Stop Sanctuary Policies in Maryland!


The House Committee on the Judiciary is scheduled to hear House Bill (HB) 1292 (HB 1292) and House Bill (HB) 1298 (HB 1298).  next Thursday, March 10. These critical anti-sanctuary measures require Maryland correctional facilities to provide the U.S. Department of Homeland Security with at least 10 days’ notice of the release of an illegal alien from custody.

We need your help to advance HB 1292 and HB 1298 through the Maryland General Assembly! Please call members of the House Committee on the Judiciary and tell them to support HB 1292 and HB 1298!

Tell members of the Committee that law enforcement cooperation with federal immigration officials is good public policy. The benefits of anti-sanctuary bills like HB 1292 and HB 1298 include:

  • Furthering the public safety and welfare of Maryland residents and visitors;
  • Fighting illegal immigration by eliminating the attraction for illegal aliens to come to Maryland; and!
  • Providing ICE with critical assistance to enable it to accomplish its mission to identify and remove criminal aliens who are already in state or local custody.

You can click here to find contact information for the members of the Committee. Tell them that they should support immigration enforcement in Maryland TODAY!



FAIR Staff: Content written by Federation for American Immigration Reform staff.