Open borders activists are rallying against President Trump as he marks his first visit to California as President. On Monday around 250 activists protested against Trump in San Diego.
VIDEO: San Diego residents protest ahead of US President Donald Trump's trip to California, a state at the forefront of resistance to his anti-immigration agenda, for what is almost certain to be a contentious trip.
Read the full story:— AFP news agency (@AFP) March 13, 2018
President Trump is in California visiting eight towering prototypes of his planned border wall between the U.S. and Mexico. The prototypes range in height from 18 to 30 feet tall and feature a variety of designs.
Trump’s visit comes amid a war of words between his administration and state officials in California who refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities. California has declared itself a “Sanctuary State,” and has passed laws that prevent police and employers from cooperating with Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE). The Department of Justice (DOJ) is suing California to block several sanctuary laws that protect illegal aliens. Democratic Governor Jerry Brown has denounced the president, claiming the Trump administration is “full of liars” and that the DOJ’s lawsuit is akin to an “act of war.”
After his tour of the border today, President Trump is due to visit Los Angeles for a high-dollar campaign fundraiser. This has prompted fears of rioting by illegal alien activists and the Los Angeles Police Department says they are “prepared for anything.”
A Facebook group called “Trump Not Welcome in LA” is planning to stage a massive protest in the Beverly Hills area, close to 1,000 people are expected to take part in it.
In 2016 a protest outside a Trump campaign rally in Costa Mesa, California turned violent after illegal alien activists smashed a police car, authorities were forced to close several streets and 20 people were arrested.
We need to start calling them “Invading Criminals”, not undocumented, not illegals, call them what they are. And they are supported by the progressives, whom are the same as the leaders of Iran. The folks in this country who call themselves socialists/liberals/progressives or Democrats have the same ideas and plans as the people who rule Iran who have rallies where they burn the U.S. flag and shout Death to America. The progressives hate everything which made this country good and prosperous. They hate the ideas and ideals of the founding fathers, they hate the concept of citizen government, they hate individual freedom and individual rights for all citizens. We should call them what they are, totalitarians. Their beliefs are the same as the communists and the NAZI’s. They believe that the government should be all powerful and should control everything that the citizens do. They believe the fix for every problem is more government and more powerful government. They believe that they are so smart and so special that they should be royalty, they should be above the law, they should be able to do whatever they want while at the same time, telling all the common people how the common people. should live their lives.
We must crush them or they will destroy the U.S.A. Or as our recent half white emperor said, ‘They will transform America’ (into the old Soviet Union).
I am very glad to hear that our country’s enemies are planning to oppose a visit by our President to “their” state.
Events like this are especially welcome in an election year so that American voters can get a really clear view of the direction in which 50 years of open-borders policies have taken us.
All you are is a white supremacist /neo-Nazi /kkk loving idiot
The time has passed when a Liberal screaming Racist with no proof can accomplish anything but prove to more folks in the middle that the Left cannot be trusted,
I grew up in the Los Angeles area and now live in San Francisco, another paradise ‘sanctuary city’, NOT!. A couple of years ago I visited my brother in LA. While driving down Venice Blvd from Culver City toward downtown LA the hordes of homeless were everywhere., camped under the freeway overpass at Fairfax Avenue and as we got closer ro Fairfax Ave, the had camped on the median on Venice Blvd. and were begging drivers for ‘spare chenge’. This is unacceptable, but hey Los Angeles is run by the ‘dumbocraps’ and is a so called ‘sanctuary city’. In los Angeles the problem’s spread out and not so obvious since LA is the largest city in California. The homeless and downright ‘bums’ seem to congregate more toward downtown LA and they’ve taken over Venice and Santa Monica beaches during the warm summer months. Why is this being allowed, especially these illegal ‘aliens’, they’re not immigrants, ?mmigrants came here and did it the right way. I’ve asked several immigrants I know how they feel abour this and they overwhelmingly say ‘deport ’em all’! Why should they just walk in and get the good life without paying their dues? In San Francisco the destruction done by the ‘dumbocraps’ aka liberals is evident everywhere: crappy and failing infrastructure, bums, dirty steets with piss and **** on the sidewalks, rampant crime, unaffordable housing and living costs. The illegal chinese ‘boat people’ have turned many clean and nice neighborhoods into third world toilets complete with filth, squalor and stench just like back in china. These disgusting ill mannered cretins push and shove and are first in line for all the freebies. hand outs and giveaways: SNAP, WIC, food stamps, housing assistance aka free housing, free healthcare, that’s right FREE healthcare while legal American ctizens struggle to find decent and affordable health coverage and many do without while these ill mannered bastards act like it’s their ‘entitlement. All this foisted on the hard working legal residents of this once great, clean, affordable and liveable city that’s been turned into a giant S**THOLE courtesy of the liberal ‘dumbocaps’ running this state into the ground, and at least in San Francisco, they’ve pretty much succeeded, sad to say! Hopefully with the upcoming mid term elections in June and the general elecrion in November, people are seeing tiis destruction and why their taxes are constantly going up to pay for all theis BA, the voters start the ‘dumbocrap’ purge and vote out ALL ‘dumbocraps’ cnad continue with further elections until all these boils on Americas *** are gone> I ask this question, if you don’t do this who will? think of your future, your childrens future and your grandchildrens future because with these ‘all for me and **** everyone else’ thieves, there won’t be much of a future!
