Industry Group Reacts in Horror: Ending DACA Will Put a ¼ of 1 Percent Dent in Economy (and That Claim Isn’t Even True), the mass immigration advocacy group funded by tech industry titans, is alarmed and they think you should be too. Tuesday’s announcement that the Trump administration is phasing out President Obama’s unconstitutional Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program could mean that beneficiaries will begin losing their work authorization come March 2018.

If you thought the economic fallout from the collapse of the housing market in 2008 was bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Pulling the plug on DACA could result in a loss to the U.S. economy of $460 billion over the next decade, warns in an email. For those who may not know how to divide by 10, that works out to $46 billion a year in an $18.57 trillion economy – or less than two-thirds of Mark Zuckerberg’s  net worth (the primary financier of For those who may not own a calculator, the claimed loss of $46 billion of economic output amounts to one-quarter of 1 percent of current GDP.

If that’s not bad enough, it might be time to dump all your Microsoft stock. If DACA beneficiaries were to lose their authorization to work in the United States, that giant of the tech industry stands to lose .00063 percent of its U.S. labor force over the next two and half years – a blow from which they may never recover. Microsoft employs 39 DACA beneficiaries…out of a total U.S. labor force of 61,030.

Microsoft president Brad Smith will not take that lying down. “There is nothing that we will be pushing on more strongly for Congress to act on,” Smith said in an interview with NPR. “We put a stake in the ground. We care about a tax reform bill. The entire business community cares about a tax reform. And yet it is very clear today a tax reform bill needs to be set aside until the DREAMers are taken care of. They have a deadline that expires in six months. Tax reform can wait.”

Besides the comically small impact that the phase-out of DACA could have on the economy and on their businesses, the claims are not even true. These claims rest on the patently absurd assumption that there are no other people around to perform the work currently being done by DACA recipients; that nowhere in this vast nation are there 39 other qualified people that Microsoft could hire.

In fact, despite a tightening labor market, there are vast reservoirs of untapped human potential. Millennials, the demographic with whom DACA recipients directly compete, still lag far behind nation as a whole in employment and labor force participation. This is particularly true for women and minorities. A recent report by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research finds that “Unemployment rates were higher in 2016 than in 2007 for many subgroups of women, particularly for women aged 25 to 34 in each of the racial and ethnic groups.”

The sky will not fall, the economy will not collapse, and Microsoft will not be forced into bankruptcy by the phase-out of DACA. The president has given the advocates for DACA recipients six months to agree to direct actions that will truly secure our borders, our communities, and American jobs against future illegal immigration in exchange for some consideration for this subset of illegal aliens. Insulting the intelligence of the American people is not a good start.

About Author


Ira joined the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) in 1986 with experience as a journalist, professor of journalism, special assistant to Gov. Richard Lamm (Colorado), and press secretary of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. His columns have appeared in National Review, LA Times, NY Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, and more. He is an experienced TV and radio commentator.


  1. avatar

    If Apple and Microsoft over the dreamers so much, why don’t they hire them in Mexico? Of maybe many of the dreamers would not have the qualifications needed? These are American companies and should be hiring Americans in support of their country.

  2. avatar
    Robert K Pavlick on

    1/4 of 1% is NOT what this is all about. It’s about justice and setting a precedent that foreigners cannot just spit on our immigration laws and then be rewarded for it with citizenship, free education and free everything. Hopefully, ending DACA will send a strong message to other potential ILLEGALS and dissuade them from coming here!

    How is any of this fair to legal immigrants, of other countries who have to register and wait their turn for several years while we ALLOW people from South of the Border to just come strolling in whenever they like ?

  3. avatar
    William Bridgeman on

    A study by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s group showed that 700,000 jobs could potentially open up for Americans if DACA was repealed. I

  4. avatar

    There are 160,000,000 people in the workforce. Every figure given of those eligible for DACA amnesty is somewhere close to 800,000. So if the “loss” to the economy is 1/4 of 1% of our entire GDP, then their “contribution” to the economy is actually less than their share of the workforce. But that’s always the image the media loves to present. All Dreamers have master’s degrees.

    • avatar

      Ok Leland almost there…. actually it is 1% we will not have being proba bly the youngest……it counts big actually….. especially if all dreamers have Master’s degree….the average American dies not even have a bachelor’s degree…..

      So 1% to keep it is actually a good thing especially when they r already integrated, educated n invested here……

      Instead if the Cubans or unnecessary Somalis……

      • avatar

        Just an observation …. This is the wrong way to do things by Trump….

        Now these taxes will be gone in addition to the money the give ran out for protecting his assests…the biggest worst deal to the people ever….have u realized about it?

  5. avatar

    Didn’t Microsoft lay off thousands of American workers within the last couple of years? The existance of the US as well as American consumers made it possible for Microsoft to exist and become wealthy, but American citizens don’t get the priority when Microsoft hires, and this includes all the R&D done in Asia with foreign cheap labor STEM workers.

    Microsoft and other similar companies are traitors and American in Name Only.

    • avatar

      Secborders look at Steve Jobs apple…..the biggest employer fir China….people die n commit suicides the media does not cover for those phones …etc

  6. avatar

    It does not matter what anybody says……..50M supposedly the US working force out of 330M………Well, I do not see anything to back up all the facts here……..what is the DACA population percent work force n their contributions, etc?……take it from there…there is need for more details… is funny how people tend to pull numbers and the sheep follow…….