35 Years of Population Growth

35 Years of Population GrowthWe are surely in a new era in our national discourse. When FAIR was founded 35 years ago, it was axiomatic that policies designed to rapidly increase the size of the U.S. population were undesirable. By common consent, confirmed by presidential commissions, it was assumed that no national objective could be advanced by encouraging a population size greater than 250 million.

The year FAIR was founded, the U.S. population was 225 million. As this Earth Day approaches, the U.S. population exceeds 315 million. It is not inconceivable that within a few short years, nearly 100 million people will have been added to the United States (225 million to 325 million) in the years since the dawn of the modern “true immigration reform” movement. Nearly all of this increase comes about as a result of post-1970 immigration. Most of it was not planned or projected. And how has this helped? Is traffic easier, land cheaper, water tables higher, education better, jobs more plentiful, is the economy stronger, the nation healthier? Is the middle class more stable? Welfare dependency and food stamp use on the decline? What about the gap between rich and poor? In what way has this rapid population growth improved the national ecology and environment?

The truth is that mass immigration has made our most important domestic policy objectives even harder to reach.  And yet, increasingly, the mainstream environmental lobby has not only abandoned any commitment to U.S. population stabilization, many groups now actively encourage overcrowding through aggressive immigration increases. Recently, the Sierra Club endorsed the Senate immigration reform after earlier insisting the Club would simply take no position on immigration.

Anyone traveling through major cities and towns in America can easily see firsthand what happens when immigration and resultant population growth exceeds projections: the overcrowded schools, insufficient housing stock and congested roads all point to a mismatch between the demographic trends and the financed infrastructure. Good government can only happen when the population using services matches our ability to finance those services.

Our declining national fortunes can be traced back to the first Earth Day, when warning after warning went unheeded. Instead we continue to leave the borders uncontrolled decades after prudence, wisdom and courage could have brought mass migration under proper management. Let’s learn from past 35 years of experience and make this Earth Day 2014 an historic awakening to the reality we all must face for a better tomorrow. Only by husbanding our resources and preserving our ecology can the U.S. ensure a brighter tomorrow for ourselves and also assist other nations to realize a better and sustainable future.

About Author


Dan is the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)'s President after joining the organization in 1982. He has testified more than 50 times before Congress, and been cited in the media as "America's best-known immigration reformer." Dan has appeared on virtually every significant TV and radio news/talk program in America and, in addition to being a contributing editor to ImmigrationReform.com, has contributed commentaries to a vast number of print media outlets.


  1. avatar

    I graduated from college in 1970 and I am not dead yet. At that time, the entire population on the planet, including China and India, was about 4 billion. Today it is approaching 8 billion with no increase in natural resources.

    The explosion has occured in Third World countries which could not afford to feed their own children in 1970 and the mass migration to America and Europe is on. People in America and Europe have NO obligation to feed the children of irresponsible people who multiply like rabbits (Hispanics are Catholic who don’t believe in birth control). “Oh, you don’t want to pay to feed my mongrul rug rats? You must be a racist!”

    Europe is being invaded from North Africa, the Middle East and Turkey; Austrailia from Paskistan, Iraq and Indoeasia and the United States from Central America, the Phillipines and China. The irresponsibility these people who created on their own mess is NOT your responsibility. Easiest to solve the problem is to not let them in at all. Once in, they will whine you to death and then kill you after they have stolen everything you have and left you bleeding to death in a ditch somewhere. They hate your guts and don’t be fooled.

  2. avatar

    The poplulation increase doesn’t bother me as long as law abiding people come here. This isn’t happening, and our welfare laws are exploited for people that aren’t allowed to be here. We need to contact our representatives and let them know it is neither our interests nor theirs to not enforce immigration laws.

  3. avatar


    Its today and I’ve got my Earth Day polo shirt for depopulating America on.

    I saw on FOX News, they call anyone for depopulation in America, RACIST. Back in 1970 we were called INTELLIGENT, and this still holds true today…..only the American population problem is FAR WORSE today.

  4. avatar

    The Sierra Club has obviously become complete traitors to the environmental movement. They portray everyone who opposes mass immigration as haters. We are at a crisis right here and now. The west is running out of water. Lake Mead is drained to almost nothing and yet the politicians of Nevada refuse to even acknowledge that immigration driven population growth cannot be sustained. The same people who point out the dangers of global warming then claim to take no notice that one of the predictions is that the American west will become even drier. It’s documented scientific fact that droughts as extreme as the one we are now in have lasted for centuries in the past.
    With “friends” like these, the environment needs no enemies.