Trump Unveils 10-Point Immigration Priority Plan

President-elect Donald Trump made immigration a core component of his campaign for the White House. Despite winning the election just two days ago, his transition team has already released a 10-point plan to “restore integrity to our immigration system, protect our communities, and put America first”:

  1. Build a Wall on the Southern Border
  2. End Catch-and-Release
  3. Zero Tolerance for Criminal Aliens
  4. Block Funding for Sanctuary Cities
  5. Cancel Unconstitutional Executive Orders & Enforce All Immigration Laws
  6. Suspend the Issuance of Visas to Any Place Where Adequate Screening Cannot Occur
  7. Ensure that Other Countries Take Their People Back When We Order Them Deported
  8. Finally Complete the Biometric Entry-Exit Visa Tracking System
  9. Turn Off the Jobs and Benefits Magnet

10. Reform Legal immigration to Serve the Best Interests of America and its Workers

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Content written by Federation for American Immigration Reform staff.


  1. avatar

    Ligaya Fabian of 1631 El Camino Real #8 Tustin Ca 92780 submitted fake documents and paid money to obtain a driver’s license but the dmv found out and revoked the license. She jumpshipped her flight from Germany to Canada at lax to get here. She now has a green card. …….

  2. avatar

    Ligaya Fabian of 1631 El Camino Real #8 Tustin Ca 92780 submitted fake documents and paid money to obtain a driver’s license but the dmv found out and revoked the license. She jumpshipped her flight from Germany to Canada at lax to get here. She now has a green card. ..

  3. avatar

    Our new President has dozens of executive actions he can take to end illegal immigaton starting with tearing up Obama’s unlawful executive DACA and DAPA orders. If Trump can get a mandatory e-verify (legal work force law) and an entry/exit visa system through Congress illegal immigration would be a thing of the past.

  4. avatar
    andrea a mantecon on

    You are all sick in the head! It disgusts me that you are Americans. We are land of the free and home of the brave and so many of our fathers and mothers came to this great country from other countries to be free and not oppressed.

    • avatar

      You are so right Andrea, as sick as this people are, they will never feed the hate they crave. Trump will keep the best Of all legal people. The rest will leave and will not come back that is for sure. No matter what you will always see different cultures, it will never be “white only” like they hope for. That will never happen.. here in this land of the free…

    • avatar

      you both don’t understand were President-elect Trump is coming from. He wants to make this country safe. he wants to get rid of the criminals that continue to do crime…. so you’re both telling me what he is doing is wrong? Then you want your kids to be raised in a high criminal state. Why don’t you go back and re-read what he is going to state… perhaps you are not educated enough!!!

      peace out!

  5. avatar

    How about going after those illegals that were made U.S. citizens under the Rahm Emanuel fast track scheme in the mid 90s? After collapsing Mexico with NAFTA, the ensuing tidal wave of illegals were made citizens by waiving the residency requirement & , more importantly, the criminal background check. Everyone caught on when they noticed tens of thousands gathering in large venues nationwide being sworn in while passing the events as soccer matches. English speaking Americans had no clue. It was done right here in Chicago at Soldier Field. There is precedent. Back in the 1912 election prior to the vote, Jews were made instant citizens so as to steal the election for Wilson. A democrat. These “citizenship” lists must exist somewhere & need to be scrutinized so that we purge the criminal element & those who did not meet the legal requirements.

  6. avatar

    They also need to overturn Phyler vs Doe and stop the government from making the American people pay for a taxpayer funded education for illegal immigrant children. That money would go a long way to improve our schools for American children.

    • avatar

      Since argument has been detention cost too much. Work out a deal were US immigration detention centers are outsourced to Mexico. Mexico would also be cheaper for criminals serving life.

  7. avatar

    When you get around to it, remember to change the amendments so we do not have anymore ANCHOR BABIES. Secondly, no food coupons, housing (section8), welfare checks and Medicaid benefits for permanent residents. If you came illegally into the country, you will NEVER achieve citizenship. If you have not worked in America, you are not entitled to Social Secuirity or Medicare or other social security benefits!!!

    • avatar

      I agree totally. The anchor baby was passed hundreds of years ago to assure freed slaves were allowed to be citizens. It is antiquated. Get rid of it. Everything you have said is important. Hope someone gets this info to President Elect Donald Trump.

