Americans have raised more than $17 million in just 11 days to build a wall along our southern border.
On December 16, Air Force veteran Brian Kolfage created a fundraiser using the crowdsourcing site GoFundMe in an effort to raise money for a secure border wall. As a government shutdown loomed, news of the GoFundMe page gained traction and more than 280,000 Americans jumped at the opportunity to exhibit their support for securing our nation’s borders.
Earlier this month, President Trump insisted on another $5 billion for a border wall before he would sign another spending bill. Democrats and some Republicans refused to budge on the issue, and the government has been shut down since December 22. However, if Congress actually listened to the people, such as those donating their money to the cause, an effective wall would have been built years ago.
Rather than protect Americans by curtailing illegal immigration, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) made certain that a House-passed spending bill that secured $5.7 billion for the wall was dead on arrival in the Senate. It appears as if the Senate minority leader and the other politicians rejecting this funding value illegal aliens over the citizens they are charged to represent.
According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), illegal immigration cost taxpayers a net $116 billion annually. While a border wall would not stop illegal immigration completely, it could drastically reduce the illegal alien inflow and could assist Border Patrol agents in protecting the sovereignty of this nation. Five billion dollars is a drop in the bucket compared to what taxpayers have paid over the years to provide services to illegal aliens and their dependents.
As for the GoFundMe page, the question remains to how the government would receive the money. Congress must first approve any private donations to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Mississippi Republican Steven Palazzo introduced a bill in the House, the Border Bonds for America Act, that would allow people to fund the wall through savings bonds, and the bill could be a viable option for Kolfage if it passes.
This fund demonstrates that many Americans want Congress to act on a border wall and are putting their money where their mouths are. Kolfage’s effort is currently GoFundMe’s second largest fundraiser ever, and it could possibly garner that top spot in the next few weeks. The people are speaking. If members of Congress value their political futures, or simply want to do their jobs, it would be wise for them to listen.
Funding Wall sources:
DoD budget
From Govt waste:
Take from Cong & Senate salaries.
Take from Govt payrolls??
Mexico trade?
Public: GoFundMe
From UN budget once we defund UN
Labor Union Mgmt budget.
Competitive bidding for civilian contractors to build wall/.
Many ways
Why don’t they refund us the Save their *** money to hide their misdoings &covering their sorry butts. Fire them just like anyone else would . Our Government is a sorry excuse of representing us.
People will always come to our America, because we are the best. But come legally. If you do, you’ll be welcome. If you don’t, you won’t be welcome. We’re a country of laws, and you claim that’s what you want, well prove it, and apply for entrance legally.
Please get some sort of wall in place before more people die from all the illegals in California
Too late oeople are dead.
It’s sad these idiots are voted in to do a job. And the American people. Still have to step-up and do that. Don’t cry when we set term limits. And cut your benefits. You damn sure don’t earn them. We the people are sick of you putting use last.
Amen to that!!!
Thank you for stating how the majority of deplorables really feel.
If so many people are worried about term limits. Why don’t you start complaining about the Supreme Court. Hell they go there to die and no says a word.
In response to your comments about the Supreme Court. Right now our problem is the many useless Congresspersons and Senators getting re elected for ever.
These Democrats who obstruct efforts to secure our Border with a wall, are going to be Democrat a out of a job in 2020 and 2022.
I think that the man that raised this money needs to pay the workers himself cause if he gives it to the government the dems will have it spent.
Got to guard against lying dems..ain’t giving a dime to those double taking liars….
Do what the people are paying you for fund the freaking wall
Drones and Cheap Electronics Can Get Them on Camera Invading America
But by the time we get there they’re long gone. Build the wall and stop playing with toys.
Judy’s blog on flying to sanctuary cities needs actual examples data? Got any Judy? I’ve never heard that illegal alien invasion was a problem with passports on planes….they check driver’s license at airports too.
EVerify is a joke too…the Social Security Agency and banks ignore duplicate IDs. Nope, BUILD THE WALL.
Drones and cheap electronics can easily be taken away without the public’s knowing too. It’s hard to take down a wall without the public’s knowing about it.
If Trump found a cure for cancer, should it be ignored and not used because of his “hateful world view”? Apparently. Olivia Nuzzi, who writes for New York magazine and appears on CNN as a guest and proclaims herself as “unbiased”, had this to say on C-Span, concerning majority Democratic support for the Secure Fence Act of 2006:
“I think the reason that Democrats cannot support this even if they did support some sort of barrier in the past, is because it has just become associated with this hateful world view that the president has been perpetuating.”
in the fake news dept. , the “widely respected” and widely read German magazine Der Spiegel, who proclaim how meticulous they are to fact check their stories, has had to fire a reporter named Claus Relotius because numerous stories of his have been found to be riddled with errors and outright lies. Last year he wrote a story about a small town in Minnesota that voted for Trump.
About the only thing correct in the story was that he went there. A couple people who he identified as fervent Trump supporters said they were known to everyone as being totally against him. The real whopper is that he claimed that the local theater, in this town of supposed gun nuts, had played the movie American ****** for 2 years straight, when, like everywhere else, it only played there 2 or 3 weeks and was gone. The cherry on top of all this? He was designated a “Journalist of the Year” in 2014 by none else than CNN. Birds of a feather.
Missing word is AmericanSniper. Obviously auto-edit.
We voted for Trump to shake up the lame status quo of Washington stink, we’re in deep pooh now. Whatever it takes to fund border security is now is paramount, the wall is a political sideshow that dribble in a big pond. This is inane political juvenile nonsense.
To make matters worse the MSM festers the pile with inaccurate drivel from their desks in NY & Washington and may not have a clue what their fomenting.
Having worked as a federal law enforcement officer on the US / Mexico in the 1990s, I know how valuable a real wall would be in reducing illegal immigration and drugs and other products from being smuggled into the US.
E Verify, and changes to our immigration policies and regulations are long overdue. Illegal immigration is the biggest threat to America that currently exists in my opinion.
Build the wall and electrify it! Use solar to power it. No going over or under it then. When a few get shocked the caravans will stop.
Well, “17 million” sounds like a lot of dough, but it’s only ONE THREE HUNDREDTH of $5 BILLION and I’m not even sure if that’s going to be enough to get the whole job done.
We don’t need a border wall when anyone can fly into our santuary cities. Do E-varify and punish people who hire illegals. Enforce our immigration laws.
You dumbass if they had that much money they wouldn’t walk accross mexico .feeling sorry for these people they need to stand on their own two feet an fix their own country not steal in to ours
If anyone could fly into our country, why did 7k ppl walk 2200miles instead of fly?