Schumer Issues Threat to House

pushSenators Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) continue to demand the House take up the Senate-passed immigration bill, S. 744. Most recently, Schumer has claimed the President would “greatly curtail deportations” unless the House passes an amnesty bill (go figure!).

In other words, Congress should pass a bill to prevent illegal aliens from being deported or the President won’t deport them.

This reads like a threat. Nothing is more transparent than the partisan political motivations behind the Senate bill – a travesty of public policy that will render U.S. immigration law virtually unenforced (see FAIR analysis of the Senate bill). Remarkable is the fact that nothing in S. 744 will actually fix any of the identified problems with the immigration system. The bill is just an amnesty that rewards law-breaking and encourages more illegal immigration. A legislative platform that is flawed at its base cannot fix anything. In a nutshell, the problem with the “Gang of Eight” Senate amnesty bill (S. 744) is simple – few understand it because it is deliberately deceptive legislation written by lobbyists. The closer you look, the uglier it gets. The mad push to get the House to act is a desperation ploy because anti-border activists don’t see another chance like this in 20 years.

What’s referred to as an “immigration overhaul” is nothing more than a legislative ratification of a complete breakdown in the rule of law drafted to suit a battery of narrow interests. The nation can and must do better.

About Author


Dan is the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)'s President after joining the organization in 1982. He has testified more than 50 times before Congress, and been cited in the media as "America's best-known immigration reformer." Dan has appeared on virtually every significant TV and radio news/talk program in America and, in addition to being a contributing editor to, has contributed commentaries to a vast number of print media outlets.


  1. avatar
    CharlieSeattle on

    It is an act of TREASON by Obama, Holder and Congress to NOT enforce existing immigration laws as they ALL swore to do!

    It is an act of TREASON by Obama, Holder and Congress to legalize the dumping of 12-18 million illegal aliens and their naturalized children into this economy and let the unemployed American citizens pick up the tab for their crimes, healthcare and children’s education.

  2. avatar

    When a nation makes laws and won’t enforce them, it will
    be taken down and destroyed. We’re on that pathway to self
    destruction! Say goodbye to the America that we once knew!!

  3. avatar

    Republicans I hope can see by now that Democrats are doing their dirty politics again and trying to goad them into passing Amnesty once again. The only reason Democrats want it is because they are desperate. They know if they don’t get it they don’t have a chance in hell to **** onto the Senate. If they do get it, our Country is going to be in a World of hurt. I do not say that because I am a Republican or a Conservative. I say it because I am an Independent and am concerned for the direction the Democrats are taking our Country. They are being led by the billionaires who are filling their pockets and if the Democrats don’t do their bidding they won’t get funded for the election. IMO………..ALL the RINO’s which are all the old Politicians on both parties, need to be fired. They are all corrupt because of the Billionaires and it needs to be stopped. TERM LIMITS, nothing but.

  4. avatar

    Don’t like the Republicans? Me either. Think their policies are geared too much to the top 1 percent? Me too. But those things can be changed, because they are a matter of policy. What the Democrats are doing is going to fundamentally and permanently change this country from what it was. It’s been proven that those who were granted amnesty in the 1986 amnesty ended up on welfare programs at higher rates than native born citizens. And it’s also proven that those high rates are passed on into the third and even fourth generations. We are burdening ourselves with a huge underclass who are not going to vote for anyone who doesn’t promise them more and more. At the expense of the rest of us.

    As for Schumer’s threat, Nancy Pelosi has already spelled it out. She said being here without “sufficient documentation” is “not reason for deportation”. Open borders for all practical purposes.

    • avatar

      One Other Blogger Summed It Up for Me Leland

      The Democrats are so FAR RIGHT, they’re stealing our New Deal away from us.

      The Republicans are off the Richtor Scale Right; they want Medieval Enlightenment to come an end….

  5. avatar

    The Last Sentence Summed it Up for Me

    “…What’s referred to as an “immigration overhaul” is nothing more than a legislative ratification of a complete breakdown in the rule of law drafted to suit a battery of narrow interests. The nation can and must do better….”