I wonder what would happen if I went to Mexico, and behaved like these people do here?
Any foreigner who acted like this in Mexico would be arrested and deported, and justifiably so.
Deported if they’re lucky, lost in a Mexican prison more likely.
You would be in there jail unfortunately
Your *** would be in a world of SH_T in mexico
Maybe it s time for reciprocity? Apply to Mexicans here the same legal measures they apply to aliens in their country? I mean how can anyone there
claim that would not be fair?
So, Illegal aliens are running the country now-I support the PFESIDENT more than ever-just a matter of survival now
AGREE with all said. Support MY PRESIDENT MORE Than ever before.
Steven: please see my reply regarding this outrageous behavior. i’ve one question, where was the LAPD to arrent all of these ‘illegals’, huh, where were they? Surely they didn’t have a ‘permit’ for this. Another liberal allowed piece of anti American BS, here’s my previous pos.
tI grew up in the Los Angeles area and now live in San Francisco, another paradise ‘sanctuary city’, NOT!. A couple of years ago I visited my brother in LA. While driving down Venice Blvd from Culver City toward downtown LA the hordes of homeless were everywhere., camped under the freeway overpass at Fairfax Avenue and as we got closer ro Fairfax Ave, the had camped on the median on Venice Blvd. and were begging drivers for ‘spare chenge’. This is unacceptable, but hey Los Angeles is run by the ‘dumbocraps’ and is a so called ‘sanctuary city’. In los Angeles the problem’s spread out and not so obvious since LA is the largest city in California. The homeless and downright ‘bums’ seem to congregate more toward downtown LA and they’ve taken over Venice and Santa Monica beaches during the warm summer months. Why is this being allowed, especially these illegal ‘aliens’, they’re not immigrants, ?mmigrants came here and did it the right way. I’ve asked several immigrants I know how they feel abour this and they overwhelmingly say ‘deport ’em all’! Why should they just walk in and get the good life without paying their dues? In San Francisco the destruction done by the ‘dumbocraps’ aka liberals is evident everywhere: crappy and failing infrastructure, bums, dirty steets with piss and **** on the sidewalks, rampant crime, unaffordable housing and living costs. The illegal chinese ‘boat people’ have turned many clean and nice neighborhoods into third world toilets complete with filth, squalor and stench just like back in china. These disgusting ill mannered cretins push and shove and are first in line for all the freebies. hand outs and giveaways: SNAP, WIC, food stamps, housing assistance aka free housing, free healthcare, that’s right FREE healthcare while legal American ctizens struggle to find decent and affordable health coverage and many do without while these ill mannered bastards act like it’s their ‘entitlement. All this foisted on the hard working legal residents of this once great, clean, affordable and liveable city that’s been turned into a giant S**THOLE courtesy of the liberal ‘dumbocaps’ running this state into the ground, and at least in San Francisco, they’ve pretty much succeeded, sad to say! Hopefully with the upcoming mid term elections in June and the general elecrion in November, people are seeing tiis destruction and why their taxes are constantly going up to pay for all theis BA, the voters start the ‘dumbocrap’ purge and vote out ALL ‘dumbocraps’ cnad continue with further elections until all these boils on Americas *** are gone> I ask this question, if you don’t do this who will? think of your future, your childrens future and your grandchildrens future because with these ‘all for me and **** everyone else’ thieves, there won’t be much of a future!
This should be in our Constitution.
The Mexican constitution: Unfriendly to immigrants
The Mexican constitution expressly forbids non-citizens to participate in the country’s political life. Non-citizens are forbidden to participate in demonstrations or express opinions in public about domestic politics. Article 9 states, “only citizens of the Republic may do so to take part in the political affairs of the country.” Article 33 is unambiguous: “Foreigners may not in any way participate in the political affairs of the country.”
