On Tuesday, the White House hosted a ceremony honoring 10 illegal alien recipients of President Obama’s unilateral Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) amnesty program. DACA essentially gives illegal aliens who qualify for the DREAM Act—which Congress has repeatedly rejected—a two-year deferral from deportation and work authorization. The White House celebrated these so-called “Champions of Change” for their “exemplary leadership in their communities.” Alejandro Mayorkas, deputy secretary at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), called these illegal aliens “American for all intents and purposes other than the country where they were born.”
Unsurprisingly, President Obama’s lax immigration enforcement has led to an unprecedented surge in illegal alien minors crossing the Southern border. Indeed, the number of illegal alien minors coming to the U.S. from Central America has grown exponentially since the President announced DACA. Yet, the Administration continues to deny that their refusal to enforce our immigration laws is responsible for the surge in unaccompanied minors. In fact, Central American newspapers are advertising Obama’s policy of not deporting young illegal aliens.
Representative Candice Miller (R-Mich.), chairman of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security, blasted Obama for celebrating illegal aliens. “Today’s White House celebration, flaunting the success stories of 10 immigrant children who entered the U.S. illegally, is exactly the type of tone deaf messaging fueling the unprecedented surge of immigrant children being smuggled across our southern border,” Miller charged. “How can we expect to dispel rumors throughout Central America that children who enter America illegally will be allowed to stay, while simultaneously touting the success stories of a few illegal immigrant children granted de facto amnesty by the Administration?”
To stop the flow we need Imigration Reform…..mthere is no other way around this…..anybody that is again st is simply against the future of The US…
The Senate bill requires neither e-verify nor a secure border to be in place before amnesty. They are merely goals and “plans” to be reached years down the road. Given the past promises to institute them, it’s unlikely either will happen. We won’t have a “future” as a country if we keep doing more of the same, which is all that your “reform” is.
Leland we are right now destined not to have a future at all as you say if nothing is done. You assume what I mean by immigration Reform………………….then Congress improves the Bill by adding E-verify and anything else to keep on building the US…..but with GOP people like the ones in Congress the party of NO…….like in Obama or Romney care…instead of improving a LAW….like for instance…non-mandatory etc etc….they went into a ramp….trying to shot it down……………….so the same w IR………………..
John, it doesn’t matter what CONGRESS does. What matters is what this administration does to enforce the laws–or not. We already have laws on the books that we admit more than 1 million LEGAL immigrants with. We have GUEST WORKER programs out the wazoo, including a program that lets farmers bring in an UNLIMITED number of seasonal agricultural guest workers. Yet, illegal aliens claim that we should admit anyone and everyone who comes here, no matter how they come here, and give them all the benefits of citizenship without them having to take the basic responsibility of following the laws of this country.
By the way, it doesn’t matter what bill the HOUSE would pass. Any immigration bill, even one that’s all enforcement, could and would be conferenced with the Senate amnesty bill and likely replaced by it. Do you really think Mark Zuckerberg and other big donors for amnesty are doing it because they want enforcement and fewer illegal aliens/immigrants?
Ali illegals do not claim what you say…..you do…..you should be honest and have more personal integrity in not trying to put words you think into people that work hard and are abused……also you are wrong again……it is not this administration’s fault it is The People and Congress for doing nothing…..r u front he US or you got your Citizenship not too long ago?……I am asking because it appears you know nothing on how our System works………….
Leland use your head again……………….you, the GOP, Dan and everybody is so fixed on illegals that you all are forgetting the big picture = US………
I Know John
The majority of Americans all wrong and must agree to your false allegations on the hope to open the borders. You live in the old Soviet Union or Nazi Germany, become a legal American again and go with the majority vote again.
So Leland we are in a snowball on all these issues…..I am sure you mean well as I do but ultimately there will have to be Immigration Reform to control this one way or another………………..else….you already know it is happening….!!!
“Immigration Reform” that’s all amnesty, especially amnesty BEFORE enforcement, just aggravates the problem by adding MORE illegal aliens. We saw that after the 1986 amnesty and we’re seeing it now with DACA and the flood of illegal aliens across the southern border.
