Every day, the immigration crisis at the southern border is getting worse. March is poised to see the most monthly apprehensions in recent history, perhaps ever. Heartbreaking videos also showed cartel members throwing babies into the Rio Grande and dropping small children over the border wall, leaving them unattended in the desert.
President Biden, despite drastically dismantling border security and interior enforcement measures, blames his predecessor for the crises. However, according to a new NPR/Marist poll, the American people disagree. The survey found that only 34 percent of Americans approved of how President Biden is handling immigration, while a majority (53 percent) disapproved.
This is not the first piece of evidence indicating that American’s do not support the administration’s radical immigration agenda. A Morning Consult poll last month showed that most of the president’s executive orders on immigration garnered less than 50 percent support.
Furthermore, these polls do not indicate that his lack of support on immigration is purely due to the partisan divide in America. Both surveys showed, for example, that the President’s efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic enjoy broad bi-partisan support. Rather, these results simply show that the Biden administration is out of touch with the American public when it comes to immigration.
During a time when unemployment is still unacceptably high due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the president has removed a temporary guestworker visa pause that protects American jobs, reinstated problematic “catch and release” policies which encourage illegal immigration, and ended the Migrant Protection Protocols that drastically reduced asylum fraud.
Voters know that these changes will result in delayed economic recovery and are entirely responsible for the ongoing crisis at the southern border. The main question now is whether President Biden will listen to the American people and begin representing their interests, or if he will continue to prioritize the wish list of illegal aliens and corporate America.
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