Does Your House Member Support Boehner’s Amnesty Proposal?

test_capitol_jpgLast month at their annual retreat, House Republican leadership released its proposal for amnesty legislation. The two-page proposal, remarkably similar to the Senate Gang of Eight’s outline released ahead of their mass guest worker amnesty bill (S.744), is in the form of six “principles” to guide the GOP in fixing our “broken” immigration system.

The first component of the proposal is a large-scale amnesty for the 12 million illegal aliens currently in the United States. In addition to this one-size-fits-all amnesty provision, the House GOP plan calls for a direct path to citizenship for so-called “DREAMers,” and increases immigration to meet requests for cheaper labor by Big Business.

To gauge where rank-and-file members stand on this proposal, the Capitol Hill newspaper CQ Roll Call surveyed all Republican House Members and published the results this week. Notably, the paper found that only 19 House GOP Members openly supported the amnesty proposal, while 30 openly opposed them. In addition, 22 refused to say, 25 were undecided, and 131 simply refused to respond.

To view the entire list of results, click here.


Mark Amodei, Nev.

John A. Boehner, Ohio

Ken Calvert, Calif.

Eric Cantor, Va.

Jeff Denham, Calif.

Charlie Dent, Pa.

Mario Diaz-Balart, Fla.

Renee Ellmers, N.C.

Joe Heck, Nev. (Asked to be moved 2/25 after initially not responding. His office told us he “supports immigration reform and an earned pathway to citizenship.”)

Peter T. King, N.Y.

Kevin McCarthy, Calif.

Michael McCaul, Texas

Howard “Buck” McKeon, Calif.

Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Wash.

Steve Pearce, N.M.

Paul D. Ryan, Wis.

Glenn Thompson, Pa.

Marlin Stutzman, Ind.

David Valadao, Calif.


Dave Reichert, Wash.


Robert W. Goodlatte, Va. (House Judiciary Chairman, who has jurisdiction over immigration legislation)


Michele Bachmann, Minn.

Lou Barletta, Pa.

Andy Barr, Ky.

Jim Bridenstine, Okla.

Mo Brooks, Ala.

Paul Broun, Ga.

Bradley Byrne, Ala.

Michael C. Burgess, Texas

Tom Cotton, Ark. (“Opposes amnesty”)

Rick Crawford, Ark.

Ron DeSantis, Fla. (Asked 2/25 to be moved from “Yes” to “No”)

Scott DesJarlais, Tenn.

Jeff Duncan, S.C.

John Fleming, La.

Cory Gardner, Colo.

Phil Gingrey, Ga.

Louie Gohmert, Texas

Tom Graves, Ga.

Tim Griffin, Ark.

Ralph M. Hall, Texas

Jeb Hensarling, Texas

George Holding, N.C.

Walter B. Jones, N.C.

Steve King, Iowa

Jack Kingston, Ga. (Moved 2/25 at request of his office from “Declined to comment” to “No”)

Tom McClintock, Calif.

Tom Price, Ga.

Tom Rice, S.C.

Dana Rohrabacher, Calif.

Steve Scalise, La.

John Shimkus, Ill. (Moved 2/25. His office told us he “does not support amnesty or citizenship for those who broke the law. … believes we should address the issues of border security and streamlining of agriculture and technology worker visas before discussing any legal status for illegal immigrants.”)

Lamar Smith, Texas (Asked 2/25 to be moved from “Did not respond” to “No”)

Steve Stockman, Texas

Randy Weber, Texas

About Author


Content written by Federation for American Immigration Reform staff.


  1. avatar
    Jerome Kowalski on

    I will say that many of you, that are in the House of Representatives must be very careful of your voting for Amnesty for 12 ILLEGALS here in the U.S. Better be careful, don”t kick a sleeping dog because you will pay the price of loosing a JUICY, well paid job with all of the Goodies that we the average hard working Americans do not have. We are a Country that was built on Laws and Regulations to safe guard all, we all learned about our Government in School why are you supporting the violation of our laws?

    Utterly Disgusted with people like those who are in our House of Representatives!!!

  2. avatar
    The American101 on

    THANK YOU FAIR……so it is true if the Bill is on the floor Immigration Reform would pas!!!! GOOD INFO!

  3. avatar

    Why isn’t Senator McConnell’s name on either the”yes” or “no” list? Is he one of those who are “undecided?” For what it is worth, any politician who does not oppose amnesty, WILL NOT get my vote. We have catered to the illegals far too long and it is past time for decisions to be made to close the border, send ALL of them back to Mexico. They are treated much better than our veterans. The military are responsible for saving this country? What have the illegals done to deserve everything handed to them on a silver platter?

    Senator McConnell, it is time for you to stop straddling the fence and make your decision known. Perhaps after 30 years, you don’t understand the problem and what a financial burden illegals are putting on our country. I strongly agree with Leland. The decisions our politicians make in the near future, will be remembered by the voters in the next election .

  4. avatar
    Robert E BOLTZ on

    Bonehner, will never get my vote, he has sold out to OBAMA ,AND THE PARTY HE Belongs to , he is worthless to the State of Ohio , should not be reelected.

