Foreign Gangs Bring Our Cities Close to War

The border crisis has allowed previously unknown foreign gangs to enter the U.S. and clash with domestic gangs.To read the…

FEMA Faces Stormy Weather over Migrant Funding

In the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Helene, and with another monster storm bearing down on Florida, the issue of how…

Seniors Worried About Rising Costs of Illegal Immigration Told to Suck It Up by Their Mayor

In what has to be one of this year’s most outrageous examples of disregard for American citizens in favor of…

No Matter Who Writes the Check, U.S. Taxpayers Bear the Burden of Illegal Immigration

Mass immigration advocates have what they think is a nifty new idea to deal with the soaring state and local…

California Illegal Aliens May Get to Push #1 for a Phone Subsidy

For years mass immigration advocates have rejected any meaningful distinction in status between illegal aliens and legal immigrants. As such,…