope is to write letters to editors of newspapers, call your Congressional Representative and Senators,make it clear that you will actively oppose their re-election to office while they support illegal immigration.
What a big surprise? illegals becoming more aggressive and demanding. We have been had for so long and our so call leaders have become complacent and weak kneed so it will only get worse. Since the vast majority of illegals come from our Southern borders it needs to sealed period. Just try and go to Mexico and protest to the Mexican government and see how far that will take you as a US citizen. Try and get good stamps, housing and healthcare for free?
The only “right” these illegal immigrants have is the right to be deported. Any of these aliens that forcefully protest for any reason should be immediately arrested and deported back to where they came from. You can bet this would slow these protests in a big way.
I guess they didn’t know Cantor is pro-amnesty ? I’m surprised his neighbors didn’t call 911 ?
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Illegal aliens do NOT !!!! have the right to protest or demand anything. They are not citizens of The United States of America, they are here ILLEGALLY and have not earned the right to those privileges. They should be deported immediately to the country that they came from and not be eligible to even start the process applying for citizenship until three years after there deportation.
We should never have been rewarding Illegal immigrants in the first place. It is a slap in the faces of the LEGAL immigrants that have worked so hard doing the right things the right way to enter this country the way it should be done THE LEGAL WAY. By learning to speak and read English before becoming a citizen of the united states. STOP rewarding those coming into this country ILLIGALY.
I totally agree with you . My parents and Grandparents came from across when selected and had to learn english and take and oath to the country. Because there was not jobs at times they had to work on the WPA nothing was free.
I agree with you 105%. What can we do to stop this nonsense. Why are they not being deported?
If we do not stand up for this country we will lose it. This is the next war.
All over again the 13th Amendment,,……we have another Civil Rights issues at hand,,,,,,,,,………………
these people have a lot of gall demanding something that has to be earned! who the hell do they think they are? the come here knowing full well they are breaking the law, the sad part is that these spineless politicions will bend over for them, it sickens me to see what this country has become
who the Hell are you?……………..they have earned it by being abused by us all these years…………meaning by creating wealth and giving you the American Dream………….
Who are you? I have NO wealth due to these “invaders” (you know, entering another’s country en mass is is an invasion and considered an act of war BTW). Lawmakers time and taxpayers monies (like mine) is wasted so enormously hunting down underground drug railroads from Mexico to San Diego (yeah, that’s the American Dream). So where’s my wealth? I worked 47 years, starting at age 15 and serving in the U.S. Armed Forces and when I became disabled and asked for my PRE-PAID FICA social security benefits, I was denied 4 TIMES!!!
Do you actually think making $10 under the table as a “lawn technician” or whatever B.S. label they use is paying for the cost of health care for an illegal? You must be as ignorant as you sound. It’s subsidized by your democratic socialist commander in chief, Mr. Obama. Have you ever seen footage of 24 mexicans stuffed in a minivan running a red light and slamming into the Subaru wagon. They scattered like roaches. And that’s what they are. We aren’t required to assist a country single handedly that only pollutes our cities with drugs and “gangsta” styles. You’re a fool and an idiot Tom, so wake up, take your finger off the period key and quite brown nosing Obama, Reid, Pelosi and HIllary. [edit]
If you don’t like America being run by the Constitution, I’m sure you can think up a few communist countries that would welcome you in wholeheartedly.
Illegal aliens are the most boldest people in America, they sneak across the borders into America illegally, then demand an amnesty or legalization, In America we have no one to stop their foolishness. the bad part about all of this, all of what they do in America is being strongly force on American poor and middle class citizens! Our president continue to go over Americans heads to give them just about any thing that they want in America, Americans are in desperate need for jobs. We have many Americans and weak people in congress, who allow millions of illegal aliens to work in America with all their false paper work, while at the same time American are left jobless! legal and illegal aliens are in millions of jobs in America, the more Americans have to put up with illegal immigration, the more Hispanics who are bilingual will get hired, before any jobless Americans.
Americans are force to watch millions of illegal aliens work in American and bring home paychecks, while they are terrible jobless, and are not getting any kind of help from no one, not by our own congress at all! There are millions of employment that have mostly nothing but legal and illegal aliens in their jobs actually now a days! they refuse to get them out of their jobs, they found excuses and strategies to keep illegal aliens employed, again while at the same time millions of Americans are left jobless, this is not fair or is it right! illegal immigration in America is being force down Americans throats by our own American lawmakers, what is so mind boggling is that these are very same people who throws in our faces that America have an broken immigration system, and they feel strongly in order to fix it that they should give millions of illegal aliens amnesty or legalization, they also believe that millions of lawbreakers would really help our American economy! Actually given millions of illegal aliens what they want in America, will be nothing but a nasty disaster, you could tell by what you see now, once millions of them get work permits that congress want to give them, they will be in the front of the line to just about every thing in America, and millions of Americans will continue to be jobless, it is bad enough that they are allow to work, get government incentives, get big income tax refunds, because they know how to lie, their children who are the majority in our schools, are allow to over populate our schools!
