Stop Obama’s Illegal Executive Amnesty!

For months, President Obama has said he’ll bypass Congress and simply declare millions of illegal aliens can stay in the U.S!
Now, Obama has delayed his executive amnesty until AFTER the November election.

The reason is politics: He wants to take the issue of immigration OFF the table in November. FAIR needs your help to see where all 535 Members of Congress stand on this issue.

Please take every opportunity to ask your Members of Congress these two questions:

  • Do you support the President’s executive amnesty for illegal aliens?
  • Will you cut off funding for it?

Ask those questions, every chance you get, to your Members of Congress and demand a clear answer. Call their offices, attend town hall meetings, send emails and ask on social media.

President Obama has promised to act before December 31, so it is urgent to find out where Congress stands. Do they support President Obama’s illegal amnesty and will they cut off funding for it?

What You Can Do

1. Find the phone number or email for your U.S. Senators and Representatives.

2. Ask your Member of Congress or his/her staff these questions:

  • Do you support the President’s executive amnesty for illegal aliens?
  • Will you cut off funding for it?

If you need tips on how to make a call to Congress, click here to review FAIR’s activism guide.

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  1. Pingback: America: Listen to the USCIS Council Warning on Upcoming Amnesty

  2. avatar

    Senator Diane Feinstein’s office in San Francisco said that the Senator has not released a statement on the issue regarding the President’s planned executive amnesty, but that she has supported funding for programs for illegals (no surprise there).

    Senator Boxer’s office in Oakland said that she has not released a public statement on the issue either.

    Maybe I am being overly pessimistic, but somehow I think the two Senators from California think this is a great idea, even though the state is broke and we don’t have enough water. And we also have too much traffic and illegals driving cars that spew out fumes that the Senators think creates global warming, so I don’t know why they want to increase our population by millions more people.