The working-age population increased from June to July ’14 by 209,000. The unemployment rate went up in July to 6.2% from 6.1%. The number of unemployed increased by 197,000 while the number of employed increased by 131,000. The participation rate ticked up, also by 0.1%, to 62.9%, but it is still lower by 0.5% than it was last July. The number of people not in the workforce decreased by 119,000. These numbers indicate that more people were looking for work. These numbers also indicate that given population growth, the number of new workers adding to the labor market was 78,000. The total number of unemployed is 9.7 million, and those not in the labor force remained virtually unchanged at 92 million.
as long as obama & his liberal cohorts are allowed to get away with their manipulations of any figure that doesn’t fit their agenda they will be able to “show the uniformed how “great the country is doing” under obama’s control…
Not that all our troubles are started by obama: this “free trade agreements” thing seems to be free for everyone except the USA. Those other countries are dumping on America while we get little in return. At that point many companies in America seen fit to move to countries with low wages and no environmental restrictions along with lower taxes and then send their product (many times of a lower quality) back to America at a high price for Americans. We should go back to a policy of looking out for Americans first instead of trying to support the entire world.
At least, these numbers say the system is somehow stable for the time-frame……………that is good news…it appears things are improving and in the next 6 months or so more jobs are appearing…….
Leland you say young people and minorities have low paying jobs…….i think it is the funniest thing I ever heard in the 21st century……look around the tech demographics………………who is a minority now?
Here’s what I said, word for word: “Young people and minorities still have very high rates of unemployment.” That happens to be a fact, and it’s been that way since the start of the recession in 2008-9. If you want to quote me, then quote what I actually said.
Perhaps, you have to use your own judgement and think a bit deeper…………go to the universities and HS……..look around…………see what is the minorities nowadays…..hard to say….that is my point.
Pay attention. We’re not talking who’s going to school. We’re talking participation in the labor force according to official government figures.
And that is my point……………………they do not have it straight…………………….
Even a Lot of the Current Jobs are “Make Work”
We wouldn’t need redundant jobs in security without all the ID theft and crime brought on by recent American population growth….immigration. Even those jobs are useless and suspect too.
We simply don’t have enough work to do in America since we lost most of our manfacturing after WTO free trade.
U support drugs…..legalizing pot then u r a pot-head…….we do not need people like u in this country u should leave…..
Job growth since the turn of the century has been anemic, at best. Nowhere near past historical growth. Job growth without taking in population growth is meaningless. At the start of 2001, our population was 285 million. Now it’s almost 319 million, an increase of 34 million. The total number of jobs we have gained since then is only 7 million. Young people and minorities still have very high rates of unemployment. Nor is the retirement of the baby boomers a sure thing. The oldest ones yes, but the youngest are only 50 this year. A substantial number of boomers are many years from retiring and a lot expect to work at least part time after. Outsourcing and technology have greatly reduced the numbers of workers needed. What we have is not a shortage of workers, but a shortage of jobs.
So from your opinion the illegals outsourced the technology?
What I said was that technology has replaced jobs in this country and there is no shortage of workers. Outsourcing of jobs to other countries means less jobs here. Big business claims we have a shortage so they need to import workers. They want to do that because they don’t want to pay an American a decent wage.
Leland you say young people and minorities have low paying jobs…….i think it is the funniest thing I ever heard in the 21st century……look around the tech demographics………………who is a minority now?