  5. avatar

    Congressman Ken Calvert good news update: I called the Congressman’s Washington office today 2/28/14 and a phone staffer says they are trying to get Calvert’s name removed from the list of GOP House members ROLL CALL has listed as supporting the Speaker’s so called ‘Immigration Principles Document’. That document includes the principle of granting amnesty, legal status, and in some cases U.S. citizenship to illegal immigrants.

  6. avatar

    question. does your house member support boehners amnesty ? i would not put it past him, because he will compromise,i will not vote for him if he does.we do not need 12 million more illegals on FOOD STAMPS and FREEBIES but i was not thinking. it will make the democrats more votes. ps SUPPORT THE CONSTITUTION and FREEDOM. put a TEA PARTY PATIROT in boehners place. thank you.

    • avatar

      I agree… this country spends billions and billions of tax dollars EVERY month to take care of illegals and ALL Citizens should be outraged at this… this country is putting the millions and millions of illegals over and above the citizens of this country… there should be NO amnesty.. NONE!!!!! we should enforce the laws and stop this garbage… Enforce 100% E-Verify, NO MORE ANCHOR babies, NO MORE FREEBIES, fine the employers who hire them, etc… do this and they will self deport themselves… they are here for all the free handouts we are so stupid to give them… WHY are we allowing them to trample on our rights and take over OUR country???!!

  7. avatar

    We are in an election year. Every single one of these “YES” voters MUST be targeted for defeat in the primary. Obviously, any Dem would also be in favor, so only a primary challenger is the solution to get these Open Border Republicans out.

    • avatar

      Actually vote them out by any means.

      Even Bill Kristol said he was worried the Tea Party will vote third party to punish specific members. Dick Lugar got replaced by a Democrat who ended up supporting amnesty. But Republicans in the Senate were so divided that the House has been able to stop amnesty so far. Sending messages is more important than exact numbers of amnesty supporters.

      The GOP only needs a 225 or 230 majority in the house. If some specific members like Renee Ellmers and Michael Grimm get taken out by a third party or Dem vote it will send a message to others. Arlen Specter , Crist, Jon Kyl, Olympia Snowe, Martinez, Craig, Bennett, Hagel, Lott, Cannon, Kolbe and others are not in the Republican party to gain momentum for amnesty.

  8. avatar

    I agree that anyone that came here Illegally(which broke our laws) should not be giving any thought of any kind of amnesty. We have so many Americans out of work and these illegals are taking their jobs from them. I am talking about good jobs,(like carpenters and mansonary jobs) thats just a few of these big company’s hire as cheap labor so our legal American would be with out a job.

    • avatar

      Agree… but our country represents the illegals over and above the citizens anymore… they seem to be more important… our government is allowing these illegals to trample on our rights and take our resources…that belong to the citizens…

  9. avatar
    Barbara Holmes on

    Thank you Dr. Burgess for your vote against amnesty. We have laws already to seek citizenship The United States. does not break up families. Lawbreakers break up their families. .
    Please protect our borders.
    Please send lawbreakers back to their homeland.
    We pray for your health and safety and success in Washington as well as that of your family.
    Barbara Holmes

  10. avatar

    How do you define unmitigated gall and arrogance? Very easily. As in Enrique Pena Nieto, president of Mexico, who declared in a television interview Wednesday that he is “indignant” about US deportations of Mexicans here illegally.

    I’m indignant that this clown would dare to criticize what EVERY nation in this world does, including his. Which is, expel those who entered their country illegally. And try to enroll in a school there without legal authorization. It doesn’t happen.

    And to top it all off, as in the cherry on top, it’s Mexico that has discrimination written into it’s laws. Those who move to Mexico and are from Spanish speaking countries are eligible, by law, to become citizens two years ahead of anyone else, including those from the US.

    To complete the hypocrisy of this two faced phony, Amnesty International has been issuing reports for many years excoriating the Mexican government for turning a “blind eye” to the robbery, sexual assault, and even murder of those who crossed the southern Mexican border in an attempt to make it to this country. Amnesty has even documented that many of these crimes are carried out with the participation of the legal authorities. Can anyone explain why we kowtow to these people?

  11. avatar

    The most shocking name on the list of nineteen GOP House members put together by ROLL CALL who are openly supporting team Boehner’s principle of granting amnesty or legal status to illegal immigrants….. was California Congressman Ken Calvert. Calvert is the father of E-Verify, that if made mandatory, many experts believe would end the job magnet behind illegal immigration. I lived in his district for ten years and every primary and general election during that time there was a never ending flood of mailers touting his opposition to illegal immigration and the granting of amnesty, legal status, and U.S. citizenship to illegal immigrants. Checking his website today, Calvert’s position remains opposed to giving legal status to illegal immigrants. Calling his Washington office and his local district office, phone staffers seemed confused and embarrassed about their bosses sudden change in his ‘immigration principles’. For anyone wanting to contribute to ending the amnesty threat in Congress this year, contact with this House member is a must do.