President Trump recently held a meeting with California officials who oppose the state’s “sanctuary” policies. During that meeting the President said:
“We have people coming into the country — or trying to come in, we’re stopping a lot of them — but we’re taking people out of the country, you wouldn’t believe how bad these people are. These aren’t people. These are animals.”
Predictably, the mainstream media suffered a crippling attack of the politically correct vapors. National Public Radio (NPR) promptly implied that the president is a racist troglodyte – even while it repeatedly noted that the Mr. Trump referred only to “some” illegal aliens.
So, to use the language of the radical left, let’s unpack what President Trump actually said and look at the small segment of the illegal alien population to which he was clearly referring.
Mr. Trump’s statement was a direct response to Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims concerns that California is turning illegal alien gang members loose in the Golden State’s communities.
He specifically referenced illegal alien criminals and gang members who are stopped by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) or removed from the United States by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). And he followed up with a comment on just how bad these types of offenders really are.
Let’s consider who CBP and ICE are dealing with. A few examples, just from April of this year:
- On April 2, 2018, agents from the Border Patrol’s El Centro California Sector arrested a dangerous gang member and a convicted sex offender who had an active Orange County, Calif., warrant for dangerous drugs.
- On April 3, 2018, Border Patrol agents from Eagle Pass Station in Texas arrested a previously deported, convicted rapist trying to re-enter the United States.
- On April 6, 2018, El Centro Sector Border Patrol agents arrested a previously deported, convicted murderer.
In a six-day operation in mid-April 2018, ICE arrested 225 illegal aliens in New York. 180 of those aliens had criminal convictions, including child sex crimes, weapons charges and assault. 80 of those arrested had previously been deported from the United States.
In a three day operation that concluded on April 18, 2018, ICE arrested 33 foreign human rights violators.
Most Americans would consider “animals” to be a fairly accurate description of child rapists and murderers. The majority of average Americans would also be comfortable referring to torturers and war criminals as “animals.”
So, what exactly did the President do that provoked the ire of NPR and its ilk? He told the truth. Some illegal alien criminals do behave like animals. But that doesn’t square with what Ann Coulter has called the, “civic religion of treating every non-American as better than an American — a potential valedictorian, Medal of Honor winner and Nobel Prize recipient.”
Maybe it’s time for NPR to put on its big-boy britches and face the truth. Every year, the United States deports roughly a quarter-million people. An alarmingly high percentage of them have criminal convictions. And a frightening number of those convictions involve the kind of predatory behavior that can only be described as “animalistic.”
I find the whole issue amusing. NPR and the MSM pick up on a sound bite and run with it. No context. It is funny because they really think Trmp supporters are that stupid. The is the elitist attitude. ‘I know more and better than you, s shut up listen and do as I say’. Isn’t that what Hitler and Staln’s whole position was?
Remember 2012 and what the media called Romney’s “gaffe” about “binders full of women” in one of the debates? And the media was all about can he recover from this denigration of women, blah blah blah. But it was clear from the question asked that he was talking about how when he was elected Massachusetts governor that he asked a women’s group for names and background material on qualified women. From the context of the question he said absolutely nothing wrong.
The difference is that Trump, with his much criticized tweeting, doesn’t take this nonsense. He was specifically asked about MS-13. That’s what he replied to. The more the media keeps up this dishonest nonsense the more they hold themselves up to being called out for their bias.
There is a report which you won’t see on most of the media. It’s about how Somali “refugees” in Minnesota are ripping off taxpayers for up to 100 million dollars a year by collecting phony state childcare payments. Another case where some advocacy group brings in masses of refugees and the citizens of that area pay the price in welfare and fraud. But you won’t see that on CNN or NBC.
I quit listening to npr a long time ago. So whatever they say has no meaning for me. Technically they should be neutral. Many people used to think they were. But over rhe last decade or so, they lost that freah honest and truthful format
NPR doesnt care about nothing but the NWO **** you NPR your NWO is falling apart. People are waking up.
That’s exactly what they are animals. MS-13 are what they appear to be and were called by our President.
Illegals are parasitic for most part