Video Shows College Students Willing to Deport Americans in Exchange for Illegal Immigrants

The Campus Reform news outlet recently visited George Washington University in Washington, D.C., to see how many students would sign their fake petition that recommends deporting an American in exchange for an illegal immigrant.

“Please sign our petition for President Obama to deport one American citizen, in exchange for one undocumented immigrant,” read the petition. “Everyone must be allowed a shot at the ‘American Dream.’ Americans should not be greedy. Let us right the wrongs of our past and make another’s dreams come true.”

The students’ responses were caught on camera and the results are startling. More than two-thirds of individuals approached by Campus Reform reportedly agreed with the statement and signed on, even adding further verbal support.

“It makes sense,” one student told Campus Reform. “Like, I’ve noticed that there is a lot of like hatred against undocumented immigrants and it’s not necessarily their fault.”

Although many students were feeling kind and warm-hearted, America is a successful nation because it follows the laws and policies our founders and leaders put in place. Just because a non-American wants to live in the U.S., does not mean he or she can override our system.

George Washington University students, on your long holiday break, I encourage each of you to read a summary about the Immigration and Nationality Act or visit FAIR’s website and learn about the legal, rational naturalization process America has employed for decades.

Watch the video below:

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  1. avatar
    Jonathan Moran on

    If they are so willing to deport one American for one illegal. Thet should deport themselves then, I personally think that would make more sense. Silly liberals

  2. avatar

    Too true that it seems like a good idea until it affects them directly. I’ve found that:

    1) Most people who don’t want less immigration are generous with things that don’t belong to them. They have a fairly comfortable life, and don’t think how mass immigration affects working-class Americans: competition for jobs, housing, health care, etc. They don’t see how a huge pool of desperate third-world workers means that many employers don’t care about workplace health/safety.

    2) They don’t see the bigger picture, for example, overpopulation in third world countries causing egress. They don’t see the fault of the Pope, many Muslim leaders, and the fathers of these emigrants, who buy the idea that birth control is a sin. Then, in their overcrowded countries with falling water tables, overfished waters, etc., young people come to the U.S./Europe. Third-world elites, including the planet’s richest person, a Mexican, get richer from the money that emigrants send home to their families that is pumped back into their economies. Etc, etc.

    3) They don’t realize that they’re being played by the media – sad immigrant stories with lots of tears – by people who gain from mass immigration – corporations, ethnic pressure groups, some middle-class Americans who prefer to hire immigrants for household work, etc, as immigrants tend to work for less and are docile, and many do better work than Americans. They don’t realize that, after a few years, those immigrants will move on to better jobs, and the immigrants’ kids won’t do the same work as their parents had done, which means a whole new wave of immigrants.

  3. avatar
    Jim in Virginia on

    I can’t believe this! What a bunch of morons. I am a graduate of GWU, don’t bother calling me for donations anymore!!

      • avatar

        No #### it won’t happen. The concept which appears to escape you is that so many of these students were willing to sign something so absurd and unworkable. The next question should have been do you volunteer to go first.

    • avatar

      If we could pick the “American” and the illegal, this could work very well. I’d heartily favor exchanging Obama (who may not be an American citizen after all) for any illegal who has broken no law other than the immigration laws. WIN, WIN!

  4. Pingback: George Washington University Students Support US Citizen Deportation & Importing Illegal Aliens - Cronyism,Corruption and Lies in D.C.

    • avatar

      I agree if that’s what they really believe. So I say let them all move to a foreign nation and we’ll let some of that nation’s citizens come here to replace them.

      We can hope we’ll get better citizens with the foreigners than we had with the students. I’m sure they would appreciate being a citizen of this nation more than the students obviously don’t have.

  5. avatar

    So this is what higher education is all about! Presumably these students also favor deporting native-born working poor and minorities in exchange for foreign-born poor with few skills and little education.

    Intellectual giants to be sure!

    • avatar

      Anybody who didn’t burst into laughter and walk away shaking their head at the survey doesn’t have the intellect to benefit from a college education, or to play chess against a turnip.

  6. avatar

    Let me get this straight, it’s not an illegals fault that they invaded our nation, came here by breaking in? I have a suggestion, let’s start a petition , a real one, to deport 1 college student for a immigrant trying to get here legally. What do you say America? A hard working, intelligent, law abiding immigrant for a spoiled , ignorant , lazy American college student.

    • avatar
      Monteen Winfree on

      I would love to see the reaction of the student that is in favor of deporting a legal American for an illegal when they are told, wow, thanks. May I have your name, address ,etc, because YOUR NAME WILL BE ON THE EXCHANGE LIST. I sure the lucky person will bless you. Have a nice life.

    • avatar

      Way to go, Zarus. I’d throw my vote in on that. The usual, lame argument is that, “they did it for their loved ones” and that’s supposed to melt our heart-strings. So, it’s okay to commit a crime if you’re doing it for your family?

      Go to it, folks, start burglarizing homes and robbing liquor stores and if you get caught, just show the cops some pictures of the wife and kids and say you did it for them. Instant Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card, right?

      How much dumber will we get before we start seeing the light?

