What True Immigration Reform Looks Like

While many lawmakers say they support immigration reform, the real question is whether they support TRUE immigration reform: policies that place the interests of the American people first.

Everyone agrees that our dysfunctional immigration system must be fixed, but efforts by our lawmakers have ultimately failed for one simple reason: The interests of the American people have been consistently ignored.

It’s time to take back immigration for Americans. Protecting the interests of Americans is the reason our immigration laws exist. Excessive immigration harms American workers, taxpayers, and our most vulnerable citizens. That’s why we have to set and enforce limits.

Here is what TRUE immigration reform looks like:

Click on each graphic below to read the blog post or  download a printable copy of True Immigration Reform. For more information, please visit TakeBackImmigrationReform.com. 

No more amnesties.

True Immigration Reform: No More Amnesties

Secure our borders.

What True Immigration Reform Looks Like: Secure our borders

End visa overstays.

What True Immigration Reform Looks Like: End Visa Overstays

Stop the hiring
of illegal workers.

True Immigration Reform: Stop Hiring Illegal Workers

Robustly & uniformly
enforce our immigration laws.

True Immigration Reform: Stop Hiring Illegal Workers

Implement a merit-based
immigration system

What True Immigration Reform Looks Like: Implement a Merit-Based Immigration System

End Family Chain Migration

True Immigration Reform: End Chain Migration

Support the American Worker

True Immigration Reform: Support the American Worker

Limit Overall Immigration

True Immigration Reform: Limit Overall Immigration

About Author


Content written by Federation for American Immigration Reform staff.

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