This Date in Obama’s Administrative Amnesty: February 7, 2012

This Date in Obama's Administrative AmnestyOn February 7, 2012, Obama created the position of Public Advocate in the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a position that helps illegal aliens lobby the Department of Homeland Security and serves as conduit for open borders and amnesty groups to influence immigration policy.  The head of the law enforcement officers union at ICE, the National ICE Council, considered the position of Public Advocate “nothing but waste, fraud and abuse.”  Congress agreed.  Within a year, Congress responded by defunding the position.

But the story’s not over.  Two years after its creation, and almost one year after it was defunded, the public advocate continues to work at ICE.  No, Congress didn’t change its mind and fund the position.  The Obama administration simply retitled the job.

From “Public Advocate,” the position became “Deputy Assistant Director of Custody Programs and Community Outreach.”  The same person Obama appointed as Public Advocate, Andrew Lorenzen-Strait, fills the role.  It has the same job description. Today, the press release on DHS’s website from today’s date two years ago has a link for more information on the Public Advocate that takes you to the page about the Community Outreach position.

In a recent op-ed, Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.), who introduced the amendment to defund the Public Advocate position, expressed her “outrage” at this behavior.  Even though there were supposed to be no funds for the position in 2013, the administration entirely ignored the law, even though President Obama signed the continuing resolution that defunded the Public Advocate.

Representative Black is intent on not letting taxpayer dollars be used to coordinate lobbying on homeland security policy by those very individuals who have broken the country’s laws.  She introduced H.R. 3732, the Immigration Compliance Enforcement (ICE) Act, which prevents the administration from using federal taxpayer dollars to fund the Public Advocate position or any position with a similar function.

Read more at FAIR’s President Obama’s Record of Dismantling Immigration Enforcement.

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Content written by Federation for American Immigration Reform staff.


    • avatar
      Capt John Johnson on

      SWE let’s be honest here for no moment………………….you make your own life the gov does give you nothing….so good luck in your old age…..

      • avatar

        Perhaps I’m Misinterperting Your Blog?

        Baby Boomers paid way more into Social Security than they’ll ever draw out in a lifetime, everyone agrees with that fiscal fact. The government didn’t give me Social Security, I did. I shouldn’t need good luck in my old age if we stopped the overpopulation debt debt spending [i.e., my robbed Social Security to the general fund] and just funded the retirement entitlements that most of the Baby Boomers paid for themselves without the government social handouts….

        • avatar
          Capt John Johnson on

          you just agree with my comment ……..the gov does give you nothing AND by the time you are old illegals or not the SS will be bankrupt…….is this so hard to understand?…….remember me please when this happens…..