Not only should a wall be built, a MINE FIELD should be planted just on the outside of it !
And .50 Caliber machine gun towers. This is OUR Country! Where’s ICE? National Guard? Arrest, make them build the wall.
They have no right to be in California, but Trump does.
A good opportunity to round them all up and bus them to Nogales.
No farther south. Nogales is to close to the border.
Get ’em on video, and then round ’em up to deport. “Chain Deportation” “Chain Deportation” “Chain Deportation” !!
This rally would have been a good time to show up with a 100 Immigration buses an load them up an haul them off. They need to go ***** when someone they don,t like visits their country an they are in the wrong country to do, this protesting an bitching an moaning, PRESIDENT TRUMP , was visiting his own country, the WEST COAST part of his country ,
Yes Ban , Yes Raids , Yes Wall, a BIG Wall !
I am so sick of this BS!! These people have ZERO rights here to protest ANYTHING and they need to just sit down and STFU! Because real Americans are SICK AND TIRED of your ****! GTFO of MY country if you are illegal! If you are here legally, thank you for being a law abiding citizen and being respectful. And if you support law breaking then YOU ARW PART OF THE PROBLEM AND NEED TO BE PUNISHED AS WELL!!!!
I’LL ”SECOND” THAT ! …………They are a POX upon our once peaceful country
…and some of them, in so many ways kill our citizens,.. our ‘economy’, and OUR children’s future
Alot of the illegal mexicans do things as if they still were in mexico . don’t follow laws , kill U. S. CITIZENS , steal our job’s , do drug dealings , identity theft , use our welfare system to collect whatever they can at tax payers expense . Play loud mexican noise out of there cars & where they live & there are many that can’t speak our language & quite a few think we should learn there language . You in the UNITED STATES so , speak our language .
There was a time, and I believe it’s still lawful, to do Citizen’s arrests to people who are, or have, committing criminal acts.
Being in the US illegally IS a crime, and therefore subject to arrest by citizens. The 2nd Amendment also allows a citizen the right to keep AND bear arms. Put the two together. Several thousand armed US citizens who arrive at one of these outbursts of anarchy should be able to pretty much clear the streets. It IS legal to defend yourself against an attack.. so either arrest them or **********. Either way, the World is the better for it.
As for the police, I doubt that they’d want to take on several thousand legally armed citizens and would likely join in the arresting. If they didn’t…
Round up those loud and proud illegals and human traffic them back to mexico!!
Build the wall..send all non-citizens or people with out proper documentation..young..old makes no difference..back to their home country….. especially those who do not contribute to the tax burden in their country
So Warren Eves, this has been going on for centuries, If so the Mexicans owned this part of the country in 1718 and have a right to the land. I think we should give it back to the rightful owners. Mexican Indians and American Indians.
Mexico was not even a country in 1718. It was just another colony of Spain centered around Mexico City. What is now the southwestern US were more colonies of Spain and had been for three centuries when Mexico declared independence in the 1820s. Mexico claimed them but had no real control. In fact, they had so little control in the following 20 years after Mexican independence, they invited Americans to settle in Texas because Mexicans would not move there. A little history helps.
Leland, Love this!
“Nothing but the facts mame. Just the facts is all we want.” Thanks…
Maybe you’d feel better becoming a citizen of Mexico, ’cause we ain’t giving the any part of the country back to them.
Did you learn American History from an insert in a CrackerJack box? This part of the country was owned by Spain until 1821. Mexico only owned it for another 25 years. DUH!
Did you get your history education from a CrackerJack box? This part of the country was owned by Spain until 1821, and Mexico only owned it for another 25 years after that. DUH!
Lie!! Your history is incorrect. Spain had this land and built the missions. Mexicans took it from Spain. We took it from Mexico and pushed them back to Mexico City and could have taken that too!! Mexico was not even managing California and ignored most of the land east of the coastal regions, like the Mojave desert. If we hadn’t rescued these lands from the Mexicans, who were abusive to the native Indians, Russia would have (they had posts up by San Francisco) or Britain. Get your facts straight…..its important in determining your opinions.
The Mexican-American War settled that issue, although a lot of illegal aliens want to return California to Mexico. But if California became part of Mexico, they would then want to leave California and move into another US state.
Viva Mexico!