      • avatar

        N to ratify who we are as a free society …u don’t think like an American and the least understand our history…

  8. avatar

    How can legal people in this country say that a child, born in the U. S. whose parents are here illegally, possibly claim that their child is a legal citizen? The Constitution states that anyone born in the U. S. and subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S. is a citizen. If you’re in the country illegally, how can any member of that family be subject to the jurisdiction of the U. S. rather than their country of origin? This isn’t difficult to understand. That provision was put in the Constitution after the Civil War to guarantee full citizenship for African Americans, in case their citizenship was ever again questionable. It is high time we end this foolish practice which is costing our country dearly. While they’re at it they should control our border, reduce legal immigration, decrease immigration of poorly educated and unskilled workers, and make English the official language of our country. As a democratic country, our government has no business allowing other languages to compete with English when we speak over 300 languages in the U. S. Immigrants should be expected to assimilate by learning to speak and write English and adopt our culture. The preservation of their languages and cultures has made this country great but it should be entirely their choice, in their homes and ethnic communities. I think this point can best be illustrated by telling a story. While working in England a Welsh worker in our office told me about getting on the elevator one day and a young American Navy guy got on with him and began speaking to him in “absolutely flawless Welsh”. He was amazed. The Navy kid told him that in the home his Welsh-born parents said he was to always speak Welsh but as soon as he stepped outside he had to remember he was an American and the language was English. A perfect answer to our language question!

  9. avatar

    Any takers including Robert…you have been betrayed again…

    rBurnsPrankMonkey 1 hour ago
    Trump supporters are tools. He hasn’t taken office and he’s starting to break promises. He campaigned on a platform of cleaning house in Washington and is already stocking his transition team and potential cabinet selections with political insiders. He pledged to eliminate Obamacare and is already saying that he’s prepared to compromise on it. I’m going to enjoy watching you suckers get screwed over for the next four years. Because the people who are going to get hurt the most are exact same uneducated white trash who voted for Trump.
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    • avatar

      Well this guy got carried away with the denomination but so far you guys were dooped … the same people in Congress for the same past 8 + years……Trump is the only only one maybe a puppet? So from now on yiu all git what you wished for… no more complaints …N enjoy the ride!!!

      Who knows maybe he proves us all wrong…in any case he did not wing on his own…a very sophisticated machine in the internet helped him win… otherwise Clinton was the winner…do yourself Dana favor…just watch carefully how u all are being played

    • avatar
      educated woman for Trump on

      l am not uneducated. I have a degree which I obtained while also working 2 jobs. I had to work because I was a divorced woman with 3 children to raise. Back in those days child support was not easy to get or collect. I graduated with honors. So I am not uneducated white trash. I was a Dem but voted for Trump because I did not trust Hillary to do anything to help the working people. I did not trust Clinton to tell the actual truth. I voted for change. I am a moderate. I think there were a lot of people like me wanting change to make our country great again. I voted to take that chance. And for now I am quite happy with my vote. I want that change.

      • avatar

        SourWell education comes from your grapes for u n your descendants …you will deserve what ubwill get u have been doped…. nothing has changed..thensamw people in congress just puppet Trump… nothing will happen e.g..mark my words

        • avatar

          You refer to many of us as “uneducated white trash” but you are the one who uses gibberish and writes the worst, most broken English imaginable. In addition to being a hypocrite, you are a despicable and illiterate troll.

  10. avatar
    John McLaughlin on

    Lets remember : 500 miles of border fence is the law. It was passed. The problem is , we only got $$ for 50 miles. And that was built.

    • avatar

      Hahahahahahaj!???myeah n when Mexico pays for the wall then we own nothings e.g…Mexico will charge us to go through the wall..they own it and pay taxes to China…u s

    • avatar

      Agree!! I have seen parents force their 13-14 year old daughters to get pregnant just to stay in the U.S. Those girls have a right to grow up first.

    • avatar

      There IS no “birthright” law. All it will take is a Supreme Court decision to stop that in it’s tracks.
      NO ONE with even the dullest mental capacity can reasonably believe that the children of people ILLEGALLY in the country could possibly BE “legal” citizens.
      Meanwhile, when Trump takes office he can issue an Executive Order that NO Federal agency OR State agency that receives Federal funding shall “recognize” the ‘birthright citizenship’ of ANY person who does not have a minimum of one US Citizen parent at the time of their birth.
      Permanent Residents need to be addressed as well.

