In San Francisco, an illegal alien with a lengthy criminal record held up an Asian American family at gunpoint in an attempted robbery. Despite his long history of criminality, San Francisco’s sanctuary policies prevented police from releasing him to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for removal, according to reporting from the Washington Times.
The illegal alien, 22-year-old Carlos Claros, possesses a lengthy criminal record including multiple arrests for burglary, domestic violence, receiving stolen property, and drug possession. Police also state that he committed “a strong-armed robbery spree” in 2019. As he attempted to rob the Asian American family of 18, he spat on them and made disparaging remarks about their race.
Following his arrest, Claros had eight charges filed against him including “possession of a firearm by a felon, having a concealed firearm in a vehicle, carrying a loaded firearm, resisting authorities and making criminal threats.”
Dion Lim, a reporter for ABC 7 in San Francisco, posted a Twitter thread documenting the event. One of the family members told Lim that bystanders did not even attempt to help them while they were being robbed, remarking that “Nobody came over, nobody helped. Just to yell out would go a tremendously long way. It’s embarrassing to our society that nobody will help anymore.”
San Francisco proudly embraces its status as a sanctuary city that lets criminal illegal aliens freely wander the streets. The city’s website prominently lists the city’s ordinance under its “Priorities” section. Even in light of this robbery and the murder of Kate Steinle by an illegal alien in 2015, San Francisco boasts that:
Since 1989, San Francisco has proudly been a Sanctuary City. We will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our immigrant communities and fight for the progress we’ve achieved in this City. We are a sanctuary city, now, tomorrow and forever.
That’s right – even with rising crime by illegal aliens, the city of San Francisco promises to remain a sanctuary city “now, tomorrow and forever.” The law itself restricts city employees from cooperating in any way with ICE officers, bars law enforcement from inquiring about the immigration status of criminal suspects, and forbids police from honoring immigration detainer notices sent by ICE. This law exists only to shield criminal illegal aliens from removal from the United States.
The question is now this: Will pro-sanctuary politicians in the area or “Stop Asian Hate” activists go public saying that this should never have happened? Will they say that these policies must be adjusted to prevent something similar from happening again? Doubtful.
Until then, as long as sanctuary laws exist in cities across the country, events like this will continue to occur.