As ICE knows of 1000 folks here illigally, round them up and ship them out. Wouldn’t take more than 20 busses. Just do it!
just show them all how much trash there is in that state too be taken out GO TRUMP TAKIN OUT THE TRASH
just go show them how much trash needs too be taken out of that state TAKIN OUT THE TRASH GO TRUMP
Mr. Trump should call out National Guard. Enough is enough. Laws exist for a purpose and should be followed.
The Governor’s of each state control the National Guard. Not the President.
As the commander in chief he has ultimate authority.
Well then, call in the Marines :)!
Ya and we saw how good that was during the riots in fergerson when the governor kept out the guard as they rioted
I thought the Civil War settled the issue of the nullification of federal law by states?
Pingback: Illegal Alien Activists Protest Trump’s Visit to CA | SocialSmog.Com
I don’t want to fill out any allocations any more if thes lazy S.O.B.’s are allowed to get away with this cutting in line. Nobody students should take test or do homework we give them all A’s. These people are lazy jobs and our scumbag politicians especially Jerry Brown who is not watching out for the California American citizens well being. This is a policy and is not right. My grandparents were immigrants from countries far away and they followed the process to become citizens and were proud of it. I saw the photos of them when they got sworn in. So Jerry Brown and the other politicians who endorse this very bad policy so they can reelected by illegals can jump in a freezing river and drown. I will except politicians who are supposed to be working for the American citizens catering to illegals. Fire Jerry Brown and the other scumbags
Very true statement. Very well said.
Do you want to see injuries and deaths? Maybe some meetings of representatives of all involved and some compromisescould be worked out.
Find a peaceful way to take care of a bad situation on both sides.
la raza and their liberal supporting cohorts want to intimadate the lawful citizens. I hope that ICE makes their huge presents known. Bring in the ICE buses, bring in thousands of Border Patrol Agents and we’ll see who blinks first.
No buses, no airplanes, none. Federalize the national guard and round them up and march them all back to the border and force them out. At gun point. That seems to be how they got here. Only show of compassion would be towards mothers and children; handicapped and the like. Let the aclu whine and throw a fit. Use their money to feed them all on the way home. The daca people can also leave as they want to be Mexican……..Americans. Mexican first?? Then we clean up the many other problems we have.
It’s time for a BIG show of force! Let’s have a huge ICE Party.
The flow of illegal criminals(they are not aliens) across the San Ysidro(San Diego), Otay Mesa(San Diego secondary option) and the porous borders of John McCain’s state of Arizona have been out of control for eons. It’s exactly why I knew beyond doubt it was festering to levels of disbelief two centuries ago. The state where I was reared has been taken over by vote seeking liberals. They’ve effectively ruined what was once a great, safe place to live. There’s no way to sugar coat the mess the likes of Pat Brown and current governor and son Jerry have taken a once awesome state. Jerry is an infected liberal graduate of U of California. Anti-Republican backlash played a hand in his first term election which was held around three months after Watergate. Ron Reagan had retired after two terms and they change in Sacramento had turned to the left. This illegal issue has been with us for eons. I know because of my many years spent on the backstretch of California racetracks. Illegals were working as grooms. Our porous borders continue to allow the criminals access to California and beyond for years and years. The libtards have cultivated illegal criminals at the voting booth. Color it any way you like, the situation they have put California in at this hour is beyond sickening. Liberals and the Democratic party will do anything for a vote. The march across the aforementioned borders, Arizona in particular, has allowed easy U.S.A. access for centuries. That’s why I knew, without doubt, the wall had to be built. You do not need to be a wizard at math to know we cannot afford to continue down this liberal path. My once great state is near the top of the list of welfare perks. It has to be halted now or our country is doomed. I lived in Tijuana for a few years. I mention this fact because there are no perks for Americans in Mexico, so why in the world do we give free stuff to illegal criminals on this side? It’s absolutely moronic. Thank God for the election of Trump. The swamp and liberals have put us in peril. They don’t give a damn about the common man or woman in Washington. I continue to pray that the lawbreakers atop the FBI and in the DOJ are prosecuted and put behind bars for there absolute disgusting actions in the much publicised fake dossier. If those respondible for the lies in the politically motivated FBI dossier are not put behind bars, our country and the justice we once knew, is history. If you want to enlighten yourself on how bad the FBI has become simply watch the 31-minute video of D.C. lawyer Joe diGenova on the criminal behavior in the ranks of the FBI. It will sicken you to the core. Build that wall. Get off your duff and vote these money grabbers out. You can no longer sit by idly and expect someone else to fix the mess.