Through this whole process of trying to give illegal aliens all of America, Americans are being put on the back burner in their own country. Our congress see nothing wrong with millions of illegal aliens over populating America, or them getting in the front of the line to Americans jobs, are just giving them work permits, to strongly put them in competition with Americans in getting jobs! As of now millions of illegal aliens are literately running America for their own convenience and could really care less for Americans who have legal status in America, illegal aliens have permission to just spit and walk all over Americans, and Americans are force to not do or say anything about illegal immigration, they are just being force to except it! Fixing this immigration system by an amnesty or legalization, is not fixing the system at all it’s destroying our immigration system and America period, it does nothing but destroy our America, Americans are indeed being force to watch our America being given to Mexico!!! Americans has been force to watch illegal aliens and all of their advocates sneakily set house for another country’s poor for years! Why in god name are millions of illegal aliens have jobs in America, while at the same time there are millions of jobless Americans??? This goes to show you how our own lawmakers have felled us, and are welling to sell their own Americans out, and will continue to fell us in the future when it comes to mass illegal immigration, illegal immigration are in the way of millions of Americans of ever really progressing in their own country! All that really belongs to Americans is being given to illegal aliens! This not a duplicate! This something that needs some attention!!!
And these are the type of people we want in this country? I don’t think so. Amnesty noe, what’s next? Making it illegal for an employer not to hire someone who doesn’t speak English?
We Already Got That Discrimination on Federal Border Guard Jobs
No speak Spanish, no get job.
Illegal aliens protesting……what a bunch of ****!!!!!!! I am so sick of these people living here on my taxes. I want them the hell out of this country. You know what the liberals don’t seem to understand is that at some point, those of us who work and pay taxes are going to get tired of this crap and there’s going to be a real shitstorm in this country. Too bad that we can’t get liberals to wear big L’s on their shirts when the **** does hit the fan.
Time for counter demonstrations at the home of some democrats
Every one of these scum bags should be arrested and send back to where they came from. We can thank Obama for al this.
I think it is time for all americans to start our own demands. I DEMAND we throw their azzezback over the damn fence that they climbed over to get here!!! ARE THERE NOT ANY REAL MEN LEFT ANYMORE? YOU ALL COMPLAIN ABOUT THEM, BUT NO ACTION. COME ON GUYS, LETS DO IT. I WILL SIGN UP ANYWHERE JUST TO STAND UP TO THOSE STINKING BASTARDS!!!!!
Just deport them all! What part of ILLEGAL do you not understand? We have had amnesty for these law breakers before and it don’t work folks, the law breakers just want more. I say deport them all!
Another entitlement for those who are here illegally? They already have free health care at any ER.
That should be a “head’s up” for both Mssr.. Cantor and Koback. This is what happens when a country is soft on border control, and allows the big coroporations to dictate pollicy to our legislators. WHO are these people to come here illegally and make demands. Where is the outrrage? NO AMNESTY, no work, no social services and arrests for breaking the law. They are just another example of big government, and its failure to protect and defend the nation.
They are not american citizens – arrest them – where are the police during these events? Pushing their agenda is not their given rights.
It’s the anarchy state of mind found in third world countries where rules and laws are disregarded by the people and the government. Bullying, threatening, intimidating behavior is how things get done in third world countries. The United States is not a third world country and hopefully never will become one. If people don’t like the way we do things here, what makes us think they will be good citizens? Do we really think their thought processes include making this a better country or are they just here to make this country another third world country. Come on in and try to collect that disability check. Becoming a citizen the legal way shows they are willing to work for what they get and truly want to be part of a great country and not looking for a short cut to the buried .
I’ve been firing off email to my Congressmen. The only problem is they’re all Democrats!
There’s a part of the citizenry out here that is quickly coming to a breaking point on a lot of this crap. The loudmouthed one could make it very bad for the more reasonable illegals.
They should be warned though, when we decide to slap back it isn’t going to be pretty.
What is really tragic is that, even after scenes like thes, you’ll find liberals who will still defend these criminals. It’s a crime to intimidate a public official – but then, it’s a crime to enter this country without authorization, so those people were just running true-to-form.
