According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)’s Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress, 49,993 veterans were homeless on any given night in 2014. Furthermore, 44% of all homeless veterans across the country live in California, Florida, Texas, and New York. California alone is home to 24 percent of our nation’s homeless veteran population. California is also known for bending over backwards to give its illegal alien residents unprecedented privileges and benefits. Many of our veterans have been cast out on the street while illegal aliens are gaining access to Social Security, Medicare, housing programs, and several other benefits.

HUD’s Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress, Oct. 2014
When President Obama announced his executive order on immigration, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said the following: “It’s absurd, the things Obama thinks he can get away with… Taking money away from American war heroes, veterans who served this country bravely and proudly, and handing it over to people who aren’t even American citizens, and don’t speak our American language.”
This year on Veterans Day, let us remember the men and women who have served our country and protected our freedoms. Our nation should address the needs of our veterans instead of contemplating ways to give taxpayer benefits to illegal aliens. That is not what our veterans fought for.
obma doesn’t want to take care of our veterans because he hates our military and has caused a lot of the deaths and injuries to them. obama has not been involved in any of the wars to win, only to stir up the mideast more. Now he wants to import at least 10,000 syrian MEN, NO WOMEN, NO CHILDREN. We will be under attack just like Paris was yesterday and obama is bringing in the enemy. He must be stopped and get him out of the White House ASAP. We need someon who will close our borders, send all the illegals back where they came from (including the ISIS who are already here) and prevent any more from coming in. Stop obma’s plans to destroy America and let’s start taking care of our own first, especially our veterans.
if they would spend half the money d.c. spends on americans instead of illegals and sending the money over seas, the streets of america would be lined with gold, as for working for a living ,i’m 62 and worked all my life and paid in , and in stead of going on ss i would have got another job , but the last place i worked gave me such a bad attitude, from the way co. operate today, i said screw it, the only jobs i can get any more is going threw a temp service , for 12.00 an hour , because it doesn’t matter how well you do the job , co’s won’t hire full time , because they don’t want to pay you full wages and benifits
You know this Administration doesn’t like veterans when they won’t give us a cola, Not only us but people on SS or retired. Gee the gas price dropped so nobody get’s a raise. I guess none of them drive because the gas price is climbing and so is food
The Homeless Vets
Are especially clustered in CA and NY….sanctuary states.
Update, Florida too…Rubio’s State.
Catalina I have to is it that exactly illegals aliens are gaining this without any documentation…..and how does this relate to the veterans……? meaning it is not even a comparison….I do not think there is favoritism here…..and you are generalizing the illegal Alien side…….so what is the actual fact out of this?
I want to understand better the facts……
@no_change: What? Please learn to write.
Ms. Lehmann did add a link to her article regarding where/how illegal immigrants are receiving benefits in this country. Yes. I’m sure you have google and are capable of researching this sort of stuff. It’s been written about numerous times since Trump decided to enter the presidential race and run on diminishing the number of illegal immigrants that are rampant in this country.
I have a feeling you are a low-information voter… and vote according to what sort of freebies you can squelch off those who work for a living through their tax dollars. Leech.
They are receiving benefits that should be going to those who are legally here. Our veterans aren’t getting jack because this country is being run by someone who doesn’t know how to lead. Our moron-in-chief has been screwing over our military from the get-go.
BonsaiChick go back to High school and lear to develop your English skills into comprehension,,,,,then come back and read it again…you never understood the question,,,,just try stretching your brains…..but please make sure you do not get hurt…..
lear to develop = learn how to develop…I hope you don’t have to go back for logic n math as well…..
Catalina once you get the numbers straight correlate this to our Welfare population….meaning not the illegal parents of their US born citizen children,,,for instance 320M the population…illegals 20 or so SO….. about 6% are illegals..WHERE nOT ALL are in welfare and born here…….most do work….conclusion……how such small population can be bigger than our Welfare people…… forth…..
SO we need to fix our system so that our own does not take advantage and therefore the US born from the illegals that are minimum………………. BonsaiChick there it goes for your rudeness some real cold facts about your lack of intellect and culture in our social and financial/immigration situation… asked for it.
The Vets have nothing to do with this… is the it is set up….yes you are correct the gov does seem not to take care of them….like once an army guy told me once you are injured they forget about you……..
Look who’s talking about “learing to develop their English skills”.
The word “where” means a place.
The correct way to say this is “slang” – we’re – meaning “we are”.
Then there is “wear” which means “wearing” a hat.
Read your statement again because you’re not saying it right.
Here :
“WHERE nOT ALL are in welfare and born here”
Practice what you preach, dick.
No Change–What’s up with the double posting? Are you trying to push comments you don’t like further down the page so fewer people are likely to read them? It’s one thing to have your say, but your interfering with the functioning of the comment section needs to stop. It is was up to me, whenever you deliberately double post, all of your comments would be deleted by the moderator of this website, if they have the time anyway.
As far as your comment below about the myth of illegal aliens being such harder and better workers than everyone else, if this is true why isn’t Mexico the Switzerland of North America, and why do so many of their children drop out of high school and join gangs?
SecBorders what’s up with the second postings?……interferinf with the section…needs to stop…hahaha!!!…you are a funny guy,,,,,,,,the same way you will find Mexicans Europeans chinese smarter than some of us….that includes you…..your reasoning is so green and without any depth…….in reality,,,,,
My post was a new post, not a duplicate post with a few letters at the end to fool the filter that blocks double postings. Stop the duplicate posts please, thank you.
it stopped before you even complained……it happens… below why……..but of course since you are being a gentleman.
Catalina I have to is it that exactly illegals aliens are gaining this without any documentation…..and how does this relate to the veterans……? meaning it is not even a comparison….I do not think there is favoritism here…..and you are generalizing the illegal Alien side…….so what is the actual fact out of this?
I want to understand better the facts……
Up to your old trolling tricks? You cut and paste the same exact post twice but to avoid the filter that stops repeat posts you throw in a few random letters at the end like you did above.
The Vets have nothing to do with this… is the it is set up….yes you are correct the gov does seem not to take care of them….like once an army guy told me once you are injured they forget about you……..
Leland a pleasure to see you in real time
To clear your twisted/small thinking..meaning by now you are of those people who tend to generalize and close minded and stubborn/stiff reasoning one way………what happens is that the internet gets locked so to make sure I don;t lose what I wrote I clicked twice or add blanks and letters so that it stays……
So the only troll here is within you: your mind.
Rubio the perpetual liar is now claiming that he has not decided to support the TPP fraudulent “free trade” pact which will flood this country with more imports and visa workers and accelerate American job losses. This in spite of the fact that he specifically wrote last spring he was in favor of it. Of course, during his Senate run in 2010 he absolutely ruled out supporting amnesty, then he was for it in the Senate, and now tries to ride both sides of the fence on the issue. But the media has decided he’s a nice clean cut young man [sound familiar?] so therefore he is exempt from explaining himself.
In today’s America, illegal aliens go to the front of the line, veterans to the back of the line. Instead, veterans should be at the front of the line and illegals shouldn’t be here at all. We should take the billions a year we spend on illegal aliens and put it towards creating a health program for veterans allowing them to choose whether to go to a VA hospital or better private hospitals. I would also increase taxes on the wealthiest 400 individuals/families in this country, who own and control as much wealth as the bottom 150 million people, and also put this toward paying for better health care for our veterans.
before you do all that you have to make sure most of the population works….else you will
destroy this land. is 50% or so do not work and most in Welfare…illegals are negligible…most of
them work…..and harder than you and I do….
SecBorders that is completely inaccurate and not true……illegal aliens are hiding………..