URGENT: The Vote on the Omnibus Spending Bill has Just Stalled on the House Floor!

urgent-160139_640The vote on the omnibus spending bill has just stalled on the House floor!  All news sources report that Speaker Boehner and other Republican leaders are not sure they have enough votes to pass it.  House Republicans introduced the 1,600 spending bill – one that does NOTHING to de-fund the President’s executive amnesty – on Tuesday night and gave members barely 36 hours to read it before sending it to the House floor this afternoon.  FAIR is urging Members of Congress to vote against the bill, and with debate stalled on the House floor, here is your moment to make a difference.  Please reach out to your Representatives on Facebook NOW and urge them to vote against the bill too.  There is not a moment to lose!

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Content written by Federation for American Immigration Reform staff.


  1. avatar

    The Open Border Politicians Bow to Their Foreign Corporate Overlords

    And watch, if there is a shutdown and/or sequestration wage cut in 2015: somehow the federal workers are all to blame. The last one they’ll blame is look in a mirror.

  2. avatar

    So the news is the omnibus spending bill has been passed by the House. I really can’t find the words to adequately express what I think and feel at a moment like this, when our government has done this to our country, so I will leave it at that.

    • avatar
      richard vilcheck on

      We elect new representatives and get the same spineless people why bother to vote . The communist democrate party has taken over and will continue to destroy our country