And Cantor is a big enough coward to be buffaloed. The plus side is that this is exactly the kind of behavior that ignites the opposition to illegal entitlement.
If the protesters are illegal aliens round them all up, give them all a one way trip back to Mexico, but… process them through our system, if they show up again send them Gitmo, they will be in violation of our homeland security law, because they are hostile, and threaten our public and state officials. Make an example of them , and show them America won’t put up with terrorist. Worst of all….. DON”T SIT AROUND AND DO NOTHING!! and fine every last one of them.
Send them home! We do not have enough resources for everyone to come to America and receive. It seems in America, you are not important unless you are a “something” American.
They need to be arrested & deported immediately. [please follow our comment guidelines to avoid edits or deletion – admin]
This is our country not theirs! Enforce the laws of this country or resign, president included. I am glad that Republicans in the House are blocking this amnesty for illegal aliens.
I hope globalist Cantor realizes that when republicans cave in to the demands of the illegals, there is no reward in votes….the illegals and allies vote democrat due to the free stuff the dems offer..
They will never get anywhere acting like that trying to bluff their way to stay in this country.
This sort of crap needs to stop now just send illegals all of them back home!
Why weren’t these invaders rounded up and deported, and their supporters given jail terms? Why are they given free reign in this country? Are these the lawbreakers who are replacing legal, law-abiding citizens? Why have our elected representatives decided that all their efforts will go toward making sure illegal aliens get jobs and all the benefits they can hand out to them, and eventually our most precious birthright..citizenship. Our most dangerous enemy comes from within. Our leaders have waved the white flag of surrender to every illegal who wants to come in.
No Amnesty and No More Anchor Babies! If you are not borne of legal US parents you should not automatically be a US citizen!
It’s time to get rid of the Democrats and deport ALL illegals.
Are you kidding me? This is so outrageous ,Im trying to convince myself it cannot be true!
This is what Obama’s policies have produced–bad enough that they’re here illegally but they feel totally empowered to intimidate elected officials at their personal residences.
Isn’t this called “trespassing”? They should be prosecuted for such and ideally, deported thereafter if here illegally.
Who will stand up to these outrageously brazen criminals?
It will be a long time before our country (and the world) recovers from Barack Obama’s presidency. Only hope for now is to push hard on the impeachment movement that seems to be gaining strength across the country (see Atlanta billboards, etc.)
Why the hell are these people not being arrested for breaking and entering, and then deport them and their illegal families back to where ever they came from. If you or I busted into a senators home we would be in jail.
What those illegal alien protestors need is a ONE WAY trip back to Mexico, and points beyond, at their country’s expense. We have out grown our need to cater to all those illegals in our country. It is time to get our armed forces home from abroad, to protect our borders, and send all those illegals back home, NOW. How about serving our own people, instead of everyone who does not deserve one single penny of goods or services from our hard working American taxpayer.
The time is NOW, not tomorrow, or next week, or next year……………… C’mon, so called public officials, let’s get our act together. Whenever I go somewhere, all I hear is foreign talk, because no one speaks English, yet they expect us to speak their language, or get an interpreter for them. Our free catering days are OVER………………..
Very concerned citizen,
Rodney H Hess
Why don’t these public officials respond by calling ICE agents? If they know they are illegals, use you political muscle to send the message to these lawbreakers. Does anyone realize how an illegal alien is dealt with in Mexico? You’re looking at some time in jail. Time as in years. Have we turned into a nation of wimps? Remember, these are our jobs they are stealing, our infrastructure they are depleting, our way of life they are destroying. That number is not 11million. That number was coined back in 2003. Did they suddenly stop coming then? Compute 10 years @ 1miliion a year since then. Since they always talk about how great & beautiful Mexico is, why don’t they mobilize their massive illegal numbers & take back their country from their rulers. They have no intention of assimilating or learning English other than to steal a job. One final note, let’s stop using the words Hispanic or Latino to hide what they really are. Illegal Mexican aliens. Using these politically correct words are an insult to the almost 40 other countries that do not subscribe to this criminal activity. Lets call a spade a spade.
Illigel aliens round them up, they have NO RIGHTS,send them with the rest of the illigals and send them home first with some hard time in prison with other no good criminals. They have absolutely NO RIGHTS if they fight back **********,that will end the problem all to gether. They deserve nothing but the worst, you don’t give in to criminals.We don’t want these kinds of people in our country, they do not deserve citizenship here. Take their names and make sure they are never allowed in this country again.
If these folks that are doing this nare known to be here illegally and intimidating public officials, WHY are they not arrested then deported. We have immigration laws that need to be enforced, not ignored! This is a travesty and deserves the proper attention….NOW!
Deport them all.