  11. avatar
    Rex Valenzuela on

    End birth right citizenship by clearly stating you can be an American by birth if you have both parents are US citizens, both parents are legal immigrants (legal resident), or one parent is a US citizen or legal resident (subject under US jurisdiction). In this way you automatically stop the birth right citizenship tourism industry being run by criminals and corrupt US officials and personnel.

      • avatar

        Hi Dad, I’m just writing to let you know this month’s supply of food stamps are running low and and that the collection agency called again today about your past due credit card bill. One more thing, the workforce agency also called today and said that they would cancel the unemployment checks unless you start to look for a job.

      • avatar

        Why should Valenzuela go back to his country? He’s probably a US Citizen anyway. I think what he says makes perfect sense!

  12. avatar

    This is a good plan, however, right now there are way too many illegals already here and although with the plan, it won’t get any worse but it also won’t get any better. There needs to be the tracking down and deporting the existing illegals to make it better by opening up jobs that belong to legal Americans and stop draining our welfare system. The cost to tracking down illegals wouldn’t even touch the cost of welfare and medical for these illegals. So, that wouldn’t be a plausible argument.

    • avatar

      I totally agree. No amnesty for people who came here illegally. Find them and deport them. Also, heavy fines for companies who hire them. With no jobs, many will return home without deportation.

  13. avatar

    The two largest magnets in addition to welfare are JOBS & BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP…………..Do away with those two and it will stop illegal aliens and visa overstayers to come…………illegal aliens here will SELF DEPORT when they cannot find work…………simple and very effective legislation,,,,,,,,,,,Since it all republicans now we will find out who the amnesty seekers are in the GOP besides McCain, Flake, Graham, Rubio and a few others…………

    • avatar

      U r dead on….all in welfare are out own …. Americans being whites the largest group…didn’t u know that?

      • avatar

        A white person is less likely to be on welfare than either a black or Hispanic person. Prove me wrong.

      • avatar

        Hey Dad, the unemployment office called again and said the benefit checks are going to be stopped unless you start looking for a job. One more thing, mom says she is filing for divorce because you won’t get off your butt and look for work. Dad, please stop trolling and blaming white people for your problems and get a life.

        • avatar

          Hey son I told you repeated’y you are no son of mine but Trump’s in one of his wildest nights… aim only here to improve your genes n give you advice to improve yourself…

  14. avatar
    Joseph Williams on

    STOP BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP! What’s the point of reform when this ABUSE to the system exist. It should also be a city ordinance that prohibits labor solicitation. My wife cannot go to Home Depot in our truck without the truck being gang rushed by illegals thinking she’s looking for workers.

  15. avatar
    meryle secrest on

    It is a marvellous start on reversing what should not have happened & has been happening.
    Wouldn’t it be great if the Trump administration can end birthright citizenship as well — one more incentive that America does not need.
    I would like to see more emphasis placed on sanctuaries that keep people in place temporarily — makes so much more sense culturally and economically.
    I would also like to see immigration laws take into consideration cultural factors that favor assimilation rather than throwing diametrically opposed cultures together and hoping for the best. . I would also like to see what other countries in Europe have started doing: a requirement that immigrants speak English BEFORE they arrive, not after.
    I’m afraid it is a long list!

    • avatar

      I’m not 100% on board with that. My wife is from Peru and if we had to wait till she could speak English fluently we wouldn’t have been together for the last year and a half while she was learning. If they show a willingness to learn and we prevent usage of benefits and only allow English forms, it would go a long way. We should encourage assimilation as much as possible and allow opportunities for English to be taught in more areas as a second language. Plenty of people know some English or want to learn, but it’s hard to find ways to do it.

      • avatar

        I agree with you, Adam. There are good people that want to come to our country and be Americans. If they cannot speak English we need give them a “hand up” and have something in place for them.

        • avatar

          Let’s make certain that those wanting to immigrate here can be self supporting and not be a burden to the taxpayers. We can’t just let anyone in who wants to come here.