    • avatar

      I am for that. That makes a lot of sense. Just think of all the unemployment we could save. I LOVE IT!!!!!
      \ 8>)

    • avatar

      I really don’t know what to say, I’m ready to throw up. What the hell is wrong with our system that these, supposedly cream of the crop, students are so totally ignorant of the basics of law, and economics. I guess they all aspire to be community organizers, then become president and take $1.4 million dollar vacations. They obviously have not understood that people who work are the people who pay for all this krap. They deserve what they get, but I pity the rest, the honest, decent, law abiding citizen and legal resident who want a better US, vs a third world cesspool. Time to reread Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”.

      • avatar

        And for a companion read, shorter book, add Orwell’s “1984.” Might as well brush up on things to come before we actually get there.

  7. avatar

    Take all the names after they have signed and tell them, they were the ones being deported, and they just signed away their rights. That should wake them up.

    • avatar
      Carl Stevenson on

      Yes … Round these ignorant liberal loons up and deport them. Along with all of the illegals.
      We’d be better off without them all.

  8. avatar

    They say, “Ignorance is bliss”, well the people who signed the petition should be the FIRST to be deported! Let’s see how blissfully they live in another part of the world, a third world country.

    • avatar

      AMEN!……..This has been taught in the schools and universities for years!! We Americans, are the guilty ones, and should be ashamed of our past…. Everything that the so called “progressives” do, is regressive!!
      WE,… have to understand the communist mind, and fight fire with fire!!….Read the book, Rules for Radical Conservatives……..BEATING THE LEFT AT IT”S OWN GAME TO TAKE BACK AMERICA!! David Kahane

    • avatar

      They live and go to college and being brainwashed in Washington D.C. What can you expect from these idiots who are being influenced by our idiot government traitors?

      Let’s get a list of those who signed this petition and send them letters of deportment and see how they like the idea.

  9. avatar

    You can’t even hear any of the audio in the video. If you’re trying to show how stupid people are, it’d help to actually hear what they are saying.

  10. avatar

    The next step of this would be to tell them that they just signed up to be deported in order to allow an illegal to take their place. Record that reaction.
    I’m guessing it’s all a good idea until it affects them directly.

    • avatar

      YES, Gwynn!! I’d love to see their reactions!!! I’ve found that most people who don’t want less immigration are generous with things that don’t belong to them. They have a fairly comfortable life, and don’t think how mass immigration affects working-class Americans: competition for jobs, housing, health care, etc. They don’t see how a huge pool of desperate third-world workers means that many employers don’t care about workplace health/safety.

      Also, they don’t see the bigger picture, for example, overpopulation in third world countries causing egress. They don’t see the fault of the Pope, many Muslim leaders, and the fathers of these emigrants, who buy the idea that birth control is a sin. Then, in their overcrowded countries with falling water tables, overfished waters, etc., young people come to the U.S./Europe. The elites there, including the planet’s richest person, a Mexican, get richer from the money that emigrants send home to their families that is pumped back into their economies. Etc, etc.

      They don’t realize that they’re being played by the media – sad immigrant stories with lots of tears – by people who gain from mass immigration – corporations, ethnic pressure groups, some middle-class Americans who prefer to hire immigrants for household work, etc, as immigrants tend to be docile, and many do better work than Americans. They don’t realize that, after a few years, those immigrants will move on to better work, and the immigrants’ kids won’t do the same work as their parents, which means a whole new wave of immigrants.

  11. Pingback: George Washington University Students Support Citizen Deportation » Sons of Liberty Media

  12. avatar

    If All the Americans Moved Out of America

    To be replaced with 3rd world folks from damaged motherlands, and most of the Americans went there. In no time at all, America would be destroyed and all the good where they went.

  13. avatar

    I know, bring my wife’s family here from the RP and deport these kids. Then see how they feel.

  14. avatar

    This illustrates that young people are either too stupid, too immature, or too clueless to have proper reasoning power, or they have spent years being indoctrinated by the progressive liberal “elite” in academia.

    Proof that progressive liberalism is a mental disorder that causes a suspension of reality, incapability of processing logic and reason, and blind acceptance of what authority figures tell these useful idiots to think.

  15. avatar

    What a bunch of coddled, spoiled immature brats. I suggest that each male who signed the petition also perform a self-castration in solidarity with their “oppressed” illegal alien brethren. Maybe the voting age should be raised for anyone attending college, like you cannot vote until you worked in the real world for at least five years beyond your graduation date. After competing for jobs with a bunch of hindus living in a one room apartment sustaining themselves with rice flavored sparingly with curry they could properly assess the impact of immigration and vote accordingly.

    America did not stumble upon its greatness. We are the country we are because of the generations of great Americans who preceded us. Now this generation of self-hating Americans wants to join the ranks of peoples who never had the testosterone to stand up and fight against the system in their home cesspool-like countries. We Americans worked and struggled to make this great nation, we have nothing to be ashamed of. I suggest that this generation revisit their own family histories and marvel in the greatness of their ancestors.

    • avatar

      I agree. Do you think for a minute that Americans would have let themselves be ruled for over 50 years by the Castro brothers? We would be out in the streets, even if it was with our bare hands.

      • avatar

        Thanks to the 2nd amendment we don’t have to use our bare hands. Don’t ever let them take our guns!

  16. avatar

    Our future leaders. A bunch of 40 watters. And where exactly would these American citizens be “deported” to? Hello? Do you even understand the concept? And apparently these rocket scientists have never read the Constitution. Good grief, you could laugh it this wasn’t so serious. Appalling stupidity.