Open Borders Groups Laud Illegal Alien Contributions, Censor Costs

Illegal immigrant proponents like the New American Economy (NAE), made up of open-borders advocates like Michael Bloomberg and Julian Castro, have taken a new approach in pushing their agenda: sensationalizing the contributions of illegal aliens with supposedly comprehensive studies while refusing to even acknowledge the immense taxpayer costs.

In their Texas “report,” The NAE parades the narrative that providing a path to citizenship for illegal aliens could contribute as much as $3.2 billion to the economy annually, and that adding another 20,000 legal H-1B workers could bump the total up to $5.5 billion. What it fails to mention, however, is that these same illegal aliens alone cost taxpayers $9 billion or more, with a figure far higher when all immigrants, like H-1B visa holders, are included. For example, educating Limited English Proficiency students cost the Texas economy $7.5 billion annually, and the state already faces a critical shortage of LEP-certified teachers. Adding to this already-unmanageable burden would be disastrous.

The story is similar across the nation. Examining only the contributions made by illegal aliens paints a pretty, but highly deceptive picture. An honest look at illegal immigration in the United States reveals that the costs far outweigh the contributions.

Another agenda the NAE openly advocates is using the influx of immigrants, legal and illegal, to pad the Electoral College with people who might be sympathetic to their causes. Even though they are legally ineligible to cast a ballot, illegal immigrants are still counted in the Census, which in turn apportions electoral votes to the states. The NEA provides a state-by-state map that shows how adding additional immigrants could possibly swing elections.

Promoting legal and illegal immigration as a means to create voting blocs that will fundamentally change the unique cultures of each state is concerning. Immigration is a tool and privilege that was originally intended to further America’s interests, not transform them.

The United States’ economy and culture deserve the protection of our government. Reducing the national debt and protecting the American worker starts with reducing immigration rates to reasonable levels and enforcing our existing immigration law

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  1. avatar

    Ever notice people who advocate for illegals don’t live anywhere near them and their kid’s schools aren’t infested with them?

  2. avatar

    In the link “3.2 billion”, the Texas report says: “Hispanics paid 35 billion in federal state and local taxes” in that state, and that 17.9 billion of that goes to the Social Security trust fund and 4.2 billion goes to the Medicare trust fund. Ok. but those are FEDERAL programs and none of that money goes to the state. So that means 22.1 billion never even reaches state coffers, so that leaves 12.9 billion going to state and local taxes.

    Texas does a two year budget and the one year budget averages out to about 105 billion. Hispanics are 39% of the state population. So therefore, even if every bit of that went to the state, which it doesn’t since it’s local taxes also, the share contributed by Hispanics to state coffers is FAR below their share of the population. So Mr. Riley is correct here about this ridiculous report “refusing to even acknowledge the immense taxpayer costs”. Just more propaganda by big business to promote wide open immigration. Of course, liberals eat this stuff up, but disagree with virtually everything else big business does.

    CNN and other media took criticism because they refused to show video of blacks in Milwaukee singling out white drivers to attack. But they also edited the sister of the criminal shot by cops. According to reporter Ana Cabrera, the sister was “calling for peace” because she was saying “don’t bring violence here”, meaning their neighborhood. Many were quick to point out that the next words out of her mouth, unshown by CNN, was her urging “go burn the suburbs” instead. But hey, it might make the Democrats and their worship of criminals at their convention look bad.