Holiday Greetings from Dan Stein

Let’s look to this joyous holiday season as an opportunity to reflect on what has been accomplished this past year. Our modest movement has been able to hold off the forces of blindness and greed in powerful ways – and in ways no pundit would have predicted. In 2014 we helped change America’s future for the better.  With the avalanche of troubling news, it is easy to forget how much good has happened in this world, and that life is still a great joy to behold in all its magnificence. Let us take a few moments this week and next to count our blessings and recharge for 2015. I thank each and every one of you for your passion, caring and commitment, and let us thank God for the spiritual rewards of “all forms of valiant and faithful service,” as I believe Churchill one put it.

Merry Christmas (and Happy Hanukkah) and a Happy New Year to all!


Dan Stein: Dan is the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)'s President after joining the organization in 1982. He has testified more than 50 times before Congress, and been cited in the media as "America's best-known immigration reformer." Dan has appeared on virtually every significant TV and radio news/talk program in America and, in addition to being a contributing editor to, has contributed commentaries to a vast number of print media outlets.