I as a true American whose family fathers side dates back to 1620 am sick if what I’m seeing what’s happening to America illegal immigrants demanding rights that they don’t have . Obama and his gang of thugs getting away lying to the American public and illegal means illegal not something else. These vermin broke our laws period. They deserve nothing. Also time do do away with anchor babies. It’s time for the American people to wake up and put an end to these law breakers.
The brazen behavior of illegal aliens is a direct result of Barack Obama and Eric Holder’s dereliction of duty. These people are in violation of our law, and should be rounded up and deported whenever they have the temerity to engage in a public demonstration. Shame on Obama and Holder, and on the Democrats who enable them to act in continuous violation of their oaths of office and the requirements of the Constitution.
Whether through fear and intimidation or the use of blunt, raw power, America’s far left is determined to win. It’s not a matter of compromise and thoughtful deliberation of policy — it’s a matter of ideology, visceral emotion and an insatiable desire to win. This is the message of David Horowitz, who said this in so many words in a recent interview with Lou Dobbs. And Horowitz is a former, card-carrying member of the Communist Left. The GOP needs to understand what it’s up against — and I imagine that after the Senate’s nuclear option vote, more GOPers are waking up to the cold reality they face.
Anyone such as John McCain who thinks he should “compromise” while giving the Democrat Party just about everything it wants is living in a land of make-believe. The real New America is right at Eric Cantor’s door and the liberal wing of the GOP needs to understand what that means. This country will be very much like the Soviet Union, but with a new racial twist, if the GOP rolls over and gives in on immigration.
Do they honestly believe this promotes their cause? What kind of fools bite the hand that feeds them. There should be no measure of understanding or acceptance of this type of behavior. It should be met with all due and equal resistance under the laws of this nation. Clearly, the law means nothing to them or their supporters. Give them exactly what they deserve and are now so brazenly asking for. GTFO!
By the way, I’ve been considering getting hats made with that acronym ‘GTFO’. It needs to be nationwide rallying call.
Its all obummer’s fault. He should follow the law and deport illegals and their criminal friends
This government is catering to the illegal.
Can’t people see the writing on the wall!! Spanish here Spanish there.
What better way to have the criminal, gang person, drugs, undeclared currency and of course the
however, IF THEY HAD TO GO THRU THE CHECKS THAT MY GRANDPARENTS FROM Germany had to do, health check, criminal check otherwise if any of these checks showed a bad health and a criminal record they would not have been allowed to get on the US AMERICA that they came on in the 20’s. Also they had respect for the freedoms that they were to enjoy by learning the ENGLISH language.
Can’t these people realize that it takes $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ TO RUN A COUNTRY!
How do they think the roads they ride on with their ill gotten driver’s licenses here in CALIFORNIA, THE FIRE DEPARTMENTS THAT PUT OUT FIRES! The numerous other areas that the taxpayer helps to fund.
Then, think about how much time you listen to SPANISH you don’t need. T I M E IS VALUABLE and to have the
SPANISH language all over the place as though there are no other ethnic groups in this country that could benefit from something in their language.
Also Mexican parents sending their teens who may die in the desert and not even make it because some COYOTE
is in it for the money and they do not care about the teen or anyone else for that matter. Just let them die!!
I have many Hispanic friends and in fact, I wrote the country of Chile about the miners and got a post card back from them.
remember they C A N N O T A V O I D G O D! THEY MUST ANSWER TO H I M!!
And why would we want these illegals here when they act like that?
Where are the police? Oh right, Obama told them to stand down. It’s going to come to armed conflict before too long. This is, after all, an invasion. Everyone have full magazines? If not, its time to go shopping.
They should have been deported
Time for mass deportations and drones to protect our border from north bound illegal invaders, drug dealers!
How dare the illegal aliens intimidate any citizen let alone the Secretary of State of Kansas. Ilegal aliens have NO RIGHTS, yet they think they can get away with intimidation methods. I am completely against ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS. IF THEY CANNOT GO BY OUR LAWS, THEN THEY DIFFINATELY MUST BE DEPORTED BACK TO WHERE THEY CAME FROM. NO AND OR IFS. DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT ILLEGAL MEANS? IF YOU DON’T LET ME TELL YOU…YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS AT ALL IF YOU ARE AN ILLEGAL ALIEN. Just because you have lobbiest and attorneys that can help you, it does not mean anything. As a citizen of the USA, you are ILLEGAL, YOU DO NOT BELONG HERE, YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS, YOU ARE BREAKING THE LAW AND SHOULD BE DEPORTED. DO NOT COME BACK…WE DO NOT WANT YOU. If you come into the USA the right way, then you are welcome. There are many foreigners who have come to the USA by the correct ways of enterance, they are waiting patiently to become citizens with their families. Those people should be taken care of first. You, if you are an illegal alien, go back to your country and start all over again the right way. Otherwise you are not welcome.
