David Jaroslav

Floridians Overwhelmingly Oppose Sanctuary Policies, So Why the “Resistance?”

If you’ve seen some of the recent media coverage, you might think sanctuary policies in Florida had overwhelming support and…

Will Gov. Ron DeSantis Keep The Great Promises He Made To Floridians?

On January 8, in an inauguration ceremony on the steps of the Old Capitol in Tallahassee, and with much pomp…

Minneapolis Mayor to Illegal Aliens: Don’t Say Anything!

Mayor Jacob Frey is rolling out yet another new policy placards in every police car informing illegal aliens of their…

What Could Florida’s Next Governor Really Do On Immigration?

What a Florida governor can do on this issue is limited, but can have a major impact nonetheless.

Corporate Cheap-Labor Lobby Opposes Oregon’s Sanctuary Repeal Initiative

Several big corporations have recently come out against the initiative that would repeal Oregon's Sanctuary status.