  16. avatar
    George Peabody on

    SecBorder got it right! “….Trump had better stick to his promises and do what he can as President to follow through or there will be a lot of angry Americans out there.”
    FANTASTIC!!!!!!!! Now to get ready to put pressure on Congress to support Trump’s immigration policies. This will be when things really start getting interesting. Will people like Senator McCain once again stab the American people in the back and fight Trump on the positive things he wants to do regarding immigration? One thing is for sure, Trump had better stick to his promises and do what he can as President to follow through or there will be a lot of angry Americans out there.
    As American Citizens, it is our OBLIGATION to keep Trump acting within the limits of our Constitution FOR the USA, to make USA the Land of the FREE and HOME of the BRAVE !!

    Lock up Obamas and Clintons into NDAA Prison for 10-years, then banish them from USA for life, on penalty of summary execution by any American Citizen in defense of National Security.

  17. avatar

    He doesn’t mention anything about “no amnesty/legalization” but at least he mentions enforcement etc. So I assume this means enforcement first, and no “comprehensive reform” amnesty??

    • avatar

      There it goes I warned you guys….

      rBurnsPrankMonkey 1 hour ago
      Trump supporters are tools. He hasn’t taken office and he’s starting to break promises. He campaigned on a platform of cleaning house in Washington and is already stocking his transition team and potential cabinet selections with political insiders. He pledged to eliminate Obamacare and is already saying that he’s prepared to compromise on it. I’m going to enjoy watching you suckers get screwed over for the next four years. Because the people who are going to get hurt the most are exact same uneducated white trash who voted for Trump.
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      • avatar

        If he tries to completely eliminate it the Democrats will filibuster any such bill and then it would take 60 votes to overcome that. He would not have those votes. And that uneducated trash you’re talking about have been hurt by the wide open immigration Hillary supports.

  18. avatar

    The New York Post reports that New York mayor Bill de Blasio has indicated that he may delete all of the records in a Municipal ID Database – which contains the personal information of over 850,000 illegal aliens – in order to shield the illegals from any deportation initiatives that Trump and a Republican-controlled Congress might enact.

    The war against Globalism and Open Borders is far from over. It has merely entered a new phase, and there are many battles left to be fought.

    • avatar

      Well, de Blasio can go to prison too. I can’t believe what a criminal society we have become all in the name of protecting illegals; invading refugees; and muslims who vow to kill us. THIS defies all common sense.

      • avatar

        There are many ultra-rich ultra-Left globalists out there buying favors (Soros buying Hillary) so they can flood our country with immigrants and open our borders. Immigrants and minorities are more easily controlled than the silent majority. So, flooding us with immigrants lowers the voting power of the majority. Taking guns from law abiding citizens is a direct control tactic by the government. Trump may not be perfect, but Hillary would have been the end of this country as we know it today.

        • avatar

          N you are no daughter …mo daughter of an immigrant ? most of them are smarter n more hard working than you are

    • avatar

      Hopefully, someone from New York will be smart enough to copy those records and keep them in a secure place until they are needed. That kink of behavior is unacceptable, lawless, and a complete disregard for the System that is in place. If indeed Bill de Blasio tries to delete those records of 850,000 illegal aliens, he should be tried and convicted for obstruction of the law.

      Open Borders is a very bad idea – in my opinion. What other country does this or has done this with historical success?

      • avatar

        None that I know of, but Soros and his globalist cronies want it because it gives them better opportunities to manipulate and control the market. Soros has caused more than one country’s financial system to crash. The Bushes and the Ford Foundation are two more entities that have pushed globalism.

    • avatar

      Trump can go after those supporting the illegals in their cities or counties. Maybe by stopping federal funding to various state and city governments. Hurt them in the pocket book and then it will stop.

      • avatar

        Exactly sunny therefore soon we will find out the silly voters voted for the same guys thahave done nothing all these hears…

  19. avatar

    Draining the Swamp

    Means a lot of good things against overpopulation….I know most of us blogging at FAIRUS.ORG’s flagship, Immigration Reform, are dancing and laughing over Trump’s victory.

    Christians 1
    Lions 0

    • avatar
      Concerned Citizen on

      The world changed on Election Day. I lived during the collapse of the Berlin Wall but this feels much bigger, maybe because it’s such an abrupt change in the country’s political direction. It’s absolutely amazing that we live in a country with a system that allows this kind of change when so many people in charge of the system are against it.

      We’ve come a long way as a movement, seemingly against all the odds. Trump changed the game and together with his team delivered us a most precious gift — the chance to have a country again. This 10-point plan looks like a great start for the next phase. I will just pray for wisdom, resolve, toughness and ample humanity in the Trump Administration. There are a lot of people afraid of us as a movement. We went from almost having no voice to definitely getting their full respect. Now we lead by example. Let them hate us while we prove that our way is the best way and the right way for the 21st century. History will prove us right if we do this the right way.