This only goes to show you WHY they should be sent out of this country. This administration running our country can’t see that these are here ILLEGALLY and that they are criminals. This totally upsets me that they would force their way into someone’s home and protest. We have a very serious problem with illegals coming into this country. Pull our military out of Iraq and Afghanistan and put them on our borders to secure this nation from these criminals that are here illegally. They are getting FREE HANDOUTS ON OUR TAX DOLLARS WHEN US BORN AMERICAN CITIZENS ARE STRUGGLING TO GET JOBS, LOSING OUR HOMES, RISES IN FOOD AND GAS, AND NOT BEING ABLE TO AFFORD QUALITY HEALTH CARE BECAUSE THEY ARE DROPPING COVERAGE DUE TO THE INCREASE IN DEDUCTIBLES AND COSTS. YES, YOU CAN KEEP YOUR HEALTH CARE BUT CAN NOT AFFORD THE INCREASE IN PREMIUMS. I have never seen this country in such a mess in my 59 years of being free! We are not free anymore because our President is a disgrace to America. He wants to change our constitution that this wonderful world is founded on. All he has done is lied to all us AMERICANS! He has done nothing but run this country into a deficit that we will never get out of. He has made all our allies hate America! When are we going to stop this person ruining this country? Why? Because they don’t have the guts to stand up against him. None of them care about us AMERICANS because they are afraid that the President will pull the race card. I don’t care what color, nationality or your beliefs are, He is not full African American and he is NOT AN AMERICAN! I WANT SOMEONE BEST QUALIFIED TO GET THIS COUNTRY BACK TO WHERE IT WAS BEFORE HE PUT HIS FOOT IN OUR WHITE HOUSE!
WHY are they not arrested?
Exactly why we don’t need them and why they don’t belong here. Bred, born and raised in failed states. Can’t align with American civics and way of life. Nothing new, ruin follows where the Spaniard set foot. Around the globe.
Arrest the criminals! NOW!
Can someone again, please explain to me why we can’t deport Illegal Aliens? If I did this, as a U.S. Citizen, I would be incarcerated or at least fined pretty severely. All we have to do is enforce our own laws and, stop giving a crap what Mexico, or any other country thinks. It seems as though every nation deserves its sovereignty, except the United States of America. We The People did NOT ask these Illegals to sneak across our borders.
Nobody is doing anything at all about these ILLEGAL ALIENS and this is only going to get worse. WAIT!!!
Follow US immigration laws. Arrest. Deport. Militarize the wall. INS sweeps until they are all rooted out. No immigration to US for 50 years. Deport all Muslims to their country of origin. They are inimical to the USA. No more UN troop training in the states. The UN training must stop. In just the past several weeks, the Muslim troops have raped a 13 year old girl and a 12 year old boy. The KY state militia (which cannot be Federalized) recently stopped a DHS convoy. It turned out that Russian UN troops were dressed in DHS uniforms. They were turned back. There are Muslim terrorist training camps in the USA. and Obama refuses to remove the Muslims in the DHS. The DHS wants a kill switch for television, and the internet. Since that is a way to stop the free dissemination of information, it should be illegal. Oddly, Obama has not said a word. Add that to the fact that he has appointed Muslims to top secret governments, and what is left is nothing other than sedition by the POTUS. #ImpeachObama #NoAmnesty Especially for the11,000 illegal Muslims;. Deport them NOW. #NoAmnesty #DontTreadOnMe #MolonLabe
How dare they? They should all be deported.
We have to do more than just hope that our representatives understand that rewarding bad behavior will only bring more bad behavior. We have got to be calling, faxing, emailing and writing them and TELLING THEM! We rewarded the bad behavior of illegal aliens with Reagan’s amnesty in 1986. They promised us that our immigration laws would be enforced, our borders would be secured and that there would be no more amnesties. THEY LIED… and now we have “11 million” (we know it’s at least twice that) demanding amnesty again. Is the GOP foolish enough to fall for their lies again? Repeat, we have to do more than just hope. Get on you phones, faxes, etc. and tell them that we demand that they stand up for American citizens, NOT ILLEGAL ALIENS! Our future depends on it.
And the problem is, this governments blatant dereliction of duty enforcing our immigration laws & allowing sanctuary to these parasites in the first place. Not to mention the millions of taxpayer dollars give to the low life organizations like la rasa and their ilk, that have been sponging off this country for decades!