Another U Visa Scam by Illegal Aliens: What Law Enforcement Needs to Know

In Houston, a staged robbery ended in a very real death. Ironically, the man acting as the robber was killed by a bystander. Those involved in planning the “robbery” did so in order to allow the “victims” to seek immigration relief and safe harbor from deportation. According to Fox26 in Houston and court records, two men were working together to stage a robbery so their “victims” could file for U visas, a special visa intended for victims of crime, and the fatal incident occurred after at least two other staged robberies by the men.

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Shari Rendall: Shari Rendall brings to the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) over 15 years of experience in government relations and grassroots advocacy. In her former position, Shari led the legislation department in coordinating lobbying efforts on Capitol Hill and briefing congressional and administration staff on a wide range of issues. She has also been responsible for grassroots communications and helping state associations devise their legislative strategies. She began her time in D.C. working on Capitol Hill in the office of former Sen. Bob Smith (R-New Hampshire) as a Legislative Aide.