Tennessee became the most recent state last week to join a lawsuit against President Obama’s illegal amnesty, bringing the current total to 25 states – exactly half of the country.
Tenn. Attorney General Herbert Slatery announced the Volunteer State’s partnership with two dozen other attorneys general and governors.
The case was filed only four weeks ago by Texas Attorney General Gregg Abbott (soon to be sworn in as governor) in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas. It claims the White House’s enactment of the Department of Homeland Security’s immigration memos goes above the power permitted to the executive branch and federal agencies.
“While the subject of the executive action was immigration, the lawsuit is not about immigration,” Slatery stated in the press release. “It is really more about the rule of law and the limitations that prevent the executive branch from taking over a role constitutionally reserved for Congress.”
Slatery filed in the Federal District Court of Texas, requesting a preliminary injunction.
“…The State cannot sit on the sidelines of this case, when unlawful directives of this magnitude grant lawful presence and other rights like work permits to such a large number. Asking a court to review this issue is the prudent choice, especially when state resources will be taxed under the directives to provide benefits like unemployment compensation and health care,” he concluded.
Tennessee joins Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wisconsin, in the litigation.
So Goes the Lame Brain Assumption
That most Americans secretly support amnesty…
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So does the other half, have their heads buried in some dark recess?
Watch, the next step will be to offer States Huge amounts of funding for Illegals and refugee’s, all under the table.
Unfortunately I don’t see my state, Iowa, on here. Can FAIR begin petitions for the other 50 states to join in this lawsuit against the tyrant in Washington?
You can rest assured that California won’t be there Brown would never sanction it. Sadly A liberal welfare state.
He actually encourages illegals to move there. Meanwhile the state is becoming an economic basket case. Their unemployment rate for November was 7.2%, well above the national average. Businesses and middle class taxpayers are fleeing because they are tired of paying such high tax rates. All their pension funds are underfunded by many billions which means that money will have to come out of state budgets eventually.
But the voters keep electing pandering idiots like Brown. I had an online argument several years ago when their high speed rail system was proposed. I said those kinds of things always go far over budget and the system built is not what was initially promised. For that I was called a right winger, but basically what I said has come true. I guess I didn’t realize reality doesn’t matter to some people. .
Just to follow up, the Los Angeles Times ran a story today, Jan. 1, that the high cost of housing is forcing many lower and middle income people from the state. It said over half of the 50 most expensive residential housing markets, including nine of the top ten, are in California. Of course, if you go to their editorial pages they will make no connection between continuing immigration and escalating housing prices and scarcity of water. And the citizens of that state are either too dumb or too afraid to demand an end to endless flows of people from foreign countries.
Same thing with New York where most housing is now beyond the financial ability of the average worker. But their last two rich mayors insist that immigration is a good thing for the city. But then, they live in luxury and you don’t, so why you believe them in spite of what your common sense tells you is another story. And FAIR and other groups predicted these exact things would happen. They were right and yet the same people who were proved wrong still insist that they were right.
The Michigan Historical Commission, a branch of the state’s Department of Natural Resources, approved seven new sites for historical markers this month, including a United Auto Workers camp outside of Port Huron in St. Clair County where the Students for a Democratic Society crafted their pro-communism manifesto known as the “Port Huron Statement” in June 1962, MLive.com reports. Michigan is now going full blown communist by allowing this to happen!
Gotta live the graphic attached to this article. It depicts Alaska as a part of Mexico and it is smaller than Texas!
Actually if you look closer, Alaska is attached to Canada, not Mexico on this graphic. Pull it up and look closer.