      • avatar

        The radical left will never give up. The same things happened in Europe that are happening here. The verbal and physical attacks, the demonstrations and the radical media. They just try to wear people down figuring they eventually will. We must stay forever vigilant and never give up our ideals or morals. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck.

    • avatar


      rBurnsPrankMonkey 1 hour ago
      Trump supporters are tools. He hasn’t taken office and he’s starting to break promises. He campaigned on a platform of cleaning house in Washington and is already stocking his transition team and potential cabinet selections with political insiders. He pledged to eliminate Obamacare and is already saying that he’s prepared to compromise on it. I’m going to enjoy watching you suckers get screwed over for the next four years. Because the people who are going to get hurt the most are exact same uneducated white trash who voted for Trump.
      Show replies (29) Reply

      • avatar

        So far it’s nothing but a list of names and there are some good provisions in Obama care. As to the suckers getting screwed, that already happened to all you Hillary supporters on November 8th. So far the only uneducated white trash that I can see are ones you put out there to do your bidding. SHAME ON YOU!!

  20. avatar

    Trump’s election will have an immediate positive effect. All the people who were planning to come here illegally, thinking that Hillary would continue the open door policy, are going to hesitate because they realize there’s a good chance they will be deported.

    Her supporters who are rioting are doing nothing but just confirming for a lot of people that they were right in their vote for Trump. A lot of us had concerns about Trump but the alternative was her and the continuing Democratic pandering to illegals and criminal behavior. I don’t think our side would have been rioting if she won, even though she called us names.

    That’s the problem with so many on the left. They are so convinced of their own righteousness that if you have a different opinion you’re a bad person. When Scott Walker won his initial campaign for governor of Wisconsin he implemented the policies that he had laid out in detail, so voters knew what they were voting for. Not good enough for the left. They led a recall which led to a second election which he won.

    Hillary supporter Juan Williams was on tv a couple nights ago saying that Cuban Americans in Florida voted GOP because they would not support a woman as our leader. Absolute bs. I think we need to change the policy in regard to their automatic entry here, but the fact is that they have always voted Republican because they blamed JFK for the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion. On top of that, Little Havana has been represented for decades by Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Catch a clue Juan.

    • avatar

      Actually o have seen those Cubans… they come here n think they own this place,, in Welfare but soon they will find out like you that Trump is all bluff….

  21. avatar

    FANTASTIC!!!!!!!! Now to get ready to put pressure on Congress to support Trump’s immigration policies. This will be when things really start getting interesting. Will people like Senator McCain once again stab the American people in the back and fight Trump on the positive things he wants to do regarding immigration? One thing is for sure, Trump had better stick to his promises and do what he can as President to follow through or there will be a lot of angry Americans out there.

    • avatar

      If you look at John McCain’s most recent campaign contributions – which are available at – you will find that his biggest contributors are key employees and executives of Investment Banks, Private Equity Groups, Multi-National Conglomerates and High Tech Corporations. All of these firms derive obscene profits from the decreased wages and increased consumption that Mass Immigration creates.

      John McCain has pursued Open-Borders immigration policies that have sabotaged Patriotic Immigration Reformers and American Workers for many years. Sadly, I suspect that his treasonous behavior toward American Citizens will continue.

      • avatar

        You are so right Damien. McCain and others like him in Congress need to be exposed and voted out of office.
        Problem is the MSM is not going to print this sort of information. We need to marginalize the MSM.

        • avatar

          As citizens we need to take to social media since you are right, MSM, does not report fairly. We need to call these politicians out and make sure we all help MAGA.

        • avatar

          As I’m sure you all know, the Mega-Media Companies are owned, managed, and influenced by people who profit from mass immigration, and that is why these outlets will not report objectively on the disastrous effects of Open Borders Immigration Policies.

          This lack of objectivity – on immigration and other important issues – is the best reason that I can think of for breaking up the Media Conglomerates, especially since roughly 90% of Media Assets are owned by a relatively small number of Corporate Entities. I believe that such a restructuring could be accomplished if Trump would appoint an FCC Commissioner who would tighten the current rules on media ownership.