Democrats Silent on Caravan

While media coverage of the thousands of economic migrants marching toward the U.S. has been myopically focused on stories of individual migrants, the Democrats have granted consent by virtue of what appears to be a strategy of silence.

As the numbers of economic migrants making their way from Honduras increase every day and another migrant caravan numbering in the thousands dispatched on Tuesday from Guatemala, Democrat Party lawmakers and candidates refuse to address the burgeoning national security crisis.

“The president is desperate to change the subject from health care to immigration because he knows that health care is the number one issue Americans care about,” said a joint statement released by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

“Democrats are focused like a laser on health care and will not be diverted,” they concluded.

Not talking about immigration may be a decision driven by an electoral timeline and a desire to limit losses in November. It also is a political strategy to downplay the real open border agenda that will be pursued if Democrats regain control of one or both houses of Congress.

Of the few Democrats who have commented when asked by a news reporter (and few have been asked), the remarks have either criticized President Trump’s rhetoric or said the migrants should be “welcomed.”

“[O]ur strength has always been that we are a tolerant country, that we are welcoming, in particular, those who have fled harm,” said Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) during a stop in the crucial presidential state of Iowa.

Meanwhile, Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland said there should be a “welcoming audience” and a “process” to hear the migrants’ claims of asylum.

But Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) noted that supporting a process and remaining silent will only invite further efforts to violate U.S. borders.

“Saying you think they should all be allowed in & processed is an open invitation for more “caravans”. This is not some authentic & organic migration. This is a highly choreographed effort to challenge our immigration laws & dare us to enforce them,” he tweeted.

Rather than ducking a critical national security issue out of fear that it might alienate some segment of the electorate, it would be refreshing if lawmakers of all political stripes would step up to address a real and present danger to Americans.