Real ‘Immigration Reform’ means ending illegal immigration once and for all. Granting amnesty and legal status to 12-20- million unauthorized aliens has nothing to do with ending illegal immigration and everything to so with fundamentally transforming America into an open borders socialist banana republic.
Larry what would you say if I told you within the 12-20 million illegals for one reason or another is somebody that contributes to the US………is wealthier than you and I,……and probably whiter blacker, or more purple and smarter and GIVES jobs to AMericans……………………..I am sure there exists within the pool that type………………………you are the socialist banana republic guy by generalizing this……
We need to make a reform ;Reform the Amedment 14 in the Constitution and we will stop all these anchor babies
Noel I have no idea what kind of anchor baby you are “Perez” but definitely not from the US………if you knew our history such as the Dred & Scott US court decision and the 14th amendment then these anchor babies by Law will be granted citizenship……be proud of your parents how did they cross the border or you did?
Arnlof…..agree,,,,,,,,,,if immigration reform had been dealt with…these 100k people would have never appeared in the border……………..
Diane Feinstein said that a couple of her Senate staffers interviewed some of the recent border crossers and they claimed that they were encouraged by radio ads that said they would not be deported and religious groups were spreading the same message. If true, it would be hard to believe that the radio ads did not have the approval of the home countries, as the press is tightly controlled in those countries.
Of course, Senator Feinstein could look a little closer to her home state of California. This last December her House colleague Nancy Pelosi said: “Our view of the law is that if someone is here without sufficient documentation, that is not reason for deportation”. Pretty clear statement. No papers, we still won’t deport you.
Senator Feinstein’s portion of the Senate Bill includes bringing every agricultural worker below the border along with their entire families, families-in-laws, cousins, (up to 4th removed), neighbors, their families and anyone who is within a thousand miles who needs a ride (and their families and………..Guess its called nation building inside the State!
Leland what would you expect from Senator Feinstein……..policy to deny guns to the population but not for her and Congress members……..gives a private Bill to a woman from the Philippines to stay in the US just because sthis woman is a lesbian and she wants the votes from that demographics…..etc,,,,etc….this lady should retire……
I Walked Into a Latino Run Tortas Restaurant
I ordered a Mexican Tortas to go with a Restaurant.com contract/certificate with no expiration date. The owner’s daughter told me “we not take that coupon anymore”, she then went on to explain another customer was irritated about an issue that was totally unrelated and I should allow her some slack for the “poor Latina”. I told her I do contract for a living and the certificate was a contract between her and me; to refuse it was contract default and illegal. She looked at me like “so what?” I walked out and ate somewhere else.
Many selfish Latinos feel they can ignore American rule of law, after all, we should feel sorry for them and give them more money apparrently. It isn’t just Latinos breaking the Restaurant.com certificate contract law; many restaurants do it lately….but I’ve had most of my problems with ethnic group restaurants and I feel this illegal amnesty push by our government eggs them on too. Its the cold hard facts.
HAHAHAHA!!!…………..she basically blew you away!………definitely not a smart business decision by the restaurant….also what it is funny is that you will never be able to put any authority to a waitress unless you call the owner………….. better luck next time………………I am sure the owner would have somehow come your way……..just refine some of your soft skills…..you can never argue with an employee and the least telling her you are an authority on contracts…HAHAHAHA!!!…you are a riot my friend!!
I Know John
You believe breaking our laws is a laughing matter. You’re wrong, its criminal.
No what I think it is a laughing matter is that you did handle it wrongly……….next time call the owner and find out exactly what is going on………..as simple as that…and then you give a bad tip to the waitress…..next time you and she learns how to go about enjoying life better…….
Same thing happened to me in a Wendy’s franchise. Guess what? That franchise is GONE. Poor service is poor service and often a good indicator of other problems with the business.
Ali so what?……………in these jobs these people are actually paid badly and the food is bad……Wendy’s is still in the business……just like Walmart…you walk in and see the Indian women working without any incentive mistreating the merchandise….so I never go there….
Wasn’t Nixon Impeached for Stealing a Few Watergate Papers from the Democrats?
He looks like Mother Teresa in comparison to Obama rewarding law breaking and encouraging MASS more of the same….