David Jaroslav

Lock Her Up? The American People’s Case Against Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf Looks Strong

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf could face repercussions for her dangerous move to protect illegal aliens from ICE.

Maryland’s Sanctuary State Bill Returns

Maryland's dreaded sanctuary state bill is making a return. The bill is no less dangerous this time around.

Universal Suffrage on Steroids

Chicago is pushing for the issuing of municipal ID cards to illegal aliens so they can vote. 

New Jersey Supreme Court Rules Immigration Too Dangerous for Simple-Minded Jurors to Hear About

New Jersey's Supreme Court decided to stand for political correctness instead of the safety of the state's people.

Media Declares “No Sanctuary Cities In Iowa!” Don’t Fall For It.

Whenever someone makes the statement that there are no sanctuary cities in a particular state, be very skeptical.